Subject: Re: Carroll County lookup request

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:43:31 -0100

From: M/J Van Duser <>


Hi Michael,

Unfortunately, the only mention of the name HAYDEN in my Beers' book is in reference to the marriage, March 10, 1853, of Mrs. Aby Davy, who was born August 2, 1828, in PA, daughter of Nathaniel and Margaret Hayden, of Rose Twp, Carroll Co, OH, to J.T.German, of Rose Twp. (This could also be a clue to an earlier connection. Many of the Carroll Co people came via Washington Co, PA. You might want to check their website at

My cemetery book has no Haydens listed, but the book does not cover Rose Twp, so you may want to check to see if one of the other volunteers has the book that covers that twp.

Good luck in your search.

Janet Van Duser


Subject: Re: Carroll Co. Will index

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 18:31:52 +0000 (GMT)

From: Jean Scarlott <>



Sorry to say no Will listed in the index. Checked the cemetery book andfound this listing;

Deep Springs Cem. Monroe Twp; Carroll Co.

Hayden, Samuel; 1847 ae 74 [b. 1773]

Hayden, Nathaniel 1865 ae 69 [b. 1796]

, Mahala; 1845 ae 44 [b. 1801]



Subject: Re: Lookup request - Carroll Co. OH

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 18:17:16 EDT



>From Ohio Carroll County Early Marriages 1850-March, 1866. Vol. 11 page 93

Page 47 Office 69 Date 13 March 1851 Hayden, Samuel m Matilda Kimmel Cert.

Page 49 Office 1 Date 10 April 1851 Hayden, Wallen m Rebecca Swearingen Cert. reads Swanengen

Page 95 Office 104 Date 30 Sept. 1852 Hayden, Zera m Miss. Nancy Jane Way Cert.

>From Carroll County, Ohio Early Marriages 1833-1849 Vol. 1 Pages are not numbered

Ret. # 1777 *Joseph Day Abigail L. Hayden 14 May 1846 Off. #216 Page # 271

The star in front of the grooms name refers me to and addenda. 1777

Magnolia. Magnolia would be his place of residence or the location of the marriage.

Hope you find some clues.

Happy hunting


Researching: Norris, McComma, Smeltz/Schmeltz, Finefrock, Harpel in Carroll County, Ohio and in PA.


Subject: Carroll Co. Research

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 13:36:38 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jean Scarlott <>

To: "Michael S. Caldwell/Daniel Clark Caldwell" <>


I do research work here in Carroll Co. I charge $5.00 per hour pluscopies and postage. Since there was no listing for a Will or Estate,the land records maybe the only hopes of finding anything. Then againif he owned land there COULD be a partition suit over the land.



Subject: Hayden

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 06:15:08 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jean Scarlott <>

To: "Michael S. Caldwell/Daniel Clark Caldwell" <>


I'll send you my mailing address, but hold up sending any money till Isee if there is any thing on this group here. It won't take me thatlong to figure out if there is anything here or not. First I'll checkthe Common Pleas Journals to see if there was a partition suit afterSamuel's death. Keep your fingers crossed on that one. Should also tellyou anything I can find in the material I have here at home, I onlycharge for copies of.

Mailing address;

Jean Scarlott

606 McKinley Ave. N.W.

Carrollton, Oh. 44615



Subject: Hayden

Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:51:46 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jean Scarlott <>

To: "Michael S. Caldwell/Daniel Clark Caldwell" <>


Just wanted you to know that I have found some info on the Haydensurname, just not on your Samuel yet. The Nathaniel Hayden that isburied at Big Springs Cem. was born in N.J. as are the other Haydensthat are here. Some of the younger ones are born in Pa. According tothe 1820 census index Nathaniel was here(well almost) History lessonnow; Carroll Co. wasn't formed till 1833 from the surrounding countiesof Stark, Tuscarawas, Jefferson, Harrison and Columbiana. Nathaniel is listed in 1820 as living Tuscarawas Co. Warren Twp. nowpart of Warren Twp. became Rose Twp. Carroll Co. after 1833. Nathaniel had a Will filed here and I pulled the will. It appears hedidn't have any children for he leaves everything to his wife Jane andthe United Presbyterian Church at the Cross Roads in Monroe Twp. nowI'm guessing the church was Big Spring and we do have some churchrecords from there. I'll check them. So far I haven't been able to findany listing for Samuel Hayden. It maybe he lived with this Nathanielfor on the 1840 census there is a male age 60-70 living with Nathaniel.

I can send you some of what I've found as an attachment if you wouldlike. Only problem I can't use this email I'll have to use my otherone, so if you get email from a cherrington with an attachment it isme.



