Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations for the SBA
Universal Tool Embedded / Grades 3–8, 10 & 11 ELA/Math ALL STUDENTS MAY ACCESSAmplification / The student adjusts the volume control, as needed, using computer or headphones.
Calculator / Calculator-allowed items, only, Smarter Balanced Math grades 6–8, 10 & 11:
Dictionary – English / ELA-Performance Task Full Writes, only
Expandable Passages / Students can enlarge passages to fit a larger portion of screen.
Glossary – English / The glossary defines terms in English by a pop-up. The definitions do not impact scores.
Highlighter / A digital tool for highlighting
Keyboard Navigation / Students can navigate through the assessments using the keyboard
Mark for Review / Allows students to flag items for future review. Marks are not savedwhen the student moves on to the next segment or after pausing the test for more than 50 minutes.
Notepad – Digital / Virtual scratch paper to make notes. Notes are not saved when the student moves on to the next test segment or after pausing the test for more than 50 minutes
Notes – Global / ELA-Performance Task Full Writes, only
Spell Check / ELA items, Performance Tasks Full Writes, only. Spell check only says that a word is misspelled; it does not show the correct spelling.
Strikethrough / Feature to eliminate those answer choices that do not appear correct to the student.
Thesaurus / ELA-Performance Task Full Writes, only:
Tools – Math / Students can use the embedded ruler and protractor math items.
Tools – Writing / For ELA items, only: The student uses writing tools to format and edit written responses, including cut and paste, copy, underline, italicize, bold, undo/ redo, and insert bullets.
Zoom / Zoom In & Zoom Out buttons for text and graphics
Universal Tools Non-Embedded / Grades 3–8, 10 & 11 ELA/Math ALL STUDENTS MAY ACCESS
Breaks (Extended Time) / Students may take breaks as needed, without a limit on number of breaks. Breaks that are more 20 minutes may prevent students from returning to items already attempted.
Dictionary – English / ELA-Performance Task Full Writes, only
Scratch and Graph Paper / ELA, Students may use plain or lined paper, only.
Math, students may use plain, lined, and/or graph paper. Graph paper is required
beginning in grade 6 for the Math SBA.
Thesaurus / May be used on ELA-performance task Full Writes, only:
Designated Supports Embedded / Grades 3–8, 10 & 11 ELA/Math Determined by teacher or other adult, or student
Color Contrast / Enable students to adjust screen background or font color.
Masking / Blocking off content that may be distracting to the student.
Mouse Pointer / Students may select a larger mouse pointer in a choice of colors.
Text-to-Speech / For math stimuli & items and ELA items. Not for reading stimuli/passages.
Tools–Turn off / Disables any universal feature that might be distracting to the student.
Translated Test Directions / Smarter Balanced math, only: should only be used for students who are proficient readers in the other language and not proficient in English
Translations–Glossary / Smarter Balanced math items, only: Students can also select the audio icon next to the glossary term and listen to the audio recording of the glossary.
Translations–Stacked / Smarter Balanced math items, only in SPANISH, only
Designated Supports Non-Embedded / Grades 3–8, 10 & 11 ELA/Math Determined by teacher or other adults, or student
Color Contrast / Test content of online items printed with different colors using Print on Demand.
Color Overlay / Color transparencies placed over a paper/pencil assessment.
Dictionary–Bilingual / ELA-Performance Task Full Writes, only.
Magnification / The student increases the size of specific areas of the screen (e.g., text, formulas, tables, graphics, and navigation buttons) beyond the level provided by Zoom/
Noise Buffers / Ear mufflers, white noise, and/or other equipment used to block external sounds.
Read-Aloud–English / For math stimuli and items, and ELA items. Not for reading stimuli/passages.
Read-Aloud–Spanish / SBA math, only: SPANISH text is read to the student by a trained, qualified human reader
Read-Aloud–Student / Student reads the test content aloud (to-self). One-on-one test setting, only.
Scribe / For ELA non-writing items, and math items, only (refer to accommodations for ELA writing items).
Separate Setting / Student tests in a separate setting to avoid distraction or in setting outside of school.
Simplified Test Directions / The proctor uses a simplified version of test directions, as posted on the WCAP Portal.
Translated–Test Directions / For all contents and grades
Accommodation Embedded / Grades 3–8, 10 & 11 ELA/Math MUST BE DOCUMENTED in IEP or 504PLAN
American Sign Language (ASL) / Test content is translated into an ASL video, for ELA listening and math
Braille / For ELA items, only. For math items, only: Nemeth code is available.
Closed Captioning / ELA listening items, only
Streamline / Formats the test interface so that the test items are displayed below the stimuli.
Text-to-Speech / For all grades, ELA reading passages, only. This accommodation is appropriate for a very small number of students whose need is documented in an IEP or 504 plan and have no other way to access reading passages (e.g., a student who is blind and doesn’t read Braille). Text to speech should only be provided to students who also receive this for instruction.
Accommodation Non-Embedded / Grades 3–8, 10 & 11 ELA/Math MUST BE DOCUMENTED in IEP or 504PLAN
100s Table / A paper-based table listing numbers from 1–100 available from Smarter Balanced.
Abacus / For math, only, used in place of scratch paper for students who typically use an abacus
Alternate Response Options / Alternate response options include but are not limited to adapted keyboards, large keyboards, StickyKeys, MouseKeys, FilterKeys, adapted mouse, touch screen, head wand, and switches. (Includes use of Co-Writer for SBA Math Only)
Braille / Smarter Balanced math, only: Pre-embossed Braille graphics for online mathematics.
Calculator / Calculator-allowed items only, Smarter Balanced math grades 6–8, 10 and 11. A non- embedded calculator for students needing a special calculator, such as a Braille calculator or a talking calculator.
Multiplication Table / For math items, grades 4–12, only: A paper-based single digit (1–9) multiplication table
Print on Demand / Paper copies of either passages/stimuli and/or items are printed for students. A very small percentage of students should need this.
Read-Aloud– English / ELA reading stimuli/passages, only: An external screen reader or a trained & qualified test reader reads aloud to the student. This is appropriate for a very small number of students.
Scribe (or Transcribe) / For ELA writing items, only.
Speech-to-Text / Students use their voices as input devices to the computer, to dictate responses or give commands (e.g., opening application programs, pulling down menus, and saving work). Students may use their own assistive technology devices.
Guidelines on Tools Supports and Accommodations (10/03/2016)