Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council of Farningham held at the
Village Hall, High Street, Farningham at 7.45pm on
Wednesday 4th November 2015
Present: Cllr. P. McGarvey, Chair and District Cllr.
Cllr. G. Bergne
Cllr. D. Burns
Cllr. H. Butler
Cllr. M. Cook
Cllr. A. McEnroe
Cllr. B. Wells
Mrs. J. Gray (Clerk)
91. / Chairman’s Welcome and Apologies for absence:(i)The Chairman welcomed six Parish Councillors.
(ii)Apologies had been received from County Councillor Roger Gough, District Councillor Ingrid Tennessee, PCSO Sarah Douse,and the Community Warden, Steve Armstrong.
92. / CountyCouncillor:
The CountyCouncillor, Roger Gough, had sent a written report:
1. He chairs the Lullingstone Liaison Group, and a meeting was held two days previous. The PIN (Prior Information Notice) issued concerning County Parks (including Lullingstone) in July was discussed. In attendance was Stephanie Holt, Head of Countryside, Leisure and Sports at KCC. She made clear that, following the PIN (essentially a search for ideas and expressions of interest from those organisations which might play a part in the running of 9 specified country parks) and a four week period in which organisations that had expressed an interest were invited to clarify their plans, none had come forward with a specific proposal regarding Lullingstone. The results of the PIN process will be reported to a high-level Board within KCC in the coming weeks, and until the report is approved by the Board, it will not be in the public domain.
(2)Regarding our Highways site meeting held at White Post Hill, he awaitsany further comments from the Parish Council following this evening’s meeting but can take forward (i) work with Kent Police re more active enforcement, particularly at the White Post Hill/A20 turning (ii) KCC Highway Officer, Steven Noad’s examination of possible Crash Remedial Measures expenditure.
93. / Policing:
The Chairman reported that PCSO Douse had sent a written report which had been circulated. A workshop had been broken into and power tools stolen in Eynsford Road, paving slabs had been stolen from a front garden in White Post Hill, two cars were broken into in the High Street, and a man found in possession of cannabis in Calfstock Lane who was given a penalty fine.
94. / Register of Interests:
The register of interests was confirmed as recorded in the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 13th May 2015. The Chairman reported he was no longer Treasurer of the Farningham and Eynsford History Society, though still a Director of it.
95. / Confirmation of the Minutes of the last Meeting;
The minutes of the meeting held on7th October 2015 were confirmed as correct, and signed by the Chairman
96. / Correspondence:
1. The Clerk was asked to confirm next year’s agreed Parish Council meeting dates with the Yoga teacher, Mrs G Tyacke.
2. It was agreed the Clerk settle two invoices from Street Lights; the first for the 2nd instalment of maintenance contract totalling £1,154.53 plus VAT, and the second for a lighting repair at Column 9, High Street, replacing 70w SON Ignitor and test, totalling £67.75 plus VAT.
3. Rick Bayne, the Project Manager of the Darent Valley Landscape Enhancement Project had written to thank all who attended the Countryside Open Day at LullingstoneCastle on 24th September to hear about proposals for the Partnership Scheme.He had subsequently written attaching a leaflet about a project run by one of their sister landscape partnerships on the Isle of Wight. The Time Taxi is a genuine Londonblack cab, converted into a mobile archaeological library/laboratory, that brings history to life. It’s fitted with a digital projector and carries archaeological artefacts, and is driven by the former county archaeologist. Its particular aim is to engage with younger people and the so-called ‘hard-to-reach’ groups. We wouldn’t want to replicate the idea, but it may just spark some ideas in your creative minds of an equivalent concept in the DarentValley.
4. A resident of Tilmans Mead had contacted the Chairman requesting the trees situated on the open ground on the left side of the steps leading up to Beesfield Lane be cut. She stated it is currently quite overgrown and, due to the area being hidden from view frequently attracts individuals who let their dogs use it as a toilet. On some occasions, it is a meeting place for youths late at night. The over grown foliage from the trees also creates a safety hazard on the steps due to leaf coverage. The Clerk has asked Mr Bint to quote for the works and he has indicated he needs a couple of weeks to see if he can fit this work into his schedule.
5. It was agreed the Clerk settle the invoice for annual renewal of membership of the Society for Local Council Clerks for 2016, totalling £149.00.
6. Helen Goldsworthy, Secretary to St. Peter and St. Paul’s PCC had written to the Clerk reporting the PCC has been increasingly pleased with the standard of churchyard grasscutting by Lothlorien this season. She agreed to contact them about costs for 2016 but hopes the Parish Council might consider a grant for churchyard grasscutting at St Peter and St Paul next year. She asks the Parish Council to accept this as the PCC’s formal application and would confirm next year’s costs.
7. The Clerk reported she understood that Eynsford Parish Council are not going to pursue the postcode change from ‘DA’ to ‘TN’ but an official response was awaited.
8. The Chairman passed to the Clerk an invoice from the British Legion in respect of a poppy wreath for the Remembrance Day Service in Farningham on 8th November; it was agreed a small donation be made in addition and it was agreed a cheque for £20.00 be sent. Cllr Cook had offered to attend the ceremony and present the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.
