251 Bornman Street Hertzogville 9482/P.O. Box 255 Hertzogville 9482
Cell: Director: 0825703062, Co Director: 0823134437 Landline: 0534219487
Dispensing License: FS 00419D NPO Reg. Number: 045-521-NPO Vat:4540256460
Member of the APCA and HPCA of South Africa: Member of SAIF
Website: email:
CHANGE OF STRATEGYGlobally much has been done to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Nationally South Africa has introduced the Anti-RetroviralMedication; people are not dying from the virus as in the past.
The care at Lesedi Hospice had to change its strategy from palliative care to chronic care of patients with HIV/AIDS and family support. The virus has left a ripple effect leaving people unemployed, chronically ill and children suffering from the consequences. Lesedi gives micronutrients to HIV/AIDS patients, treat the opportunistic infections and give psychosocial support. The organization has created 120 employment opportunities.
GEOGRAPHILCAL LOCATIONLesedi Hospice is situated in a deep rural, poverty stricken village in the Town: Malebogo/Hertzogville in the Sub District of Tokologo; The District of Lejweleputswa. Within the Province of the Free State; Country South Africa.
DEMOGRAPHICAL INFORMATIONLesedi Hospice is the only compliantorganization serving the community of Tokologo and Christiana a town in the North West. The organization is serving the whole Tokologo Sub District and Christiana in the North West Province.
The population of the community is Black with 2% white people mainly farmers. The community has a population of 69 000. The black population has an unemployment rate of 95%. The members of the community lives mainly on child, orphans and vulnerable children, disability grants and old age pensions.
The family’s income is an average of R800.00 per month, which is far below the poverty line.The cycle of poverty in the community causes poverty related diseases, of which HIV/Aids and Tuberculosis are two of the main illnesses.The main mortality rate is due to opportunistic infections from Aids.
Community Disease profile are:
- Poverty related illnesses; Aids. Due to the Aids the patients get opportunistic diseases such as Tuberculosis, even worse the Multi drug resistant Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Severe Hypertension, Diarrhea, Neuropathy, Anemia, Lung infections, Tonsillitis, Urinary Tract Infections and Skin diseases. The Aids patients mainly die of these illnesses. The infections lead to secondary infections, which causes death. With the AIDS epidemic and the community eating more western
- junk food the following illnesses are increasing: Hypertension, Strokes, Diabetes, Lung Diseases, Cancer. Resulting high mortality rates in the community.
Medical Services:
- The village has no medical doctor, not hospital; the nearest hospital is 55 km from the village. The Primary Health Care Local Clinic services handle mainly acute services, and do not have the time to do prevention. Patients have to travel 150 km to get to the nearest hospital for paramedical treatment e.g. physiotherapy, occupational therapy and other treatment.
- Cancer patients are unable to get pain medication unless they go to a tertiary hospital which is 150 km away.
- All specialized treatment is 150 km away from the village. If patients receive chemo therapy they have to go to a tertiary hospital.
Psycho Social:
- It has been proved that children growing up in a home where the parent is chronically ill has mental and intellectual problems. The same situation with the orphans and vulnerable children.
- These children grow up without the breadwinner in the house and with the grandparents, whom do not have the ability to care for the children due to chronic illnesses and a lack of energy.
- Other problems are that children do not get grants due to not having their parent’s death certificates and them not having a birth certificate.
- The village also has child headed households where the eldest child cares for the other siblings.
- To be able to obtain some funding, young girls are active in statutory rape and teenage pregnancies are a problem. For every child the teenager receives a grant.
- Another cause of teenage pregnancy, are the foster parents who mismanage the child grants through alcohol abuse, thus forcing the teenager to fall pregnant and care for herself.
- All the men with AIDS leave their jobs on the farms, because they do not have the stamina to do the work. They are also illiterate and do not have any other skills to do other work which results in unemployment and alcoholism.
- The stress, stigma and fear of Aids cause the breadwinner not to cope with the situation which also leads to alcohol abuse.
