__8-12______Grade: Course Title: _French 4

Unit/ Topic: _Chapter 9, Level 2/ Chapter 1, Level 3


Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Sharing feelings / How to ask how someone is feeling?
Beginning, continuing and ending a story / How to ask what happened?
Restaurants, regional specialties in Francophone Europe / How to ask for food at a restaurant? How to ask for a description of a meal?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Opening Day activities (vary by teacher)
Adjectives of emotion (Ch.9, Fr.III)
Review of Passé Composé (Ch.1)
Review of Imparfait (Ch. 8, Fr. III/Ch. 1)
7 usages of Imparfait
Adverbs that indicate PC and Imparfait
Culture: Francophone Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco) / Social and Emotional Learning – Getting to know your classmates
Common classroom phrases
Describe feelings using (m), (f) forms of adj. / avoir l’air + adj.
Form avoir/etre verbs, with agreement of p.p.
Form regular and irregular verbs in the Imparfait
Learn when to use the Imparfait (7 usages)
Recognize adverbs that indicate PC and IMP
Become familiar with facts about francophone countries in Europe
/ Name one thing you know about a classmate mentioned in class
Quiz: Matching phrases
Oral assessment – in class
Quiz: vocabulary
Oral assessment – use the PC and Imparfait to describe an event in the past.
Reading: Read English children’s stories and show competency of IMP vs. PC by raising flags
Quiz: Use and formation of PC vs. IMP, adverbs (written)
Discussion after video; handouts.
Students create T/F quiz for a classmate.
Culture/Geography assessment

_____8-12______Grade: Course Title: __French 4_____

Unit/ Topic: __Cont. of Chapter 1 / Introduction of Chapter 2______


Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Belgium and it’s specialties / What are the specialties of Belgium?
Asking for and giving directions / How do we ask for and give directions?
Expressing impatience and reassuring / How do we express impatience? How do I reassure someone?
European driving culture and regulations / What are the differences between American and European Laws
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Regions of France
Courses in a typical French meal (Ch.1, Et.2 – recycled from French 3, Ch. 3)
Typical foods in certain regions
Menu offerings and prices
Definite/indef articles; Partitif
Restaurants / Menus
Ch.2: Belgium
Vocabulary: parts of a car
Getting a driver’s license in France
Irreg. verb formation: conduire
Cont’d Chapter 2:
Communicative Activity: gas station
Asking for directions: follow the sign, center city, cross bridge, et al.
Review Imperatif (3 forms)
Pronouns – review of direct objects, indirect objects, y and en and their placement
Colloquial expressions expressing enthusiasm and boredom
Role of bandes dessinees (BD) in France / Identify the regions of France on a map
Know the sequence of courses in a French meal
Be able to associate specialties of some regions
Learn correct usage of def/indef articles and partitif; when to use each
Compare menu offerings/prices with partner
Be able to recognize the Fr names of parts of car
Read and discuss requirements of getting driver’s license in France; compare with American laws
Learn the present, p.c., imparfait of conduire
Be able to ask for gas, check tires, oil, change tire, clean windshield, et al.
Using map of Belgium, ask/give directions
Form correctly the tu, vous, nous command forms of reg verbs ; also, etre (irreg.)
Practice using pronouns in sentences; review of pronoun usage in English
Express opinions about certain activities
Read/discuss passage in text on BD / Label the regions on a map
Discussion, exercises; plan menus
Role-play: at the table
Quiz: culture, regional specialties, customs, menu offerings
Written quiz – the, a/an vs. some
Oral assessment of dialogue: present a dialogue with a partner, ordering, hesitating, etc.
Project: create a typical menu from the region given to you
Quiz: parts of the car
Listening exercises, oral activities
Quiz: Listening – distinguish between impatience and reassuring
Quiz: conduire (written)
Oral assessment -
(a)  situations (impatience vs. reassuring)
(b)  ask for repairs
(c)  ask for directions around town/ school
In class – oral and also seen in pronoun test below
Pronoun Test – simplify French phrases
Conversation: express enthusiam and boredom, situational
Oral discussion. Read from a French BD.


