Organizational Structure, Responsibilities, and Expectations

The Purpose-Values-Vision of Tims Memorial Presbyterian Church (Tims Church) embodies the Biblical principle that all Christians are ministers called (invited) by God to serve. All members and regular attendees are encouraged to serve within your unique gifts and current passion to meet the needs God sets in your path.

Our organizational structure is a tool through which we believe the Holy Spirit will guide us to live closer to the Values and to attain the Vision that is contained in our Purpose-Values-Vision. Our organizational structure is intentionally designed to empower all members and regular attendees to act on the personal heart tug that the Holy Spirit uses to motivate each of us to use our gifts and passion for service to others in the name of Jesus Christ. All of us are expected to be involved in decisions about and implementation of ministries at Tims Church.

Our organizational structure follows the Presbyterian model which authorizes the session, ruling elders in partnership with the Sr. Pastor, to govern the church. The session strives to be outwardly focused rather than internally-preoccupied, discerning our role in God’s call to the Christian church of being both a witness to the best news of Jesus Christ while strengthening the faith and encouraging service of those who have already committed their life to Jesus. The session discerns purpose, values, and vision for the church and concentrates on strategic leadership rather than administrative detail.

The session entrusts the annually-approved actions, ministries, and budget to four committees (Resource, Hospitality, Discipleship, Mission and Service), the Nominatingteam, and the Deacon Board. The session also provides oversight and a separate annual budget approval for the Pre-school Board. Throughout the year, committees provide resource and oversight to ministry teams that carry out the annually-approved actions and ministries. Staff are assigned as resources to the committees and ministry teams by the Sr. Pastor who is also Head of Staff. The organizational structure is described in more detail in subsequent sections.

God desires for us to be in strong relationship with Him and with each other as we Reach, Teach, and Serve. The values of Tims Church provide,to us and to the community we seek to serve in the name of Jesus Christ, a foundational understanding of what we consider to be critically important – identifying expectations for everyone in the church.Through a continual renewing of your mind and spirit by prayer, study of scripture, and service to God, members of all ministry groups (e.g., session, committees, ministry teams, staff, etc.) will strive to live out the values of Tims Church and to honor the following expectations:

  • Follow the principles of the Bible, using the Book of Order and creeds of the reformed church as supplemental guides.
  • Within the ministry group on which you serve:
  • Honor the principles and decisions of the ministry group acting as a whole,
  • Avoid fostering dissent or exercising individual authority over staff or other committees or bodies to which the session has given authority,
  • Respect the confidentiality of sensitive issues,
  • Use Biblical principles to resolve conflict,
  • Maintain relationships that are above reproach, and
  • Maintain safe and secure environments for children and youth and follow applicable policies of the church.

As you serve, strive to be outwardly focused rather than internally-preoccupied. Discern your role in God’s call to the Christian church of being both a witness to the best news of Jesus Christ while strengthening the faith and encouraging service of those who have already committed their life to Jesus.

Session (Sr. Pastor and Ruling Elders):

Specific organizational characteristics, responsibilities, and expectations of the session include:

  • Discerns purpose, values, and vision for the church.
  • Concentrates on strategic leadership rather than administrative detail.
  • Focuses on the future, cares and loves in the present, and learns from the past.
  • Approves two active elders to moderate and co-moderate each standing committee:
  • Resource
  • Hospitality
  • Discipleship
  • Mission and Service
  • Nominating
  • Until such time as the preschool becomes its own corporation, the sessionapproves two church members, who will be available during the year, to serve as representatives on the Pre-School Board.
  • Approvesannually in alignment withthe current Purpose-Values-Vision:
  • Actions, ministries, and a fiscally responsible budget for each committee and the entire church and
  • Budget of the Pre-School.
  • Has final approval on all church policies.
  • Receives and reviews regularly, written reports from standing committees and the Pre-School Board. The reports provide the means to assessprogress toward goals and fiscal accountability within the current Purpose-Values-Vision during the current year.
  • Encourages standing committees and ministry teams to carry out the ministry and mission to which God has called them,within the annually-approved actions, ministries, and budget.
  • Regularly and amply uses prayer and study of scripture and research and outside expertise to discern God’s direction and will in all decisions and to governwith grace.
  • Annually invests significant resources to:
  • Understand needs of people in the community,
  • Enhance the church’s reputation of service to the community, and
  • Understand needs of members, attendees, and non-returning visitors.
  • Supports and ministers to members and regular attendees under their care through prayer and fellowship.
  • Supports the Sr. Pastor and staff through prayer, fellowship, and accountability.

