Guidance for admission of a pupil into a specialist setting to support Behavioural, Social and Emotional Difficulities
Pupil Need / Evidence ProvidedBESD unit / Requires smaller class sizes than in a mainstream setting.
Requires specialist teaching, using a structured programme of behaviour management programme.
Requires a Primary model of teaching with one authority figure or a greatly reduced amount of movement between classes or transitions.
Requires clear behaviour targets based on focused analysis of triggers and undesirable behaviours with a structured reward and sanction programme.
Requires a heightened level of adult to pupil ratio in order to make progress.
Requires focused short-term intervention with the possibility of re-integration back into a mainstream setting. / Statement of special educational needs with prime need as BESD
Previous school reports
IEPs, set and evaluated
Behaviour Management plans with list of strategies used and triggers identified
History of development, adverse life experiences, Social Care input, any medical diagnosis.
Reasons for triggers relevant in an educational setting – (hyper-sensitive to perceived criticism due to father being verbally abusive when drunk and calling him names.)
Academic attainment over time, NC levels, SATs results, reading, spelling ages etc.
Potential tests such as I.Q., CAT or baseline scores.
Success outlined when supported appropriately.
BESD school / As above plus…
Has experienced two or more permanent exclusions from mainstream schools.
Has been permanently excluded from a BESD unit.
Requires long-term support to address serious behaviour difficulties such as Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder or mental health related difficulties.
Requires a structured emotional literacy and anger management programme to identify emotions, internal triggers for these and management of arising anger/undesirable behaviour.
Requires specialist teaching in subject areas to tolerate transitions and access lessons of a mainstream ability.
Requires a long-term practical based curriculum, such as AQA or ASDAN in order to make academic achievements. / Statement of special educational needs with prime need as BESD.
Previous school reports
Letters re exclusions stating reasons and events leading up to incident.
Multi-professional reports
Medical reports
Academic attainment – of mainstream ability
BEDS school with MLD / As above plus…
Has an identified Moderate Learning Difficulty that is assessed by an Educational Psychologist.
Requires simplified language with instructions given in stages in order to access learning.
Requires specialist teaching for pupils with learning difficulites in order to access a carefully differentiated curriculum in order to achieve academic success.
Requires teaching at a much slower pace than pupils of mainstream ability.
Has missed a significant amount of learning so that education needs to consolidate prior skills, focus on basic skills for life which are delievered in a practical way and has opportunities to re-visit concepts convered usually with much younger pupils. / Statement of special educational needs with prime need as BESD, however there may be a history of learning difficulties and evidence of this through professional reports.
Professionals assessments, advice and reports
Medical diagnosis
September 2009 (under review)