- According to a High School teacher 85% of the children do not have any hope for the future.
The vision of Lesedi is “where caring never ends”. Lesedi cares for the whole family, and not only the patients. After the death of the parent we care for the orphans and family whom stays behind. We give physical, psycho social, and spiritual care. We care for 55 Home Base Carers who are members of the community, previously unemployed. They also receive skills development and debriefing.
MISSION- Primary Health care
- Skills Development
- Palliative Home Base Care.
- Orphan and Vulnerable Child Care and Early Childhood Development.
- Lesedi Hospice is an Registered NPO. Number 045-521 NPO
- The professional nurse has a dispensing certificate and is able to dispense medication.
- The organization is accredited by HWSETA to give training.
- The Early Childhood Centre is registered by Social Development.
- The Early Childhood program is registered by Social Development.
- Lesedi Hospice belongs to the South African Institute of Fund Raising.
- The organization is also a member of the South African Palliative Association of South Africa.
- Lesedi is also registered at SARS and has Tax Exemption and Tax Clearance Certificates.
- The organization’s financial books are Audited by a registered Chartered Accountant.
- All workers belong to the UIF.
- The whole organization has policies in place for all the Departments.
- All Professional staff members belong to the necessary professional councils.
Lesedi is the only compliant NGO in 5 towns it is serving. Our organization is the only non- governmental organization that has a dispensing license, and is able to care for HIV/AIDS, chronic patients and children that become ill. If the government clinics cannot deliver the medical service Lesedi can help ill patients.
PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SERVICESThe Primary Health Care Department of Lesedi Hospice is fully equipped to be able to do all the vital signs and the organization is able to do laboratory tests.
Our organization works very well with the Local Government clinic to be able to refer patients for tertiary treatment. We also have a good relationship with the Medical University of the Free State, and the tertiary hospitals in Bloemfontein.
Lesedi is also fully equipped to be able to handle patients that are critical, saving their lives.
The local clinic, which is very busy, is mainly working with patients with acute conditions. Lesedi concentrates more on the prevention of illnesses and the maintaining of health.
The professional nurse examining and treating the patients has post graduate training, to do the work. She is also fully trained to dispense the correct medication and has a sound knowledge of side effects.
With the maintenance of the AIDS patients, opportunistic infections and other chronic illnesses, Lesedi Hospice has improved the quality of life of all patients. Lesedi also has a Medical Doctor assisting voluntary at the Hospice
PALLIATIVE CARELesedi Hospice have 55 fully trained staff members to be able to do Palliative Care, Home Base Care, and family support which includes the primary care giver, foster parents, the orphans and the patients. The whole family receives holistic care, including physical, social, and psychological support.
The Home Based Carers are equipped to care for all the elements. The Carers ensure that the patients are compliant with their medication. Give Health Education on Diet, Personal Hygiene, improving environmental activities, breaking the stigma of aids, giving information on Tuberculosis and the spreading of the disease.
Campaigns are held on all the health area e.g. AIDS, Diabetes Month and other.
All patients are also culturally cared for.
SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING.Lesedi Hospice is the only organization in our Sub District that is accredited by HWSETA to be able to give accredited training. The advantage of the accreditation is the organization has taken the initiative to train other NGO’S that are not compliant. This will help for better management and job creation in a deep rural area. The organization is also fully equipped to be able to do the training. The organization also owns the building used for training.
The community Health Worker National certificate will also empower the women in the community to care for their own community. They can also support the members of the community with the knowledge.
ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILD CARE AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT.Fifteen youth workers are fully trained to do orphan and vulnerable child care. The Carers do house visits; refer the children to the necessary stakeholders for more specialized care, e.g. physical care, psycho social care and spiritual care.Health Education, psycho support is given to every household.
Lesedi Hospice is fully equipped to be able to give early childhood development. Fourteen staff members have received training in early childhood development.
We are applying for funding for a trained Educator to do the project management.