1833 Carroll County, Ohio Tax List

page 38; Rose Twp.

Hayden, Nathaniel; Range-7, Twp-16, Section-26

Personal Property; 3 horses and 3 cows

No Samuel Hayden listed.

Carroll County, Ohio Deeds

Hayden, Nathaniel from John Mowls; Vol. 51; page 178; Indenture; dated 1 Dec. 1825; 59 acres south side of 1/4 S NE; section 26, Township-16, range-7

Hayden, Nathaniel-from-Lot Denning; Vol 52; page 198; dated 4 Feb. 1829, both of Tuscarawas Co. Oh. town lot 10 in New Hagerstown. $10.00

Nathaniel B. Hayden and Thomas Herren-from-David Hart and William Pedan Adminst. of Solomon Huffman dec'd;Vol. 3 ; page 622; dated 20 Oct. 1838; NW 1/4 of section-26,township-16, range-7 plus 40 acres north side of SW 1/4 for $1000.00 (Note; Solomon Huffman never came to this area he died in Washington Co. Pa. after receiving a land patent for the above land. Some members of his family settled in the same area in Rose Twp. just finished working on the Huffman family)

Haden, Nathaniel-from-Thomas Herron; Vol.3; page 621; dated 20 Oct. 1838; Nathaniel Hayden and wife Mahela Hayden; 9 1/2 acres SE corner SW 1/4 and 40 acres SW 1/4

Hayden, Jane C.-To-James Haugh as Adminst. ; Vol 21; page 251; dated 1865; 197 acres part SE,SW,NW and NE 1/4

Tombstone Inscriptions and Family Records of Carroll County, Ohio by Esther Powell-1973

page 122a Union Valley Cemetery Rose Twp.

Hayden, John A.-1856-1916

German, Josiah T.-5-13-1830-1918

wife Aby L. Hayden-8-2-1820-1903

page 93; Deep Springs Cem. Monroe Twp.

Hayden, Samuel 1847 ae 74

page 94; Deep Springs Cem. Monroe Twp.

Hayden, Nathaniel-1865 ae 69

Hayden, Mahala-1845 ae 44

Carroll County Will and Estate Index 1833-1900

Hayden, Nathaniel; Will 1865; Probate Record-F; page 1 (wife Jane)

Carroll County, Ohio Early Marriages Vol.1; 1833-1849

page 271; Joseph Day and Abigail L. Hayden; 14 May 1846 by Noah Clouse M.G. Canal Dover, Tuscarawas Co. Oh.

Carroll County, Ohio Early Marriages Vol.II-1849-1866

page 47; Hayden, Samuel and Matilda Kimmel; 13 March 1851 by Saml Lancaster M.G.

page 49; Hayden, Wallen and Rebecca Swearingen; 10 April 1851 by John Hare M.G.

page 95; Zera Hayden and Miss Nancy Jane Woy; 30 Sept 1852 by James H. Frees Min.MPC

Tuscarawas County, Ohio Marriages Vol.1 taken from marriage book 1,2,3

Haydon, Lewis and Margaret Williams; 10 March 1836; page 273

Haydon, Nathaniel and Sara Roth; 19 Dec. 1838; page 336

Hayden, Melinda and Isaac W. Wallace; 18 April 1825; page 90

Hayden, Rebecca and Valentine Wickham; 4 Feb. 1844; page 138

Haydens, Gotolena and John Rude; 15 June 1835; page 256

Stark County, Ohio Marriages 1809-1840

Hayden, Francis S. and Alvin Vinton; 24 Nov 1836

Hayden, Julian and William W. Folger; 18 May 1826

Hayden, Sarah and Joseph Jenny; 21 Feb. 1833

1820 Ohio Census Index

Hayden, Nathaniel; page 170; Tuscarawas Co. Warren Twp.

Hayden, Samuel; page 87; Knox Co. Chester Twp

Hayden, Samuel; page 286; Trumball Co.

1830 Ohio Census Index

Hayden, Nathaniel; page 209; Stark Co. Rose Twp.

Hayden, Samuel; page 281; Knox Co. Chester Twp.

Hayden, Samuel; page 226; Trumball Co.

1840 Ohio Census Index

Hayden, Abner; page 358; Tuscarawas Co. Sandy Twp.

, Joseph; page 361; Tuscarawas Co. Sandy Twp.

Nathaniel; page 250; Carroll Co. Rose Twp.

, Samuel; page 333; Knox Co. Chester Twp.

