7:00 AM / Working Staff Breakfast / Bennie
7:30 AM / Participant Check In / Aux staff (TBD) / HC & AJ
8:30 AM / Orientation, Team Formation / BEfird/Lloyd for Den Table Setup / HC Bob Joe
9:30 AM / Opening Gilwell / CM (Bennie) / AJ, Bob
9:45 AM / Break
10:00 AM / Course Overview (Pack Presentation) / John, introduced by Cub Master / HC, Joe
10:30 AM / Listening to Learn (Den Presentation) / TGs
11:20 AM / Break / FQM
11:30 AM / Opening Luncheon (Blue and Gold banquet) / CM: Bennie Asst. CM: Lloyd / All
1:00 PM / Troop Meeting (Handicraft Lodge) / SPL / All
2:50 PM / Break
3:00 PM / Patrol Leaders' Council Meeting / SPL/PLs/TGs / AJ, Bob
4:00 PM / Values, Mission and Vision (and WB Ticket) / Bennie
5:00 PM / Patrol Meeting / TGs / Day 0
6:00 PM / Dinner / FQM Staff
7:00 PM / Who Me Game (Patrol Activity) / Patrols / Joe, HC
8:00 PM / Instructional Campfire (Troop Presentation) / Bob and Heather
TJ as B-P / All
9:30 PM / Cracker Barrel / Staff FQM
10:00 PM / Staff Meeting / Bennie, John

Day One: Working Staff Breakfast (07:00-30min)


• What is the first stage of team development (Forming), and so
What is the Teaching EDGE behavior (Explaining).

Learn: Cub Scout Promise & Law of Pack. America the Beautiful

• Guides: need a cheer at the first Patrol Meeting (during troop meeting)

Mingle, we’re glad they’re here!

SM minute:

·  In the words of our Founder, Lord Baden-Powell:

“What a difference it makes when you work for love of the thing! We can get great pleasure out of work well done . . !”


• Motto of the International Thespian Society:

“Play your part well, for there the honor lies.”

Participant Check in (7:30-60min)

• Pay attention to patrol counts.

Day One: Team Formation and Orientation (07:30-60 min)

Forming Teams

·  Staff members will greet participants as they arrive

·  TGs will help their participants find their teams

·  Participants will receive copies of The Wood Badge Handbook.

·  Course hats, temporary name tags

·  Point out: Day One edition of The Gilwell Gazette, including the schedule.

Cub Busy Games

(see the center piece) they are invited to a Blue and Gold banquet

• Make a table name plate (use glitter!)

• (individually) Do the Cub Promise & Law puzzle

• (as a Den) Fill in the Cub Scout Secrets form

To earn Arrow of Light, here’s two projects to help:

• What’s Next (Scout Law) cards

• Do the Scout Oath and Law puzzle

When a den has filled, the ASM-TG will circulate them thru the Staff Exhibit.

Staff Exhibit (08:30-59 min)

The staff exhibit illustrates the various programs that make up the family of Scouting. This exhibit serves as a model of the exhibits that patrols will be creating later in the program. It sets a high standard for what is acceptable in the development and presentation of a Wood Badge exhibit.

TG-Beaver Brian Stuver

TG-Bobwhite Bill Hutchins

TG-Eagle Ben Lilly

TG-Fox Heather Mulvihill

TG-Owl Sandra Daul

TG-Bear Kathy Ardeema-Zunk

TG-Buffalo Mike Wilson

TG-Antelope Dave Dragoo

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I, Bennie Good, promise

To do my best

To do my duty to God

And my Country

To help other people, and

To obey the Law of the Pack.


The Cub Scout follows Akela.

The Cub Scout helps the pack go.

The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.

The Cub Scout gives goodwill.


O beautiful for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain!

America! America!

God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for patriot dream

That sees beyond the years

Thine alabaster cities gleam

Undimmed by human tears!

America! America!

