Job Description

Job Title: / Sports Leader – Gymnastics/Trampolining/Preschool
Grade: / Scale 2
Responsible to: / Gymnastics Development Officer
Responsible for: / Delivery and management of city-wide sessions
Hours of Duty: / 18 hours per week
Purpose and Objectives of Post:
To deliver a broad range of gymnastics/trampolining and pre-school programmes across the city, as directed by the Gymnastics Development Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The duties listed below together with such other duties falling within the purview of the post as may be required.
1. / To deliver gymnastics/trampolining and assist with pre-school programmes
2. / To agree content with the Gymnastics Development Officer for all sessions undertaken.
3. / To keep relevant records for all sessions taken.
4. / To assist with administrative duties, including emails, as part of a normal working day. To set up equipment at various sites and do a Risk assessment.
5. / To evaluate sessions and agree amendments in line with the Gymnastics Developments Team.
6. / To ensure Health & Safety at all sessions is undertaken.
7. / To adhere to the SCL Code of Conduct and Ethics for all coaches.
8. / To ensure professional conduct at all times, with particular reference to punctuality, dress, organisation and communication skills.
Corporate Responsibilities:
1. / Considerable importance is attached to the public relations aspect of all work undertaken by SCL staff. It is expected, therefore, that the post holder will at all times project to the public the image of SCL as being keen to assist wherever possible and positively promote the work that SCL does across its various services.
2. / The post holder shall carry out his/her duties with full regard to the SCL’s Equal Opportunities Policy. All employees are required to comply with and promote the policy and this includes the acceptance of personal responsibility for its practical implementation.
3. / To ensure that customer care is the major priority for service provision.
Review Arrangements
The details contained in this job description, particularly the principal responsibilities, reflect the job content at the date the job description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time the nature of individuals’ jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties gained without changing the general nature of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, SCL will expect to revise this job description from time to time and will consult regarding such revisions with the post holder at the appropriate time.

Date, Job, & Description Prepared/Revised: 25th July 2017

Prepared by: Gill Waring

Agreed by Post holder:


The Person Specification is an important part of the recruitment process. It should be read carefully as it will form the basis of shortlisting and ultimately, appointing the successful applicant. You must demonstrate therefore how you meet each of the following criteria in your application.




/ Desirable / To be measured by
Qualifications / Qualifications - Must be qualified to UKCC Level 1 in a recognised NGB Gymnastics UKCCqualification. Provide evidence of further academic training and curriculum vitae. / Working towards NGB UKCC Level 2 qualification in one of the following:
General Gymnastics/ Women’s Artistic/Trampolining /Preschool. / A / C /I
Skills / Skills
Good organisational skills / Experience of delivering sessions in pre-school, community and schools settings. / A / I
Good communication skills to include telephonic communication / Experience - Coaching experience with challenging children / A / I
Able to demonstrate enthusiasm and good leadership skills / A / I
Up to date computer skills and knowledge of email ,word processing etc
Experience / Experience - At least 1 years experience of delivering high quality gymnastics/trampolining sessions to a wide range of ages and abilities / Experience of promotion of sport / A / I
Ability to work without supervision and in a team / Experience of promotion of sport/gymnastics / A / I
Ability to set up and plan sessions according to the needs / abilities of the participants / A / I
Ability to compile progress / evaluation charts and monitor progression / A / I
Experience in assisting with the organisation of events and festivals. / A / I
Must be available to work day time, evening and weekends as required.
Knowledge / Up to date knowledge about coaching methods and techniques related to dance / Knowledge of Health and Safety at work / A / I
An understanding of the principles of Sports Development / LTAD / Knowledge of basic First Aid / A / I
Links with National Governing Bodies / A/I

Method of assessment (* M.O.A.)

A = Application form, C = Certificate, E = Exercise, I= Interview, P = Presentation, T = Test, AC = Assessment centre