Consultant Selection
Private Sector Panelist Information
Address Telephone
City/State/Zip Email Fax
Requirements: Must be a State of Washington licensed professional; and must be committed to completing the entire selection process.
Check your specific discipline(s), types of projects you have experience/and or specialize in, and the counties you are willing to travel to participate as a Consultant Selection Panelist. This information will be used to match your knowledge/experience to like projects we are seeking a private sector panelist for. Your interest in this process is appreciated and we look forward to the opportunity to share this experience with you. Note: The codes used for this purpose are the same codes that consultant firms identify when they sign up for the A/E Reference File.
£A23 Air/Water Balancing / £A37 Environmental Services / £A16 Programming£A13 Archeologist / £A06 ESCO Consultant / £A14 Roofing/Envelope Consultant
£A01 Architect / £A11 Fire Protection Engineer / £A93 Safety Engineer
£A43 Bldg Code and Code Plan Review / £A35 Forest Engineer / £A41 Sanitary Engineer
£A44 Building Controls Consultant / £A12 Geothermal Consultant / £A94 Security Consultant
£A47 CAD Drafting//Scanning/Photography / £A10 Ground Water Geologists / £A42 Signage Consultant
£A02 Civil Engineer / £A39 Hazardous Materials Planner / £A09 Soil/Geo-Technical Engineer
£A45 Commissioning Consultant / £A38 Hazardous Material Specialist / £A28 Solar Heating Consultant
£A46 Constructability Review Consultant / £A59 Hydraulic Engineer / £A17 Space Plan/Interior Design
£A21 Construction Project Management / £A15 Hydrologic Engineer / £A05 Structural Engineer
£A30 Cost Estimating / £A08 Land Surveyors / £A19 Telecommunications
£A03 Electrical Engineer / £A07 Landscape Architect / £A18 Testing Laboratory
£A31 Elevator Escalator Consultant / £A04 Mechanical Engineer / £A29 Value Engineering
£A33 Energy Management / £A34 Planner/Urban Design
£A25 Engineering Geologist
Types of projects
£A001 Acoustical Consultant / £A031 Elevators, Escalators£A003 Archeological Investigations / £A207 Energy Audits
£A202 ADA Consultant / £A035 Energy Conservation; New Energy Sources
£A004 Air-Pollution Control / £A032 Energy Management
£A094 Alarm and Security Systems / £A217 Envelope Waterproofing (Above Ground)
£A008 Auditoriums/Theaters / £A218 Envelope Waterproofing (Below Ground)
£A033 Boilers / £A208 Environmental Audits
£A102 Boundary/Plats/Topographic Surveys / £A220 Environmental Impact Studies, Assessments, Statements
£A011 Bridges / £A203 ESCO Projects
£A212 Building Condition Assessment / £A209 Facilities Management
£A227 Combustion Engineering / £A024 Fire Alarms
£A017 Commercial Buildings: Shopping Centers / £A037 Fisheries, Fish Ladders
£A018 Communication – Voice, Data, Audio/Video / £A039 Garages, Vehicle Maintenance
£A108 Communication Towers / £A103 Geodetic Surveys
£A019 Computer Facilities; Computer Services / £A040 Groundwater Heat Pump Systems
£A020 Conservation & Resource Management / £A030 Gyms, Stadiums, Fieldhouses
£A113 Construction Testing & Inspection / £A210 Hazardous Material, Asbestos
£A027 Dining Halls/Kitchens/Food Service / £A047 Historical Preservation
£A028 Ecological & Archeological Investigation / £A048 Hospitals/Medical Facilities
£A029 Educational Facilities; Classrooms / £A050 Housing/Group Homes
£A214 Electrical Load Studies / £A043 HVAC
£A213 Indoor Air Quality / £A088 Recreational Specialist
£A058 Laboratories / £A089 Rehabilitation: Buildings, Structures, Facility
£A211 Lead-Based Paint / £A092 Rivers, canals, Waterways
£A204 LEED/LEED EB / £A201 Roofing, Design and Inspection
£A060 Libraries / £A096 Security Systems Integration
£A061 Lighting: Interior and Exterior / £A095 Seismic Designs and Studies
£A206 Load Studies / £A025 Sprinkler Systems
£A049 Log Home Restoration / £A104 Storm Water Handling and Facilities
£A079 Master/Site Planning / £A104 Storm Water Management
£A069 Modular/Pre-fab Design, Temporary Structures / £A101 Structural Design, Special Structures
£A215 Mold and Fungus Inspection, Testing & Abatement / £A100 Sustainable (Green) Design
£A005 Noise Pollution Control/Studies / £A087 Swimming Pool
£A072 Office Buildings / £A111 Underground Utilities/Subsurface Investigation
£A046 Parking Lots / £A112 Value Analysis / Life Cycle Cost
£A216 PCB Mitigation, Inspection Testing & Abatement / £A106 Wastewater Treatment Design and Management
£A078 Planning: Community, Regional, Areawide, State wide / £A107 Watershed Management
£A084 Prison/Correctional Facilities / £A117 Zoning, Land Use Studies
Most often consultant selections are conducted in Olympia. Frequently some are conducted at facility locations (Spokane, Yakima, Bellevue, Vancouver, etc.). Check the counties in which you would be able to participate in:
£01 Adams £09 Douglas £17 King £25 Pacific £33 Stevens
£02 Asotin £10 Ferry £18 Kitsap £26 Pend Oreile £34 Thurston
£03 Benton £11 Franklin £19 Kittatas £27 Pierce £35 Wahkiakim
£04 Chelan £12 Garfield £20 Klickitat £28 San Juan £36 Walla Walla
£05 Clallam £13 Grant £21 Lewis £29 Skagit £37 Whatcom
£06 Clark £14 Grays Harbor £22 Lincoln £30 Skamania £38 Whitman
£07 Columbia £15 Island £23 Mason £31 Snohomish £39 Yakima
£08 Cowlitz £16 Jefferson £24 Okanogan £32 Spokane
£ BE – Island, San Juan, Skagit and Whatcom Counties
£ PT – Clallam, Jefferson and Kitsap Counties
£ SE – King and Snohomish Counties
£ SP – Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane and Stevens Counties
£ TA –Grays Harbor, Mason, Pierce and Thurston Counties
£ VA –Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania and Wahkiakum Counties
£ YA –Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Garfield, Franklin, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Whitman and Yakima Counties
Resumes and additional information sheets outlining specific project details to assist in matching a panelist with a specific project can be attached, although are not necessary. Please note that the criteria selected within this document are what the initial selection will be based on. The additional information submitted will be used to identify persons meeting specialty/expertise criteria.
Please return completed form to:
Attn: Robyn Hofstad
Engineering & Architectural Services
1500 Jefferson Street. SE, 2 North, Olympia WA 98501
PO Box 41012
Olympia, WA 98504-1012
Telephone: 360 407-9347