___8-12______Grade: Course Title: __French 4_____

Unit/ Topic: __Chapter 3______


Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Switzerland: work ethic, neutrality and languages / For what are the Swiss known? What languages are spoken there and why?
Asking for, granting and refusing permission / How do we ask for permission? How do we grant/refuse permission?
Forbidding / Reproaching / How do we forbid and reproach others’ actions?
Justifying your actions and rejecting others’ excuses / How do we justify our actions?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Ch. 3 Switzerland – geography, culture
Subjunctive: used with “Il faut que…” and “vouloir que…”
Household chores (recycled from French 2, Chapter 7)
Personal and social responsibilities.
Review verb: devoir
Environmental issues
Ne…pas + infinitive / Be able to locate Switzerland on a map, name some characteristics of this country.
Be able to use the present subjunctive correctly
Learn to express common household chores in French.
Use the subjunctive to express real-life personal and social responsibilities.
Use both devoir and Il faut que to express obligation
Be able to forbid / reproach / encourage people to do certain ecological activities.
Be able to express what one must not do. / Students make T/F quiz about Switzerland
Quiz: Switzerland (culture)
Quiz on subjunctive, including irreg. prendre, venir, être and faire.
Oral communicative activity using vocab for chores.
Pair/share activities, then written quiz using subjunctive to express ideas, such as, “One must tell the truth.”, etc.
Translate sentences, using both devoir and il faut que to express obligation.
Make posters that illustrate things one should or should not do regarding the environment, ex., “Please do not waste energy”.
Survey: How well do you respect the environment?
Write 10 sentences, using ne pas, ne rien, and ne jamais before the infinitive.

___8-12______Grade: Course Title: __French 4_____

Unit/ Topic: _ Chapter 3 close, Chapter 4 intro.____

Duration:__ December/January______

Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Asking for and expressing opinions / How do we ask for and give an opinion?
Paying and responding to compliments / How do we give compliments and appropriate ways to respond?
Identifying people and things / How do we distinguish between which one and this one?
French winter holiday customs / How is Christmas celebrated in France? Other holidays?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Culture: French celebration of Christmas
French 4 – Fashion and Preferences
Asking for and giving opinions
Asking which one(s); pointing out and identifying people and things – Interrogative and Demonstrative pronouns
Clothing and styles/ Hair and hairstyles
Describing clothing and hairstyles
Paying and responding to compliments; reassuring someone
Grammar: The causative faire
Introduction of : REGION PROJECT / Learn holiday songs in French
Practice “which one” / “this one” combinations
Create dialogues about clothing styles / hair styles and opinions
Usage of more advanced-level vocabulary (recycled vocabulary from French 2)
Practice the use of the causative faire, incorporating new vocabulary
Write common errands and incorporate the faire causative
Synthesize and organize information gathered about the geography and points of interest, culture, and specialties of the chosen region. / Perform/sing French Christmas carols
Quiz – clothing vocabulary and expressions
Quiz – interrogative and demonstrative pronouns
Present dialogue: clothing likes/dislikes
Project – Fashion catalogue labeling clothes with color and fabric in French
Fashion show (time permitting)
Quiz: faire causative (written/listening)
Present a tourist’s perspective of the region and present to the class (February)
PowerPoint/Technology component

___8-12______Grade: Course Title: __French 4_____

Unit/ Topic: _Chapter 4 close, Chapter 5 intro.


Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Francophone Africa: culture, religion, values and jobs / What do we know about Africa? How does their culture differ from Western culture?
Asking about future plans and intentions / How do we talk about future plans?
Expressing wishes and giving advice / How do we express a wish? How would we give advice?
Writing a formal letter and requesting info. / How do we write a formal letter?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Francophone Africa (focus: Senegal and northern Africa)
Asking about and expressing intentions; expressing conditions and possibilities
Future choices and plans
Grammar: the future tense
Asking about future plans; expressing wishes; expressing indecision; giving advice
Region Project connection: Requesting information; writing a formal letter
Vocabulary: careers
Careers using French (discussion)
REGION PROJECT: PRESENTATIONS / Discuss cultural characteristics of the Maghreb
Learn French-speaking countries and their locations
Ask about classmates’ plans for the future
Practice and learn future stems of irregular verbs (also used for conditional)
Write a letter asking for information about your chosen region.
Famous people, professions and their descriptions (“20 questions”)
Students will research careers where French is desired
Synthesize and organize information gathered about the geography and points of interest, culture, and specialties of the chosen region. / Culture quiz: basic knowledge of francophone Africa
Map quiz – location of all francophone countries in Africa
Quiz: formation of the future tense and their stems
Role play: what will you do in the future, after high school, in ten years, etc.
Contact a tourist agency in France and send them a letter
Quiz: professions
Presentation of information to the class
Present a tourist’s perspective of the region and present to the class (February)
PowerPoint/Technology component