Sr. Pastor:

Specific responsibilities and expectations of the Sr. Pastor include:

  • Personal calling by God, upholding ordination vows, provisions in the Book of Order, and contents of contracts, covenants, or job descriptions as mutually agreed upon between Sr. Pastor and ruling elders.
  • Assigns at least one staff member as a resource to each standing committee and/or to ministry teams as is appropriate.
  • As Moderator of the session and in partnership with the ruling elders, those responsibilities and expectations defined forthe session.
  • As Head of Staff:
  • Honors the principles and decisions of the session acting as a whole in defining direction, tasks, and accountability for staff and
  • Follows the guidelines of the current Personnel Manual.
  • With no fewer than two other ministry staff, maintains familiarityabout session and Sr. Pastor issues and processes to preserve continuity of ministry in the event of sudden loss of Sr. Pastor services.


Specific organizational characteristics, responsibilities, and expectations of each committee include:

  • Works within specific areas of responsibilityas defined by the session.
  • Honors the authority of the session.
  • Voting members of the committee include two active elders who will moderate and co-moderate all meetings and three additional people who are active members or active regular attendees who are nominated and elected from among those who are passionate about the work of the committee and presentat the organizational meeting.
  • Voting members of committees are elected to serve for one year, can be a voting member of only one committee during a year, and can serve no more than three consecutive years on a particular committee.
  • Meetings are open to all church members and regular attendees who will have voice but no vote on matters before the committee.
  • Assigned staff persons are a resource for the committee but without vote.
  • Creates, appoints members to, oversees, and mentors ministry teams.
  • Disbands and celebrates the work of ministry teams during the year as their tasks or ministries are completed.
  • Guides, directs, and focuses its own work and that of ministry teams using the current Purpose-Values-Vision and the annually-approved actions, ministries, and budget for the committee as approved by the session.
  • Seeking points of confirmation, honors the urging of the Holy Spirit to prepare and defend changes (i.e., action items) to the annually-approvedactions, ministries, and budget for the committee.Obtains prior approval from session for proposed changes by providing action items in writing with the monthly report to the clerk of session.
  • Works with other committees to accomplish tasks or ministry.
  • In support of the upcoming calendar year budget, submits proposed actions, ministry, budget, and required resources to session each year on or before October 1in alignment withthe current Purpose-Values-Vision.
  • Provides a monthly report of actions, activities, joys, and concerns to clerk of session a week prior to the stated session meeting.The reports provide the means to assessprogress toward goals and fiscal accountability within the current Purpose-Values-Vision during the current year.
  • Provides a written report to clerk of session on or before February 15 which summarizes the fiscal accountability, actions, and ministries of the previous calendar year and assesses the effectiveness of the ministry actions within the current Purpose-Values-Vision. This report will be an update to the draft report used for budgeting and is the final report for the previous calendar year. The report will be shared with the congregation at the annual congregational meeting as specified in bylaws.

Ministry Team:

Specific organizational characteristics, responsibilities, and expectations of each ministry team include:

