Town of Washington

Board of Selectmen


May 16, 2013


1.1 Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.

1.2  Members: Ken Eastman and Tom Marshall

1.3  Visitors: Jim Grenier, John Pasieka



Eastman motioned to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2013. Marshall seconded the motion.

All voted in favor.

Important Dates -

May 18th – WES Spaghetti Supper at the elementary school

May 26th – Fireman’s Breakfast 7-11AM at the Center Station

May 26th – Hymn Sing 7PM at the East Washington Baptist Church, come and join us for an old fashioned hymn sing.

May 27th – Memorial Day service 9:30AM on the Town Common

May 29th- Board of Adjustment 6:30PM at the Town Hall

June 16th – Ice Cream Social 5:30-7PM at the Elementary School to celebrate the 16 years of service to the Town from Suzanne Lull

June 19th – Conservation Commission 7PM at the Town Hall

Did You Know?

No burning is permitted due to current fire danger

7:17PM Eastman motioned to move to a non-public session due to a personnel issue. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

8:18PM Eastman motioned to revert to a public session and to seal the minutes due to a personnel issue. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor.


3.1  Bob and Liz Tabor: TM#20-035, Bailey Road, requesting a building permit for a 28x40 single family home with a garage under the home. Eastman and Marshall inspected and found that all of the setbacks were in accordance with the Land Use Ordinance. Eastman motioned to approve the application and Marshall seconded of the motion. All voted in favor, permit #1312 was approved.

3.2  Rocco and Mary Ruggerio: TM#14-018, Harrison Road, requesting an amendment to their previously approved building permit to include a small landing with stairs. The Selectmen reviewed the site plan that was provided and determined that the construction would need a variance. Dagesse to forward the variance application to Bob Wright the contractor. (See 4.2.)


4.1  Walter Feeley came in to ask for a building permit application. Dagesse provided him with the document.

4.2  Tabor phoned to confirm that the Selectmen’s Office received his building permit application and wanted to make sure the Selectmen would be able to find his house lot in order to inspect for a new home since he did not have a 911# established as of yet. Dagesse assured him that the Selectmen would use the tax maps to assist them and also establish him a new 911# for his home this week. (See 3.2.)

4.3  Jed Schwartz came in and dropped off appointment paperwork for the Conservation Commission to renew the appointment of sitting members. (See 9.2)

4.4  Mary Sheldon phoned to ask if the Seacoast Day Hikers could park in the rear parking at the Town Hall on June 1st from 8-9am- late afternoon. There will be 5-6 cars using the parking lot.

4.5  Bob Wright came in to ask about an open building permit and the Land Use Ordinance.

4.6  Jed Schwartz, Shawn Atkins and Bob Wright came in to let the Selectmen know that the Fire Department has decided to go with Eckman Construction for the safety complex. The Selectmen discussed the Fire Center station land and the option to purchase an acre of land from an abutter. The Selectmen asked Atkins to firm up the amount that the property owner would like for the acre and discuss the request for a survey. The Selectmen will then go to the town’s attorney to work on a purchase and sales agreement to be contingent on a vote at Town Meeting.

4.7  Jim Crandall and Gwen Gaskell, representing the Washington Historical Society, requesting the use of the lodge on August 24th. Dagesse provided them with an application see 9.1.

4.8  Aileen Chute phoned to ask about the size of a playhouse at her Halfmoon Pond Road property that was referenced in a letter from the Selectmen’s office requesting a building permit. Dagesse told her that the 60 square feet was measured by the Assessors and she could use that for the application.


5.1 Ed Thayer:

5.1.1. The easements for the Faxon Hill Road culvert job has been registered. Thayer has a copy. (Reference 5.1.4. of last weeks meeting minutes)

5.1.2. Suggested that the Public Works Department remove the dead end sign on Halfmoon Pond Road, since the road is really not a dead end road. Chief Marshall agreed and the signed will be removed.

5.2 The Assessors:

5.2.1. Dropped off the tax warrant.

5.2.2. Dropped off the supplemental tax warrant.

5.3 Jim Berry:

5.3.1. Forwarded a copy of a letter that he had sent to a Valley Road resident in reference to a complaint that the Selectmen received regarding an outhouse. (Reference 5.5.1. of last week’s minutes)

5.4 Michelle Dagesse:

5.4.1. Requested that the Selectmen sign the Report of appropriation actually voted at the Town Meeting. The Selectmen signed the document.

5.4.2. Reviewed a proposal for the property liability insurance for the Town of Washington. The Selectmen thank Dagesse for her diligence in saving the Town money on the liability insurance.

5.4 Chief Marshall:

5.4.1. Requested that the Selectmen authorize to accept a donation in the amount of $100.00 to the APA.

6.0  Public Appointments:

6.1 Jim Grenier came in to discuss local government news and he wanted to ask the Selectmen if they needed anything in particular. The Selectmen assured him that they would contact him with any concerns that they would like him to address on behalf of the town.


7.1  Letter from a resident/tax payer with concern of a bunkhouse and fairly large deck on Millen Pond. – Selectmen to investigate

7.2 Invoice from Upton & Hatfield- Approved and forwarded to Dagesse

7.3 A copy of Legislative Bulletin, #21- Public reading file

7.4 Invoice from J & N Landscaping & Tree Service LLC- Approved and forwarded to Dagesse

7.5 Email from Jo Ellen Wright asking about a railing on the front of the Town Hall. – Eastman to contact a local contractor. He will also inquire about a drip guard over the front door.

7.6 Letter from New Hampshire Fish and Game to the Washington license agent forwarding the need for a computer to print the licenses electronically. – Forward to Poole

7.7 Order Confirmation for a mop sink to be installed at the lodge. – Approved and forward to Dagesse for payment.

7.8 Proposal from James Dumais for installation of a mop sink at the lodge. – Eastman motioned to approve the proposal and Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Eastman will notify the contractor to move forward.

7.9 Agenda for the Washington Senior Group schedule for the use of the lodge. – The Selectman approved the dates for the senior lunches.

7.10 Received the results of the water test from the Town Hall, the water results were within the consumable limits. – Filed

7.11 A letter from Highland Lake Unified Association requesting $500.00. – The Selectmen approved the request as part of the Lake Host program that was approved at Town Meeting.

7.12 Letter from Sullivan County forwarding the MS46 Form for the 2014 proposed budget. – Filed

7.13 Letter from the Conservation Commission requesting the Selectmen reappoint members that their terms are running out. – See 4.3 and 9.2

8.0 Old Business

9.0  New Business

9.1  Eastman motioned to approve the application of the Washington Historical Society for the use of the lodge on August 24th. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

9.2  Eastman motioned to approve the appointment of Sandy Robinson and Jed Schwartz. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

10.1 The Board approved cheques for payroll $57,352.13 of and vendor checks in the amount of $172,881.12 May 17, 2013.


11.1 Marshall motioned to adjourn at 8:50PM Eastman seconded the motion. All voted in favor.


Michelle Dagesse

Secretary for the Board of Selectmen