God shed His grace on Thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

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First Gilwell (09:30-15 min)


• Smoky Hat for John, Cub Scout Hat for Bennie and Lloyd

• Memorize: Cub Scout Promise

• Memorize: Law of the Pack

• Know the lyrics to “America the Beautiful” and “Cub Scout Spirit”


In place on the field: CM (Bennie), ACM (Lloyd)

CM: “Welcome Cub Scouts of Pack 1. This is our first assembly on Gilwell Field. I’m Bennie Good, your Cubmaster.

“Gilwell Field was the home of the very first Wood Badge course. Gilwell Field serves as a symbol linking all Wood Badge courses through the years and throughout the world. The axe and log before you is the totem of Gilwell Park. And so, I declare the official opening of WB Course S7-602-13.”

“In a moment, Cub Scouts, we will be raising the flag - please use the Cub Scout salute while the flag is being raised (model for the Pack).

“We will also be reciting the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. Remember to use the Cub Scout Sign when we do this.

“But first, our Chaplain’s Aide, Mr. Dunnavant, will lead us in an invocation.

“Assistant Cubmaster, Mr. Dunnavant, please take charge of the pack.

Lloyds’s lines:

1. “Pack, A-Ten-Shun.”

2. “Den Chiefs report!”

[each Den Chief reports: “Den __ all present.”; nothing fancy for this]

3. “Color Guard, please raise the colors.”

[The color guard will: File into place

Raise and salute the American flag;

Raise and salute the Continental flag (Color Guard first displays flag, does reading, and raises flag)

To Dan: “Please Lead us in singing America the Beautiful on page 6 of the songbook” (Proudly, NOT slow)

Then: Raise the Pack 1 Flag

Color Guard returns to their original place]

4. Lloyd: ”On page 4 in your songbook is the Cub Scout Promise and Law of Pack.

“Please make the Cub Scout sign. Please recite the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack.”

5. “Pack at ease.”

6. “Now let’s have another song! Dan, I’ll bet you have that . . .
Cub Scout Spirit …(Dan to lead; p. 15 in the WB Song Book).

7. “Also with us are visitors from Troop 1. Please welcome the Scoutmaster from Troop 1, John McCulla, and members of his staff.”

“Very well. If there are no further announcements, [turning to CM] Do you have a Cubmaster’s Minute?”

[Bennie offers a CM Minute: A poem: The Bridge Builder – by Will Allen Dromgoole

9. Lloyd “Please make sure you are in your seats in [gesturing towards the dining hall] Gilwell Hall by 10am.

10. “Den Chiefs, take charge of your Den.”

Break (09:45-15 min)

CM Minute

Leaders have vision. Followers who become leaders must share the leader's vision. Consider the question, “why are you here?”

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An old man, going a lone highway,
Came, at the evening, cold and gray,
To a chasm, vast, and deep, and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen stream had no fear for him;
But he turned, when safe on the other side,
And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim, near,
"You are wasting strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day;
You never again will pass this way;
You've crossed the chasm, deep and wide-
Why build you this bridge at the evening tide?"

The builder lifted his old gray head:
"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
"There followeth after me today,
A youth, whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm, that has been naught to me,
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building this bridge for him."

•  The Bridge Builder – Will Allen Dromgoole

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Presentations – Course Overview

Bennie to Introduce

“I’m glad you all are having fun! I’d like to call up the Wood Badge Course Director to give us an overview of the course. The summary is on page 13 of your Course Handbook. We’ve got a lot of handouts but we’re hoping you can answer a question, In addition to more fun, what are we in for?

Course Overview (Troop Presentation - John) (10:00-30 min)

John: “I know you’ve still got questions and we’ll definitely get to them all.

But now, please follow your Den Chiefs to your Dens. You’ll be back in an hour. Bring your WB Handbook and something with which to take notes.”

Listening to Learn (Patrol Presentation) (10:30-50 min)

FQMs transform the Hall to Blue and Gold

Participants must be in their seats by 11:30am for the start of the Blue & Gold.

