Lecture Minutes
Minutes of the Group Meeting held in theCardijnRoom,St Antony’s Centre, Trafford Park,Manchester, on 29 July 2015commencing at 2.00 p.m.
M Nixon, SSC
C Nixon, SSC
I Essington, SDI Support
H Pixton, Parkhouse Garage
E Humphreys, Safetyforce
R Ali, GUS Secure Solutions
L Roberts, BMCD
L Lawless, ShorrockTrichem
A Baguley, Fruitfull (HS) Training
L Campbell, M & I Materials
G Dickenson, AQA
C Conroy, Salford University
S Green, M & I Materials
W Bagnall, Wayne Bagnall Ltd
J Southwell, BT
J Cocker, Independent
S Wilson, BMCD
S Hall, University of Liverpool
A Calpan, Trafford Council
F Drake, Trafford Council
M Loates, Chemtura
M Smith, NPS NW Ltd
G Cropper, Red24
C Byron, 3M
In the absence of the Chairman, Mike Nixon welcomed all those present and indicated that there was one new member and several guests.
1 Apologies
Apologies were received from the following members
B Wilkinson
S O’Sullivan
C Caddick
G McSweeney
D Spence
A McEnteggart
2Minutes of the last meetingSigned as a true record by Mike as unfortunately there were no obvious members present that were at the last meeting.
3 Updates
Not much has happened recently. The next Exhibition we will have a presence at will be Health and Safety North at Bolton Arena on 7 – 8 October. A request was made for volunteers to assist us on the stand for an hour or more; all that is required is to advise people about where to find their local Group.
Information for the South Cumbria Conference on 15 October is also available.
There is also a Conference from the National Learning and Development Forum on 9 and 10 September at Stratford on Avon.
The Annual Conference will take place on 9 September at Barton Grange Hotel, near Preston. The theme is Back to Basics, the fundamentals of Health and Safety. Cost is £80pp which includes all presentations, refreshments and lunch. We have a total of 14 short topics throughout the day. Booking forms available at the back of the room or on their website
Mike then introduced Wayne Bagnall, our main speaker this afternoon. Wayne thanked us for inviting him and gave a little background info about his career, saying that he started at age 15 working for his grandfather. In those days there were no such things as CSCS cards, etc.
The cranes at Salford Docks near the Lowry had got into a state of disrepair and were in need of maintenance. However, the decision was made to dismantle and an enabling meeting was held to set dates for the demolition.
Apart from the fact that over the years the cranes had been moved and there was no power to them, was the added factor that the paint on them contained lead and they overhung the water which complicated the demolition. The weekend chosen unfortunately did not bode well with the weather forecast.
The cranes were demolished in sections, particularly owing to the fact that they contained asbestos and this required a licence for its removal. A competent person would be able to say whether it was cement or board asbestos.
There were several issues to deal with including the Metrolink lines, lead in paint, asbestos and working over water. The lifting was done through a specialist lifting company who required two cranes for the job.
The cranes were dismantled in sections and transported by low loaders to the company site; however the bridge heights had to be carefully measured to ensure no problems during the removal.
Demolition works used to be by exclusion zone, now it is by risk assessment.
Another demolition job that Wayne’s company are involved with is the former News International site in London’s East End which closed several years ago, and work will be ongoing for some time yet. This is being remotely demolished initially, to minimise risks to operatives. The majority of the materials (98%) are crushed for reuse.
Mike then presented Wayne with a token of our appreciation.
5 Safe Tea Presentation
Mike then introduced Carla Byron from 3M who gave us a talk on a new initiative from 3M.
This is a new way of presenting toolbox talks and emphasises safety cultures etc. Complacency is an issue with workers and this way hopes to create a positive safety culture.
The topics covered are risks to Breathing, Hearing, Skin, Hand arm Vibration and Musculoskeletal issues.
The packs contain a series of cards on the various topics which can be used as ice-breakers to ensure that the presentations can be covered effectively in approximately 20 minutes.
The cards enable scene setting to aid discussions and hopefully indicate points of concern that need addressing.
The packs are available FOC and are downloadable in various formats.
There is also an Ambassador pack with lots of ways to help clients; customers etc. contact for further info.
Two packs were presented to attendees interested in championing the project. Feedback on the initiative to 3M could result in a donation of £50 to the group from 3M.
Mike then indicated there had been an increase in accidents and ill health stats in the last year. It takes time to get the safety message across. Safety Groups UK in conjunction with the HSE and others are trying to get numbers down by supporting various initiatives and by facilitating the LOcHER project for apprentices. Three colleges are already lined up to assist in delivering the message.
Carla was then thanked in the usual manner and presented with a small gift.
6Dissertation Prize
The Group have presented an award to the best dissertation submitted by the University of Salford students for their M.Sc. course which is taught by Carole Conroy. Dave Marsden and Dave Spence both reviewed the submissions and a clear winner was Catherine Dent. She hopes to come to our meeting in November to give an overview of her dissertation. Mike and Cathy attended the departmental prize giving earlier in the month and presented her with a cheque on behalf of the Group.
7 Crucial Crew Donation
This is a scheme aimed at Year 6 children and teaches them personal safety, fire and other issues. The Group has donated a sum of £1,000 to assist in getting these children to the various centres. We have previously donated varying sums and recognise it as an excellent initiative. If you wish to go to one of their days to see what the children learn, please contact Mike.
8 Correspondence
A Works visit has been arranged for a behind the scenes tour of a hotel in Chester which has a spa, restaurants and a barge restaurant. This will be followed by a three course lunch at a cost of £14pp. Booking forms available at the back of the room.
The usual supply of magazines and other free items of info and samples were available at the back of the room.
9 Members Problems
There was then a discussion on how the new CDM regs will affect work on domestic premises, particularly in relation to window replacement work. In essence control will be the responsibility of the homeowner.
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 30 September 2015,at St. Antony’s Centre, Eleventh Street, Trafford Park, Manchester, Civil and Criminal Legal Updates by Helen Devery, Berrymans Lace Mawer and Lee Hughes, Addleshaw Goddard.
This meeting is subject to potential change of date.
The meeting closed at 3.35 p.m.
Minutes accepted as being a true record
Signed ______
Date ______