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To all leadership pay group members


Dear colleague,

You will know that both the NUT and the NAHT are balloting their leadership group members about boycotting the Key Stage 2 tests in English and mathematics – and both unions are urging their members to vote ‘YES’ in the highest numbers possible.

The ballot is being held as part of a trade dispute concerning leadership group members' conditions of service. Both unions have clear evidence of the damaging consequences SATs have on the tenure, salary progression, possible promotion and conditions of service of leadership group members. You will know yourself of the huge pressures on many leadership group members.

This boycott is separate from but runs parallel to the NUT and NAHT general educational campaign against SATs. There is growing public support for this campaign also - including from politicians, parents, academics and authors.

The action taken would, of course, not be strike action. Schools would be open and children taught during SATs week.

I appreciate that many members will question why the ballot is being held at a time when so many schools have spent so much time on SATs preparation. The national union’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document (which you can find at explains that this had to happen to keep the action within the timelines laid down by the law. These say that any action has to start within 28 days of the ballot closing.

Our association is preparing other steps in a more general campaign against SATs including, leafleting and publicity stalls held on a Saturday.

We hope that during SATs week many schools will organise alternatives to SATs – such as achievement assemblies - and we’d really like to hear from you about any such alternatives that you are considering.

If there is anything else I can do to help please do feel free to call or email.

Yours truly

Association secretary