Blue and Gold Banquet (11:30-90 min)

Bennie: “I am Bennie Good, Cubmaster of Pack 1. Welcome to our Blue and Gold banquet, visitors, Cub leaders and Webelos Scouts!”

Mr. Dunnavant, do you have a song for us?”

Lloyd: “We do have a song! Let’s sing “The More We Get Together” (p15 SB)

Bennie: Denners, will you please open our Blue and Gold Banquet?

Denners: Perform the Opening Ceremony (each Denner reads one of the 8 parts)

(This concludes with Denner 8 leading the Pledge of Allegiance.)


“Thank you, Denners.

“While we are standing, will our Chaplain’s Aide please offer an Invocation before our meal?”

“Thank you, Lloyd. “Pack 1 and guests, please be seated.” (Meal is served; Bennie provides direction for tables to proceed to get their meal.)

Introductions (After the meal is served and mostly eaten).

Bennie: Staff Introductions. (Need to confirm numbers in the following - )

(Ensure Cook Staff is gathered briefly if possible).

“I’d like to begin the introductions by introducing the staff, with whom I’m truly honored to serve. They have 227 years of Scouting experience, 5 eagle scouts, 7 silver beavers, 6 Vigil members of OA, and have staffed over 25 Jamborees or High Adventure expeditions. And that’s just the cooks:

Ed Beach, Richard Brett, Craig Britt, Bill Eggleston, Charlie Fleet, Cindy Morris, Dywana Saunders, and our Course Mentor Al Best.

“Let me now ask each of our staff to briefly stand and introduce themselves, stating their position in Scouting, and their position on the course.

“Lloyd, would you begin? (Continue around the room on a quick pace).

Bennie: Introduces our Course Director, John McCulla.

Now, I am pleased to introduce our Course Director for Wood Badge Course S7-602-13, Mr. John McCulla. John has served on several Wood Badge courses in the past in a variety of roles. He has also served in many different positions in Scouting. Currently, John is in his fourth year as Commissioner for the Heart of Virginia Council. He has served as District Chairman for the Cardinal District, and also on the Executive Board for the Council. He is a Silver Beaver recipient. His favorite leadership role was being Scoutmaster of Troop 715, the Troop in which his son James became an Eagle Scout. Like most of us, John’s wife Ann is a strong supporter of Scouting for all it does for the youth and families in Scouting.

John: Introduces the Head table (Confirm with rsvps):

“Thank you, Bennie. I am honored to serve as the Course Director for this Wood Badge Course, and I am even more honored to work with this fantastic staff!”

“Now, I would like to introduce our guests at our head table.”

Robin Rush, Office Manager for HOV Council

Barry Hensley, Southern Region Area 7 WB Coordinator

Gary Thompson, HOV Council President

Brad Nesheim, HOV Scout Executive and Staff Advisor for this course

Todd Martin, Deputy Scout Executive, HOVC, past Course Advisor

Bill Givler, Director of Field Service, HOVC

John Turner, HOV WB Coordinator and Course Director for SR-501

Stuart Dunn, Course Director, SR-604

Al Best, Course Director, S7-602-11-1, and Course Mentor

Chuck Sullivan, Course Director SE-603 in 1993

Keith Hurley, HOV Council VP for Program

Marcus Ragland, HOV Council Field Director and Training Advisor

John: “Mr. Cub Master, do we have a skit?”

Skit: Time Machine, performed by our FQM team.

John: “Thank you, Wood Badge Players!

“Wood Badge, developed by our founder Lord Baden-Powell, is intended in part to capture and to hand on many of the traditions on which Scouting came to be. These traditions help express the emotion and backdrop from which Scouting came to be. Now, I would like to describe to you some of the traditions of Wood Badge which you see in front of us.”

(See Descriptions on next page).

Blue and Gold Totems/Props See page 19 of the WB Handbook.

Ax and Log - The ax and log is the totem of Gilwell Park. Baden-Powell held the first Wood Badge course at Gilwell Park near London. To this day, Gilwell is considered the international home of Wood Badge.