Charter of 1732
Text section A:
George the Second by the Grace of God To all To whom these Presents shall come Greeting Whereas wee are Credibly Informed that many of our Poor Subjects are through misfortunes and want of Employment reduced to great necessities insomuch as by their labour they are not able to provide a maintenance for themselves and Families and if they had means to defray the Charge of Passage and other Expenses incident to new Settlements they would be Glad to be Settled in any of our Provinces in America
1. Who is issuing the document?
2. When it says “wee are credibly informed”, who is wee?
3. What is it that the person who issued the document has been informed about?
4. What is it that the person who issued the document is willing to do? Why?
5. According to the text, what is the reason for settlement for Georgia?
Text Section B:
whereby Cultivating the lands at present waste and desolate they might not only gain a Comfortable Subsistence for themselves and families but also Strengthen our Colonies and Encrease the trade Navigation and wealth of these our Realms
6. What does it mean by “cultivating the lands”?
7. What lands would the document be referring to? Why would they be called “waste and desolate”?
8. What does “comfortable subsistence” mean?
9. Who would gain a “comfortable subsistence for themselves”?
10. What part of the text indicates that Georgia would be good for England’s economy?
11. According to the text, what is the reason for settlement?
Text Section C:
And whereas our Provinces in North America have been frequently Ravaged by Indian Enemies more Especially that of South Carolina which in the late war by the neighbouring Savages was laid wast with Fire and Sword and great numbers of the English Inhabitants miserably Massacred And our Loving Subjects who now Inhabit these by reason of the Smallness of their numbers will in case of any new war be Exposed to the like Calamities in as much as their whole Southern Frontier continueth unsettled and lieth open to the said Savages And whereas wee think it highly becoming Our Crown and Royal Dignity to protect all our Loving Subjects be they never so distant from us to Extend our Fatherly Compassion even to the meanest an most unfortunate of our people and to relieve the wants of our abovementioned poor Subjects
12. Which colony has been under attack? Who was attacking them?
13. Where is the “Southern Frontier”?
14. Who is the “Crown” and who are the “Loving Subjects”?
15. What are the “wants” of the poor subjects?
16. What evidence in the text indicates the reason for establishing Georgia as a colony?
Text Section D:
To be divided of all those lands Countries and Territories Situate lying and being in that part of South Carolina in America which lies from the most Northern Stream of a River there comonly called the Savannah all along the Sea Coast to the Southward unto the most Southern Stream of a certain other great water or River called the Alatamaha and Westward from the heads of the said Rivers respectively in Direct Lines to the South Seas and all that space Circuit and Precinct of land lying within the said boundaries with the Islands in the Sea lying opposite to the Eastern Coast of the said lands
17. Where is the northern boundary of Georgia going to be located?
18.Where is the eastern boundary of Georgia going to be located?
19. Where is the Southern boundary of Georgia going to be located?
20 Where is the western boundary of Georgia going to be located?
21. What are the names of the two rivers stated in the Charter of 1732? Locate them on the map.
Draw the boundaries of Georgia as stated in the Charter of 1732. Label the northern boundary, southern boundary, eastern boundary, and the western boundary.