  • Created and approved by vote of a standing committee as a need arises or to support an on-going program.
  • No ministry team will be formed without approval of one of the standing committees.
  • Works within specific areas of responsibility as defined by its standing committee.
  • Honors the authority of the session and its standing committee.
  • Expenditures are approved and overseen by its standing committee.
  • Staff persons may be assigned to the ministry team as a resource.
  • Guides, directs, and focuses its own work using the current Purpose-Values-Vision and the annually-approved actions, ministries, and budget for the ministry teamas approved by the session and its standing committee.
  • Seeking points of confirmation, honors the urging of the Holy Spirit to prepare and defend changes (i.e., action items) to the annually-approvedactions, ministries, and budget for the ministry team. Obtains prior approval from session for proposed changes by providingaction items in writing to the committee moderator.
  • Brings celebrations, concerns, and proposed changes to its standing committee.
  • If any meetings are held by the ministry team, they are open to all church members and regular attendees unless matters of confidentiality are discussed.
  • Works with other committees and ministry teams to accomplish tasks or ministry.
  • In support of the upcoming calendar year budget, submits proposed actions, ministry, budget, and required resources to its standing committeeby date assigned by committee (before October 1)in alignment withthe current Purpose-Values-Vision.
  • Reports and documents regularly as required by its standing committee actions, activities, joys, and concerns to moderator of committee by date assigned by committee.The reports provide the means to assessprogress toward goals and fiscal accountability within the current Purpose-Values-Vision during the current year.
  • Provides a report as required by its standingcommittee(before February 15) which summarizes the fiscal accountability, actions, and ministries of the previous calendar year and assesses the effectiveness of the ministry actions within the current Purpose-Values-Vision. This report will be an update to the draft report used for budgeting and is the final report for the previous calendar year. The report will be shared with the congregation at the annual congregational meeting as specified in bylaws.

Specific Committees and Boards:

Resource Committee is responsible for:

  • Finances (monitors spending, invests in CDs, responsible for tax obligations)
  • Assuring signers on financial accounts are current; suggests changes to session for its approval
  • Budget
  • Stewardship
  • All church contracts, staff salaries
  • Church policies (formation and modification of, accessibility of, communication of)
  • Church campus, physical property, and facilities (maintenance and use thereof)
  • Personnel
  • Endowment Board
  • Memorial Garden

Hospitality Committee is responsible for:

  • Organization of and use of the kitchen (e.g. training on use of the stove)
  • Welcoming visitors and members to the church (greeters, ushers, parking directors, etc.)
  • Tasks associated with worship: preparation of sanctuary for services, communion
  • Ordering worship supplies, kitchen supplies (plates, condiments, etc.), water, etc.
  • Memorial services and weddings held on the church campus
  • Fellowship events such as Preschool Sunday, concert or benefit, gathering around a meal, etc.
  • Chancel Choir
  • King’s Men
  • Elevate Praise Team
  • Traditional audio team
  • Elevate audio and projection
  • Traditional service lay leaders
  • Youth Band
  • Evangelism

Mission and Service Committee is responsible for:

  • Missions
  • Every-member Ministry
  • Stephens Ministry
  • Prayer Ministry including the Prayer Chain

Discipleship Committee is responsible for:

  • Lighthouse (preschool through 6th grade)
  • Small group/Bible studies
  • Women’s ministries
  • Adult Sunday school
  • Roots/Youth studies (middle school and senior high), retreats, mission trips
  • Confirmation class
  • Selecting and approving curriculum used
  • “Teaching” stewardship
  • VBS and other special events
  • Promoting service and evangelism (can be delegated partly or fully to mission ministry)
  • Training and mentoring discipleship leaders

NominatingTeam is responsible for:

Unlike the other committees this committee consists of 2 elders selected by session, 1 deacon selected by the deacon board, and 4 laypersons elected by the congregation to represent them.

  • Providing a slate of officers (elders and deacons) to session and congregation for election, training, installation, and ordination.
  • Bringing to session’s attention persons discovered during their search for a slate of officers that have talents not currently being used within the church
  • Selecting members of the endowment board to be approved by session

Pre-School Board is responsible for:

  • Oversight of pre-school including reviewing budget for pre-school
  • Sharing with congregation accomplishments and concerns of pre-school students and their families
  • Identifying ways Tims congregation can support pre-school through active participation (coordinate with Discipleship Committee)

Deacon Board is responsible for:

Unlike the other committees this committee consists of at least 9 members in three equal classes that have been recommended to session by the nominating committee, trained by session, elected by the congregation, and ordained and installed.

  • Coordinating meals, rides, housekeeping, babysitting, companionship, etc. as needed for church members and friends of the church
  • Scheduling visits with those unable to make it to church
  • Assisting pastor in coordinating visits to those in the hospital
  • Supporting congregation and friends of the church in times of crisis, loss, joy, and celebration (sending notes, cards, telephoning, etc.)