1850 Ohio Census Index

Hayden, Samuel; page 259; Stark Co. Sandy Twp

, Nathaniel; page 72; Tuscarawas Co. Dover

, Margaret; page 218; Carroll Co. Rose Twp.

, James; page 218; Carroll Co. Rose Twp.

1860 Ohio Census Index

Hayden, Nathaniel; page 136; Tuscarawas Co. Dover

, James; page 394; Carroll Co. Rose Twp.


Subject: Hayden

Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 17:32:02 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jean Scarlott <>

To: "Michael S. Caldwell/Daniel Clark Caldwell" <>


Sent you an attachment with the info on the Hayden family. Let me knowif you receive it ok. Still have the census file to send.Worked the land records today and Nathaniel owned alot of land here, hemust have had some money when he came into the area. I'm also beginningto think there where two Nathaniels. The one here signed Nathaniel B.and one in Tuscarawas Co. Found out who the Mahala was that is buried Big Spring Cem. she was thefirst wife of Nathaniel B. and a Jane C. was his second wife. Checked the Big Springs Presby. Church Records-1828-1844Nathaniel B. is listed as a subscriber and also served as a trusteeduring a period of time. Nothing else in them to help. Now as to the dates on the stones, the Carroll Co. Gene. Soc. recopiedthis cemetery and included all dates that are listed on the stones.I've helped with some, but not this cemetery. If you would likepictures I can do that. My great niece lives near this cemetery. Wonder what other spellings where used for the name Hayden, and foundin the land deeds some listing for the spelling Haden. Going to recheck the Carroll Co. 1850 census to see if Nathaniel ishere somewhere. Maybe that was the year he went looking for a bride?Checked Tus. and Stark marriages and didn't find his second marriage.I'll try Harrison Co. its next door, so to speak. I'll keep you posted.




I goofed up on the Cemetery info. The dates I sent where from the oldcemetery book done by Esther Powell in 1973. Here is the info from thenew book.

Carroll Co.Oh, Cemetery Book Vol. V.; page 142Big Spring Cem. Monroe Twp.

Hayden, Mahala w/o Nathaniel Hayden; d May 18, 1845; ae 44y, 8m 5ds(stone down) [b. September 13, 1800]

Hayden, Nathaniel B.; d. June 12, 1865; ae 69 y 6m 12 d [b. November 30, 1795]

"Having provided for the support of his wife bequeath The rest of hisproperty to Aid in maintaining the Preaching of the Gospel"Next stone missing; note Samuel's stone is not found in this book. Sorry, about that.



1840 Carroll County, Ohio Census

page 250 Rose Twp.

Hayden, Nathaniel; males-1-40-50, 1-60-70


1850 Carroll County, Ohio Census; 1st Nov. ; page 218; Rose Twp.

3030-3037-Margaret Hayden; 63-f- 2500-N.J.

Lavina " -22-M- -Pa. (note listed as a male)

Samuel " -20 male-farmer-Pa

Zera " -17-male-farmer-Oh

Franklin " -11-male- -Oh

Julia A. " -8-f- -OH

Josiah German -20-male-farmer-OH

William Hart -50-male- " -Oh.

3032-3039-Charlotte King-39-f- Pa.

James Hayden-3-m- In.?

1860 Carroll County, Ohio Census

page 23 June 14, 1860; Rose Twp.

Hayden, N.B.-60-male-farmer-N.J.

" , Jane C.-50-f- -Pa.

1850 Tuscarawas County, Ohio Census; Dover Twp; page 72

971-974 Hayden, Nathaniel-40-m-merchant-10,000; Conn.

, Sarah-36-f- OH.

, Henry-9-m- Oh

, Alvina-6-f- Oh

, Francis-4-m- Oh.

, Laura-1-f- Oh.

Margaret Butt-24-f- OH

Hannah Swift-23-F-


Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 16:18:42 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jean Scarlott <>

To: "Michael S. Caldwell/Daniel Clark Caldwell" <>


So far I've spent four hours on this group. Most of my time was spentin the land deeds. I did find today that there was two, even maybe three NathanielHaydens in this area. One was in Dover, Tus. Co. and either there wastwo here or Nathaniel was married three times and had a family to hissecond wife, but I'm not leaning to much toward that. I rechecked the1850 census for Nathaniel and he wasn't here according to it. You didn't say if you wanted copies of anything, really the only thingI copied was his Will, really enjoyed the way it was written. I checked the Washington Co. Pa. Wills 1781-1900 and found no SamuelHayden listed. Matter of fact there are no Hayden listed in it. I'll go ahead and send the census file. There just doesn't seem to beanymore here on Samuel. I think I'm about at the end of the rope. Jean