____8-12______Grade: Course Title: __French 4_____

Unit/ Topic: _ Chapter 5_____

Duration:_ _April _

Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Important and relevant information relating to research of regions / What information should I share with my classmates that would help them better understand my region?
Expressing conditions and possibilities vs. certain plans / How can we use the conditional tense and the future tense to change the mood of plans?
Formals vs. informal language: questions / How can we change the structure of a question to make it more formal?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Grammar: Future vs. Conditional
Inversion (question formation)
VIDEO PROJECT: introduction of video project as part of the final exam – students are offered numerous situations assessed throughout the year / Simplification of gathered information: research skills, quiz creation and grading, presentational skills, public speaking
Compare and contrast: future vs. conditional
Rewrite questions using inversion (more formal)
Choose topic for video project and start to plan dialogue with/without partner /
Oral assessment of RP (2 weeks is usually set aside for this long-term assessment; students take notes and a student-created quiz post presentation)
Quiz: formation and use of the conditional vs. future
Oral, in-class assessment
Students are usually given three weekends to complete this project.
(2011 due date: Monday, June 6th)

___8-12______Grade: Course Title: ___French 4____

Unit/ Topic: _Chapter 6

Duration:_ May____

Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
The Maghreb: Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia / What do we know about Northern Africa? How does their culture differ from ours?
Making, accepting and refusing suggestions / How do we make a suggestion? How do we respond?
Apologizing for past actions / How do we apologize for past mistakes?
Showing and responding to hospitality / How do we show hospitality (especially important in Moroccan culture)?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
Culture: Morocco – characteristics, religion, foods, Arabic, clothing, hospitality, bargaining, values
Making, accepting and refusing suggestions (recycled expressions)
Making arrangements / plans
Making and accepting apologies
Grammar: Reciprocal verbs
Grammar: The past infinitive
Showing and responding to hospitality; expressing and responding to thanks
Vocab: Family (recycled vocabulary from French 2 and more advanced vocabulary from Ch. 6) / Discuss the Maghreb culture (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)
Compare/contrast Western views with those of Northern Africa; tolerance of other cultures and ideas
Create dialogues:
(a) students will talk about a problem and ask their classmates for advice
(b) students apologize for an action
Compare/contrast reflexive verbs and reciprocal verbs
Language comparison: students will compare reciprocal verbs in English and French in the present, past and future
Practice using reciprocal verbs – esp. when using direct and indirect objects in the past tense.
Use the past infinitive to apologize for previous actions
Create dialogues:
(a)  students will apologize for a previous action (past tense)
(b)  invite someone to your home – show hospitality
(c)  have an argument with a classmate (role-play, family vocabulary)
Make a family tree (imaginary or real – student choice) and describe each person using vocabulary /
Student-produced quiz (10 questions)
T/F quiz – Moroccan culture
Current Events, presentation to class
Listening quiz: distinguish the difference between making a suggestion and refusing/accepting
Write a note to a classmate asking if they would like to go out. Respond positively. Make more specific arrangements.
Grammar handouts
Listening: distinguish between reciprocal and non-reciprocal verbs
Quiz: Reciprocal verbs (present and past tense)
Past infinitive worksheets
Quiz: expressions used with the past infinitive (p. 164 only)
Oral assessment: apologizing for previous actions
Oral assessment: Invitation to home / Moroccan Hospitality
Oral assessment: Arguments / Name calling
Quiz: Family vocabulary ; expressions from the Chapter
In-class project: family tree

____8-12______Grade: Course Title: _French 4______

Unit/ Topic: Final Exam Review (Ch. 1-6 & Ch. 9, book 2) and Video Project


Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding / Essential Questions
Final Exam / How do we study for a final examination?
Exam creation / How do we make a final exam? What are some tips?
Standards / Content / Skills/ Competency / Assessment
VIDEO PROJECT / FINAL EXAM - students choose situations addressed throughout the year and create a video / Students will be able to use all grammar structures introduced in level 4 as well as the necessary and relevant vocabulary /
Video project – script included
Students will make a 20 question multiple choice final exam for their classmates

___8-12______Grade: Course Title: __French 4_____