BU/COE/PSO/06/2015(1) Dated : 29-04-2015

Sealedletters of Expression of Interest (EOI) are invited on behalf of the university from interested farms for printing Grade Card and Degree Certificate(specimen shall be provided) subject to the terms and conditions as given below:


Sl. No. / Description of Work / Quantity
1 / Printing of Grade Card in four colour with at least 5 security features on Teslin® A4, 167 gsm paper / Approx. 2000 nos.
2 / Printing of Degree Certificate in four colour with at least 5 security features on Teslin® A4 167 gsm paper / Approx. 2000 nos.


  1. The EOI along with all completed Forms and supporting documentsunder sealed cover superscripted EOI: COE should reach the office of The Registrar, Bodoland University, Debargaon, P.O. - Rangalikhata, Dist. - Kokrajhar – 783 370 on or before 30/05/2015 by4:00 PM.The EOI could be submitted by Regd. Post/Courier/Hand.

Sl. No. / Pre-qualification Criteria / Supporting Compliance document / Reference
1. / The printing farm must be a farm /company/partnership farm registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956/ the Partnership Act, 1932 having their registered offices in India. / Copy of Certificate /
Article of Association
2. / (a) The farmshould not have incurred loss in the last 03 Financial Years (2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15).
(b) The firm should have an average turnover of INR 50 lakhs in the last three financial years for printing services only. / Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet
CA certified document
4. / The farmmust have experience in executing at least 03 assignments related printing services in Central Government/State Governments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Private Sector in India during the last 03 Financial Years. / Copy of Work Order, and compliance document if assignment already completed.
5. / The farmmust have valid registration for security printing of documents like bonds etc. with any Government or PSU organization. / Registration Certificate
6. / The farmmust not have been blacklisted by any Central Government/ State Government / PSU/Autonomous Bodies. / Self-declaration signed by the Authorized signatory
7. / The farmmust have own colour printing machines of adequate capacities, commensurate with requirement of printing order within 45 days. / Self-declaration signed by the Authorized signatory

2.1 The farm shall complete all bid forms and credentials as required under “preliminary criteria”

etc, furnishing the works to be done and services to be rendered. No alternations or additions in the

documents at later stage shall be allowed.

2.2 Forms must be filled in ink or typed.

2.3 All communication will be in the English language only.

2.4 Rates shall be quoted both in words and figures. There must not be errors and/or over writings.

Corrections, if any, must be made clearly and initialed by the Authorized signatory of the farm.

2.5 All rate/cost must be quoted in Indian Rupee only.

2.6 The financial bid shall be inclusive of all taxes such as VAT, Octroi, Central Sale Tax, Local taxes, Service Tax etc. The farm shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the work and services and no later claim whatsoever for extra payment shall be entertained.

2.7 The EOI must be submitted along with the following documents:

(a) Copy of VAT clearance certificate

(b) Copy of PAN/TAN certificate

(c) Copy of Central Sales Tax Registration No

(d) Copy of Service Tax Registration No

(e) Bank Draft of Rs. 1000/-(non-refundable) drawn in favour of the Registrar, Bodoland University Kokrajhar payable at SBI, North Kokrajhar Branch(Code No. 7379) towards processing charge

(f) Selected Farm shall have to deposit EMD 2% of quoted value in form of Bank Draft in favour of the Registrar, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar payable at SBI, North Kokrajhar Branch(Code No. 7379).Security deposit of 8% of order value shall be withheld from the bill amount at the time of payment for a period of six months.

2.8 The EOI must be accompanied with samples of paper (to indicate quality of paper) for consideration. Supply must be made as per sample.

2.9 Any software or associated hardware required to provide services under this engagement will be provided by the farm at their own cost.

2.10 Conditional EOI is not acceptable and shall be rejected outright.

2.11 The bidder shall sign and properly number all technical and financial bids and supporting documents to avoid any loss/misplace.


All 4-colored Grade Card and Degree Certificateshall be printed and delivered with at least 05 security features as given below:

(a)Anti Scanning

(b)Anti Coping

(c)High Resolution Border

(d)Bar Code Printing

(e)Invisible UV Ink

(f)Micro text Line

(g)Watermark Logo in Background

(h)Numbering with Penetrating Ink.

3.1 Printing process must be passed carrying security features.

3.2 No process can be outsourced.

3.3 All equipment, software and allied process must be under one roof and must be owned by the farm.

3.4 Supply of printed materials shall have to be completed within 45 days from the date of order.

All legal disputes shall be under the jurisdiction of Gauhati High Court, Guwahati.

3.5 The University reserves the right to reject one or all bidding without assigning any reason thereof.


In case any clarification in regard to the bid document, prospective farms may make a request in writing/ through e-mail () to the university. The University may issue interpretation/clarification as it may think fit in writing. The university shall not respond to any clarification sought by the bidders 5 days before the last date of submission of the bid.


(Dr. Asit Kr. Das)

Controller of Examinations

Form No. – 01




The EOI must accompany the following information against every serial number as under:-

1. Name of the Farm ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. Name of the Proprietor ………………………………………………………………………………

3. Mailing Address ………………………………………………………………………………………


4. Telephone No. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Mobile No. …………………………………………………………………………………………..

6. Fax No. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. E-mail address ……………………………………………………………………………………….

8. Year of Establishment ……………………………………………………………………………….

9. Registration No. ……………………………………………………………………………………..

10. VAT No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

11. TIN No. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

12. Name and Designation of the person authorized to make commitments to the University


13. Description of business and business background (on Firm’s Letter-head with seal)

10. Service profile & client profile (on Firm’s Letter-head with seal)

11. Total Annual Turnover for last Three Years (Enclose Certified Copies)

Sl. No. / F/Year / Rs. In Figures / Rs. In Words
1 / 2012-13
2 / 2013-14
3 / 2014-15

12. Details of work of Central Government/ State Governments/PSUs / Autonomous Bodies/Private Sector undertaking during last three Financial Years (on Firm’s Letter-head with seal & copy of work order)

Signature & Seal of Bidder

(with date)

Form No. – 02




  1. Name of the Bidder: …………………………………………………………………
  2. Address: …………………………………………………………………



No. / Description of the Work / Rate in Rs. (Per unit)
1 / Printing of Grade Card in four colour with at least 5 security features on Teslin® A4, 167 gsm paper
2 / Printing of Degree Certificate in four colour with at least 5 security features on Teslin® A4 167 gsm paper

Signature & Seal of Bidder

(with date)

Note: Rates must be inclusive of all taxes and including transportation of the material to the University directly from the firm along with insurance charge.

Form No. – 03




I……………………………………………………………………….do hereby declare that our farm is not black listed and no enquires/cases are pending against us by Govt. of India/Govt. of Assam or any State Govt./Board/Universities any time since inception of the farm.

I further undertake that if above declaration proves to be wrong/incorrect or misleading our tender/contractshall stand to be cancelled/terminated.

Date :……………….

Signature of Authorised Person

Place :………………..
