Orange Grove Primary School

Pre-K Family Engagement Plan


In support of the High Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant Program, Orange Grove Primary has developed and is implementing a comprehensive family engagement plan to assist Orange Grove Independent School District in achieving and maintaining high levels of family involvement and positive family attitudes toward education. Family engagement is the mutual responsibility of schools, families, and communities in an effort to build relationships that will support student learning and achievement. Family engagement activities focus efforts in supporting family well-being, enriching family-student relationships, providing on-going learning opportunities, and the development of children, families, and educators. Family engagement is fully integrated in the child’s educational experience and supports the whole child.

Ø  Goal #1 - Facilitate family-to-family support

Ø  Goal #2 - Establish a network of community resources

Ø  Goal #3 - Increase family participation in decision making

Ø  Goal #4 - Equip families with tools to enhance and extend learning

Ø  Goal #5 - Develop staff skills in evidence-based practices that support families in meeting their children’s learning benchmarks

Ø  Goal #6 - Evaluate family engagement efforts and use evaluations for continuous improvement

Goal / Activity/Strategy
#1-Facilitate family to family support / Prekindergarten teachers and teachers assistants will provide parents with opportunities to participate in district and campus initiatives such as:
·  Toddler Time
·  Meet the Teacher Night
·  PK Open House
·  Campus Improvement Planning
·  End Of Year Awards
·  Career Day
·  Health Fair
·  Volunteer Program (VIPS)
·  Special Events/Field Trips
·  Active Parenting Sessions
·  PTC Meetings
·  Family Literacy Night
·  Make and Take Sessions
·  PK Parent Advisory Council
#2-Establish a network of community resources / Collaborate with community businesses and organizations to identify and support the needs of students and their families:
·  Head Start/Pre-K Transition Visit & Parent Meeting
·  Corpus Christi Food Bank-Back Pack Program
·  Orange Grove Primary Angel Tree Program
·  Kratos Gym Coats For Kids
·  Motorcycle Club of OG Bikes and Toys
·  JCPenny’s Sponsored Shoes
·  FFA Sponsored A Holiday Meal for a Family
·  Church Sponsored Clothes, Toys, and Shoes
·  Collection of food items sent to local food bank
·  SOS-Back Pack Supply Program
·  HEB Health Care-Flu Clinic
·  Campus Counselor- Assist parents/families with needed resources
·  Utilize District Marquees
·  District Web Page/Campus Web Page
·  SchoolWay-Mobile School App
·  OGISD Response to Family Crisis
#3-Increase family participation in decision making / Encourage Family participation in decision making to support impact positive student achievement:
·  Site Based Decision Making Committee
·  Campus Improvement Planning
·  Parent/Teacher Behavior Agreement
·  Parent Conferences
·  Parent Teacher Club
·  PK Parent/Teacher Two-Way Communication Folder
·  Meet the Teacher Night
·  Pre-K Open House/Orientation Sessions
#4-Equip families with tools to enhance and extend learning / Prekindergarten families will be encouraged to attend learning opportunities to enhance and extend learning by providing parents with home activities that are age and developmentally appropriate to help prepare families for kindergarten:
·  Technology: Tumblebooks and Parent Portal
·  Bullying Workshop Sponsored by Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation
·  Attendance Workshop Sponsored by Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation
·  CLI Engage/Circle Student Reports
·  Istation Reports
·  Summer Reading Program
·  Parent Conferences
·  Home Visits
·  Meet the Teacher Night/Parent Orientation
·  Parent Lending Library
·  Parent opportunities to attend out of district trainings
·  Counselor/Nurse communicates with family frequently about student needs and services available
·  Summer End-of-Year Packet
·  School Wide Newspaper
·  Ready Rosie
#5-Develop staff skills in evidence-based practices that support families in meeting their children’s learning benchmarks / Provide essential professional development for educators in understanding communication and engagement with families:
·  Specialized Professional Development training for PK teachers
·  Attend ESC Region 2 workshops
·  Children’s Learning Institute (CLI Engage) Professional Development Opportunities
·  District & Campus Based Professional Development Opportunities
#6-Evaluate family engagement efforts and use evaluations for continuous improvement / Use data to ensure alignment between family engagement activities and school teaching and learning goals and to promote continuous family engagement:
·  Parent participation sign-in logs for all family engagement activities
·  Parent evaluation forms completed at the end of each family engagement activity
·  Anecdotal feedback that parents give informally

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