Fullerton College/CDES Department
122 ECE: Principles – Spring 2013
Study Guide for Assessment #1
Assessment #1 will cover: Information in Chapters 1 & 2 and Anti-bias Education Goals, The Rights of the Child, Code of Ethical Conduct, Defending the Early Years, Three Cups of Tea, Article: Embracing Social Justice in Early Childhood.
• The Assessment is worth 50 point. The format will be discussed in class the
week prior to the assessment.
• Paper will be provided for the essays. -- Bring #882 Scantron for the multiple choice questions.
during the assessment). There will also be a mandatory 10-pt. individual writing of a Code of Ethics scenario (similar to the in-class activity).
• You may bring a 4”x6” index with notes to use during the assessment (both sides okay).
• It is your responsibility to be sure you have completed only 50 points worth of answers.
• That leave 40 additional points to choose from after the mandatory essay.
• Answer each question as thoroughly as time allows. Divide your time among the
questions to avoid the trap of leaving questions unanswered.
• Be sure to use your own words.
• You will be given the first half of class to take the Assessment (approx. 75 minutes)
• The second half of class: Philosophy Work Session #1 – Focus: DAP
Assessment Essay Questions & Multiple Choice Questions will be developed from the following:
*Always look at the “In This Chapter You Will Discover” section at the beginning of the Chapter. Also look at “Terms to Know” at the end of each Chapter. Questions will come from these areas.
I.Chapters 1 & 2 of Text:
Chapter 1:
• Look at the “In This Chapter You Will Discover” section at the beginning of
the chapter (p. 5). Also look at “Terms to know at the end of the chapter (p. 36).
• What is reflective thinking and why is it valuable?
• What is the distinction between “either-or” thinking and “both-and” thinking?
• What is meant by the holistic approach?
• How does the “nature vs. nurture” issue help you understand the children in your
• How would you use the discoveries of the philosophers, educational pioneers and/or
theorists in your classroom?
• How do the philosophers, educational pioneers, and/or theorists support your ECE
philosophy regarding how children learn?
• What’s the “unwritten curriculum”, the teaching-learning process, and emergent curriculum?
• What are the professional organizations supporting the ECE field?
• What is “developmentally appropriate practice”?
• What are the “three knowledge basis”?
• Be familiar with types of early childhood programs?
• What does the brain research tell us?
• What does it mean to be a professional?
Chapter 2:
• Look at the “In This Chapter You Will Discover” section at the beginning of
the chapter (p. 39). Also look at “Terms to know at the end of the
chapter (p. 61).
• How does supervising young children properly relate to safety and learning?
• What is the dual-focus method of supervising young children?
• What is the difference between demanding obedience and seeking cooperation?
• What do you learn about individual children and groups of children by observing
• What are empowering and disempowering ways to resolve conflicts?
• What are the guidelines for observing?
• Why does Magda Gerber state that you should come to the child with an “open mind”?
• Be familiar with all the strategies and techniques regarding guidance.
• Be familiar with the creating a safe physical environment.
II.Anti-bias Education Goals:
• Be familiar with each of the four goals.
• Why are these goals important for the field of early childhood
• How are the goals implemented by teachers?
• What would it look like if the children implemented these goals in their
interactions with others?
• What skills do adults and children need to develop to successfully implement these
• Why are “critical thinking and empathy necessary components of
acting for oneself or others in the face of bias?”
III.Code of Ethics:
• Be familiar with the Six Core Values, Conceptual Framework, & the Statement of
• Be able to use the Code of Ethics to solve a dilemma (similar to in-class exercise).
Review the four sections:
Section I: Ethical responsibilities to children
Section II: Ethical responsibilities to families
Section III: Ethical responsibilities to colleagues (co-workers, employers,
Section IV: Ethical responsibilities to community and society
IV.Rights of the Child (CRC): (link on the website - check Resources)
• Be familiar with the purpose of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
• What is the status of the CRC?
• How would U.S. ratification benefit children?
• How has the CRC impacted the world’s children?
• Be familiar with the summary of the CRC Articles
• Be familiar with the Myths and Facts
• See the connections with the CRC & the Anti-bias Education Goals
V.Defending the Early Years
• Identify the purpose and goals of DEY (Defending the Early Years)
VI.Article: Embracing Social Justice in Early Childhood Education
[Remember the in-class session on this article]
• Fostering Social and Ecological Dispositions in Young Children
• Challenges to the Early Childhood Education
• Social Justice and Ecological Teaching is Responsive Teaching
• Changing the Discussion About the Purpose of Early Education
• Our Work Extends Beyond the Classroom