97. / Planning;
- It was agreed the following comments be sent to Sevenoaks District Council regarding the planning applications received:
SE/15/03079/HOUSE Fernlea, Eynsford Road Demolish garage and erect single storey rear extension and two storey side extension Objection: The house was recently advertised for sale as two-bedroomed and has no family bathroom in the current configuration. The proposal results in at least one fewer parking spaces while significantly increasing potential occupancy. This is in a climate of increasing car and van use by residents of the area and the immediate proximity to a main road. In addition the Parish Council is concerned about the visual impact of closing the gap between properties. Even though these have been partly addressed by setting back, the second storey will significantly reduce the open feel of the street scene.
SE/15/03127/HOUSE Pedham Place Farmhouse, London Road Extensions and alterations to existing house No Comment
SE/15/03265/MMS Lambournes, White Post Hill Five new two bedroom houses The submission of completely new drawings rather than the original plans showing changes is confusing. Please check that granting permission does not inadvertently increase the ridge height. Unit 1 in particular should ‘step down’ from Catherine Villas when viewed from the top of Farningham High Street. The parking provision is very marginal and no opportunity should be granted to put an extra room in the loft space at a later date.
3. Planning decision received from Sevenoaks District Council:
SE/14/03212/FUL Area of Land between Button Street and M20 Slip Road, Button Street Application for stationing a mobile home and a touring caravan (retrospective) and the erection of a day room REFUSED
4. Withdrawn application:
SE/15/02035/MMA Lambournes, White Post Hill Minor material amendment to application SE/14/02642/MMA (Minor material amendment to application SE/13/03189/FUL for Change of use of commercial coachworks site including demolition of existing buildings and erection of 5 new two bedroom dwellings with solar panels to the roofs, amendment to condition 2 to substitute drawings) to show removal of chimneys, window glazing bars altered, access road widths amended, Unit 1 moved west slightly.
98. / Farningham Village Hall:
It was agreed that Oliver Butler be appointed to register the land on which the Village Hall was built; it was understood the Land Registry costs would be approximately £40.00.
99. / Open Spaces:
The Clerk was asked to write to David Boorman at Sevenoaks District Council to recordthe successful partnership working between the Parish Council and District Council on the grass cutting schedule this summer; the extra cuts the Parish Council have funded have been much appreciated by parishioners. It was agreed the Clerk suggest that the first cut of the next season is scheduled for as early as possible please, and to confirm the Parish Council will be happy to fund interim cuts again next summer, so long as SDC notify us of their schedule of cuts, and stick to it.
100. / Highways and Lighting:
1. The Chairman reported on the site meeting held with the County Councillor, Roger Gough, the Kent Highways Officer, Andy Padgham, Cllrs Cook and Butler, two parishioners, John Bott and Louise Caseyand the Clerk on Monday 27th October. It was agreed that the Clerk write to Kent Highways stating that the Parish Council is very concerned about (a) the safety of parishioners and school children having to cross the A225 and (b) danger caused by vehicles turning right from the junction onto the A20, and from the slip road from the top of White Post Hill and to state a new roundabout would be the best solution to eliminate most of the dangers. We recognise the construction of a roundabout would be expensive, but think it cost-effective when compared to the cost of another fatal accident.
2. It was agreed the resurfacing of the A225 from Old Mill Close to Farningham High Street which commenced on 21st October had been finished to a high standard, and we are grateful.
3. Cllr McEnroe had reported water was still lying on the newly resurfaced A20, Farningham Hill, adjacent to the Button Street turn off. Kent Highways had promised to re-examine the problem and their response was awaited.
4. Cllr Burns reported the drain outside no. 8 Eynsford Road (the slip road off the A225) was full and to ask Kent Highways to clear it; the nearby drain outside the Farningham Day Nursery also needed clearing again.
5. The Clerk had received the licence to cultivate the public highway at Farningham roundabout from Kent Highways Officer, Gary Fittall. The Clerk had been in touch with Mr G Bint who has agreed to plant ‘pyrocantha’, in front of the wooden fence to try and deter those who place advertising signs on the fence opposite the roundabout (on the A225 Dartford Road / A20 corner).
6. Cllr Butler reported she had attended a recent ‘Speed Watch’ training session which had been an interesting and valuable experience. She explained that a device for monitoring speed could be borrowed. Offenders would be sent up to four letters and on the fifth occasion someone caught speeding would receive a letter delivered by a Police Officer. More serious breaches would trigger police intervention sooner. Statistics show that those caught once rarely reoffend.
101. / Grants to Voluntary Organisations:
It was agreed the following grants be made:
Age Concern (Swanley): £150.00
Ellenor (Northfleet): £150.00
Volunteer Centre (Swanley): £150.00
Citizens Advice Bureau (Sevenoaks/Swanley): £150.00
Kent Air Ambulance£150.00
Farningham and Eynsford History Society£150.00
EFL Trident £60.00
Domestic Abuse Volunteer Service £150.00
Trussell Trust Food Bank (Swanley) £150.00
Royal British Legion (for Remembrance Wreath) £20.00
Total of the above grants £1,280.00
In addition the Parish Council had agreed to fund the grass cutting and maintenance in the churchyard for 2016.
102. / Finance:
(i) Members resolved to authorise the Schedule of Payments.
(ii) Cllr. Cook explained the draft Budget and it was agreed this would be revisited at the December meeting.
Signed ……………………………………….. Wednesday2nd December 2015
The meeting closed at 9.55pm. The next meeting of the Parish Council of Farningham will be held at 7.45 p.m. on Wednesday2nd December 2015.