Historical iPads: The Church

Using PowerPoint, we are going to create Historical iPads, using apps to review information about a particular individual/period in history.

Example Personalities

St. Benedict, Thomas Aquinas, Pope Gregory VII, Questioner from the Inquisition, someone accused of Heresy, Richard the Lionhearted, Peter the Hermit, a Child Crusader, a Monk or Friar, a Villager, Emperor Alexius, Pope Urban II, Saladin, a European crusader, a Muslim fighter

This is not a definitive list! Ask Mr. Fitzpatrick if you have another idea!


  1. Select a personality.
  2. Download the template from Mr. Fitz’s webpage.
  3. Include your name, period number, and character’s name on the load screen.
  4. You are responsible for eight (9) apps:

REQUIRED: Contacts

Include five (5) biographical items about one person with whom your character may have been in contact. “Notes” is MANDATORY; use this section to summarize that contact’s life. Also include two (2) related contacts.

REQUIRED: Weather

For four (4) cities, include the name, region, temperature, and forecast.


Write a brief story that would be relevant to your character. Be sure to include a date and headline.


A brief conversation between your person and other individual(s) from that period


Pick a modern song that your character may have listened too that has some significance. Include the name of the song, the artist, and album name, as well as the album artwork. Consider bringing in the .mp3 version of the song too to add to your iPad (not required).


Six (6) photos

REQUIRED: An App focusing on the Inquisition or Crusades

The remaining 2 apps are for you to be creative! They must be original apps (i.e. no Facebook app, Fruit Ninja, Words With Friends, etc.) that are somehow related to the material. The type of app is completely up to you: game, productivity app, map related, etc.; you decide! Remember to create an icon!

DIRECTIONS: Writing Assignment

  1. Explain each app in a 4-5-sentence paragraph. Please describe why each app is significant to your character, how it relates specifically, and why that person would use this app. This may be typed or neatly handwritten.

DIRECTIONS: Project Submission

  1. You will need to hand in the writing portion of your assignment.
  2. Save your iPad PowerPoint in your Social Studies Folder on the H Drive.


Historical iPads: The Church

Name: ______Period: _____

Name / 1 / _____
Default Apps
App1: Contacts / 3 / _____
App 2: Email / 3 / _____
App 3: iPod / 3 / _____
App 4: Photos / 3 / _____
App 5: News / 3 / _____
App 6: Weather / 3 / _____
Custom Apps
App 7: Inquisition or Crusades / 4 / _____
App 8: Crusades / 4 / _____
App 9: Your Choice / 4
Custom Icons for Apps / 2 / _____
Writing Portion
Paragraphs (10 total) / 10 / _____
Correct spelling/grammar / 3 / _____
TOTAL / 46 / _____