Drill Jig
The student will construct a complete set of working drawings for the Drill Jig including, detail drawings, assembly drawing(s), Parts List and tolerance calculations.
Part I: Preliminary Sketches
Make a sketch on Graph Paper of each of the parts of the Drill Jig. Show the necessary views and add the required dimensions.
Part #1: BlockPart #2: Handle
Sketch of the necessary views Sketch of the necessary views
Sketch showing required dimensions Sketch showing required dimensions
Part #3: ScrewPart #4: Bushing
Sketch of the necessary views Sketch of the necessary views
Sketch showing required dimensions Sketch showing required dimensions
Part #5: PinAssembly Drawing
Sketch of the necessary views Sketch of the necessary views
Sketch showing required dimensions Parts List
Part II: Drawing Setup for CAD
Begin a new drawing and set the limits for size "C" drawing paper. Insert the border and title block (C-7) into the drawing. Create the following layers:
Layer NameDescriptionColorLinetypeLineweight
BorderBorder and Title Block(student’s choice)Continuous0.010
ConstructionConstruction lines(student’s choice)Continuous0.010
ObjectObject lines(student’s choice)Continuous0.020
HiddenHidden lines(student’s choice)Hidden20.012
CenterCenter lines(student’s choice)Center20.010
CuttingplaneCutting plane lines(student’s choice)Phantom20.030
HatchingHatching lines(student’s choice)Continuous0.010
DimensionsDimensions, notes, text(student’s choice)Continuous0.010
Create a new dimension style and set the dimensioning parameters as needed for mechanical style dimensioning. Do not use AutoCAD’s default settings.
Limits set for size "C" drawing paper 23.60 x 16.66.
The UNITS setting is to be Decimal .
The precision setting for dimensioning is to be 0.00.
Drill Jig
Part III: Tolerance Calculations
Calculate the tolerance dimensions for the following parts:
Part 2 on Part 3: Loose Running Fit (ISO Symbol H11/c11) 10mm
Part 5 in Part 2: Interference Fit-Medium Drive Fit (ISO Symbol H7/s6) 3mm
Part 5 in Part 3: Interference Fit-Medium Drive Fit (ISO Symbol H7/s6) 3mm
Part 4 in Part 1: Interference Fit-Force Fit (ISO Symbol H7/u6) 12mm
Use the Preferred Metric Hole Basis Clearance Fits-American National Standard tables in your textbook
To find the limit dimension values.
Calculate the required tolerances for the specified parts.
Set all tolerance dimensions to three decimal place accuracy (0.000).
Show all calculations on Engineering Paper.
Format for filling in the heading sections on the Engineering Paper:
Part IV: Complete the required drawings
Complete all of the required drawings following ANSI and ISO drafting standards. Drawings will include detail drawings, assembly drawing(s), Parts List, revisions block, and general notes. Add identification circles to the assembly drawing. Consult your drafting textbook for correct sizes. Be sure to add the titles of each part below each detailed drawing.