The aim of Lesedi is to train the staff of the other crèches.
Currently Lesedi is the only equipped crèche in all the 4 towns to be able to give early childhood development.
The organization goal is to start a toy library and play groups, but need funding at this stage.
COLLABORATIONTo ensure quality care Lesedi Hospice collaborated with the following organizations:
Department of Social Development.
Department of Education.
Department of Health.
Department of Home Affairs.
Department of Justice.
South African Police.
Local Schools
Local Crèches.
Other NGO’S.
Women’s Leagues.
Lesedi also has a child care forum where we plan, identify community problems and address them.
TRANSPORTIn January of 2015 Lesedi will be receiving its new mobile clinic.
Lesedi has a pick-up truck.
The organization has a sedan vehicle and a Kombi to transport staff, patients and children.
HUMAN RESOURCESDirector of Lesedi Hospice is a post graduate from the University of Pretoria. He specialized in a Agricultural Degree, and two Degrees in Theology. His experience is ministry and management of Congregations. He is the co- founder of Lesedi Hospice. He also has the experience of initiating projects and assisting the previously disadvantaged to start projects and maintain them. He was also involved on committees of the synod of the chuch.
Deputy Director is a post graduate in Nursing, Midwifery, Management, Community Health, Primary Health Care, Palliative Care and Dispensing of medication for professionals. She has experience of Medical Service Management and did Nursing Consultant doing strategic planning at Provincial Hospital. She functioned on Provincial Level at the Department of Health.Has received two National Awards for community nursing, and one provincial award.
The Deputy Director has also received International training in fundraising.
She is also the founder of Lesedi Hospice.
Financial and Administrative Officer has 7 years experience of working for a Chartered Accountant. She is also trained in Pre Primary training. She has a sound experience of doing finances, and reporting to funders.
Lesedi has 55 fully trained Home Base Carers. They have a sound experience of caring for their own community. They have Also received skills training and capacity building training of Personal Growth.
Fifteen Carers are fully accredited trained to do youth work within the community.
Fourteen staff members have been trained in Pre- primary school training.
Lesedi is very proud to report that two of their Home Base Carerhave gone for further training.
The one qualified as a professional Nurse and one as a Social Auxilliary worker.
The organization has one additional Professional Nurse doing Palliative Care.
Lesedi Hospice has two drivers whom have a license to drive passengers.
One of the Board Members is a Social Worker working for the Department of Social Development.
In total Lesedi Hospice has currently 120 people working at the Hospice.
Lesedi has a policy to be gender sensitive.
MONITORING AND EVALUATIONLesedi Hospice has a policies to do monitoring and evaluation of the following:
- Home Base Care
- Orphan an Vulnerable child care.
- Early Childhood Development.
The HDMS monitoring system was scientifically developed by the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa.
STATISTICSLesedi Hospice currently serves a community of 69 000 people from 5 villages.
We are caring for 120 staff members previously unemployed and their families, which is 600 people.
Home Base Care 365 patients and their families which is 1865 people.
Orphan and vulnerable children are 186 and their families 950
Early Childhood development crèche are 86 children.
In total Lesedi is making a change in 4172 people’s lives.
BAMBANANI CONSORTIUMOn the 28th of March 2014 Bambanani Consortium was established. The aim of the consortium is for all NGO’S to collaborate together. Lesedi Hospice would like to help the other organizations to become compliant.
CONCLUSIONLesedi does:
- Primary Health Care: Prevention, Promtive, Tertiary and Rehabilitative Care.
- Training: Home Base Care, Tuberculosis comprehensive care, National Certificate for the Community Health Worker, Project Leadership Training. Primary Health Care.
- Orphan and Vulnerable Child Care. This is holistic care. Physical, Psycho social and spiritual care.
- Early Childhood Development.
- Preservation of the family.
We are proud to work in a deep rural area where these services are not available.
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Lesedi Hospice Founder August 2005: Jenny Bornman Cell 0823134437