Staff Housing on the Campus
Information Guide
Updated: October2013
This information is purely for guidance and none of the contents should be deemed to constitute a contract or form any part of a contract.
Contact Names and Addresses
Campus Map - Staff Housing
Rented Accommodation
Staff Accommodation
Type of Tenancy:
Application Form
Information on Staff Properties to Rent
Liability Deposit
Rental Payments
Repairs and maintenance
Gas Supply
Electrical Supply
Water Supply
General Information
List of Local Estate Agents
List of local Solicitors familiar with the Keele Schemes
List of Building Societies familiar with the Keele Schemes
Properties for Sale
Guidelines on Valuation
Guidelines on Private Sales
Guidelines for the Sale of Campus Housing
1989 Scheme
1991 Scheme
1998 Scheme
Purchase Procedure – Vacant possession
Buy-Back – Vacant Possession
Purchase Procedure – Sitting Tenant
Buy-Back – Sitting Tenant
Gas/Electrical/Water Supply
General Information
HIPS (Home Information Packs) :
Further Information
Plantation Park
University of Keele Staff Housing Association Ltd
Keele Residents Association
Contact Names and Addresses
The University has appointed Staffordshire Housing Association as its Managing Agent for staff housing on Campus.
For information on Rented Propertiesand Properties For Sale on the Keele Campus please contact:-
Ms Lynsey Kelly,
Staffordshire Housing Association (Managing Agents),
308 London Road,
Stoke on Trent,
Telephone 01782 744533 or Fax 01782 744931
E mail:
Staffordshire Housing Association maintains a Repairs and Maintenance service for all rented properties only.
Tenants in rented properties are able to use the Repairs Hotline. The telephone number is 0800 009900.
The contact at Keele is David Firth, Head of Capital Funding & Space Management: 01782 734146.
In cases of emergency contact Keele Security on 01782 733004
To speak to Estates regarding property maintenance issues contact the Estates Help Desk on 01782 733134
Campus Map - Staff Housing
Rented Accommodation
Staffordshire Housing Association is responsible for managing four main areas of housing related service for staff on the University Campus.
a.Waiting list / Allocations
b.Sales & Marketing
c.Repairs Co-ordination
d.Day to Day Management
The rented property stock stands at around 70, although this figure fluctuates throughout the year as properties are being brought back by the University for resale or rent.
Staff Accommodation
The University is keen to help, wherever possible, with your search for accommodation on campus. Staffordshire Housing Association are employed by the University as Managing Agents for the Staff Accommodation and will try to assist you by advising you of the availability of campus accommodation.
Most accommodation becomes available between June and August each year. Normally, only a small number of properties become available and priority will be given to new staff coming from overseas. Those who live outside normal commuting distances are given next priority.
Type of Tenancy:
All tenancies given are on an Assured Shorthold basis, usually for 6 or 12 months. This can be extended in certain cases, at the discretion of the Association/University to a maximum of three years.
Your employment contract has to be with KeeleUniversity or a SciencePark company and must be for a period of 6 months or more in order for you to be eligible to rent on campus.
Application Form
A waiting list is maintained by Staffordshire Housing Association and prospective tenants selected in order of priority after completion of the application form illustrated on page 7. You can of course telephone or e mail your details if you prefer.
Please provide the details to enable the Association to assess your eligibility for rented accommodation and to register your application. Although some accommodation is available on campus, the University cannot guarantee that you will be offered campus accommodation.
* Please note that to be eligible for accommodation on campus, your employment contract has to be with KeeleUniversity or the SciencePark company and for a period of 6 months or more. Accommodation is short-term for 6 or 12 months.
Staff Rental Accommodation Application Form
This application form is required for anyone wishing to be considered for Staff Accommodation on Keele Campus.
Please complete the application form and return it to . You will be added to the waiting list for accommodation and contacted once a suitable property is available.
Your Name:Your Current Address:
Telephone Number:
Home ______
Work ______
Email ______
Type of Accommodation required (please tick ):
Number of Bedrooms required: (please circle)
1 2 3 4 +
Department you work for :
Job Title:
Length of Contract :
What date are you looking for accommodation from?:
Please provide any other information relevant to your application:
Print Name ______
Date: ______
All the properties have gas central heating and range from Church Plantation Houses built in the 1950’s to Horwood Houses/flats built in the early 1970’s. Rents exclude household bills - i.e. gas/electric/water rates/council tax .
Liability Deposit
Deposits are no longer taken.
Rental Payments
Rental payments are normally deducted from the tenants salary once an Authorisation Form has been completed at the time of tenancy commencement.
Sample form :-
Schedule of Tenants Details
Rent Payments
I authorise deduction of the monthly rent from my salary at KeeleUniversity, as per my tenancy agreement.
Signed...... Date......
Repairs and maintenance
Staffordshire Housing Association maintains a Repairs and Maintenance service for all rented properties only.
Tenants in rented properties are able to use the Repairs Hotline. The telephone number is 0800 009900.
Each caller must state their name, address, telephone number and details of the repair.
Once reported, the repair is logged and passed over to the Estates and Building Department at Keele for action/consideration.
If the repair is reported out of hours, it must be deemed an emergency.
The only jobs the University deems an emergency are: -
·Severe water bursts
·Gas Escape
·Total loss of light and power
If residents use the out of hours service and it is not one of the above jobs, then a call - out charge of £30 will be raised.
Gas Supply
The mains domestic gas supply is the responsibility of the University. (LPG at PlantationPark is the responsibility of FloGas Ltd) With mains gas this includes the incoming connection to fitted appliances such as gas fires and gas fired central heating boilers. However where a gas cooker bayonet is fitted within a kitchen the responsibility for installation, repair and maintenance lies with the occupant.
Gas appliances as above situated within the staff accommodation properties and installed by the University are to be maintained by the University. Any faults occurring should be reported immediately.
The acquisition and installation of any other appliances are the responsibility of the tenant and no liability will be accepted by the University or any of its agents.
Electrical Supply
The mains electric supply is the responsibility of the University. (Occupants at PlantationPark are responsible for selecting their electricity provider directly) The existing electrical infrastructure situated within the staff accommodation properties is to be maintained by the University. Any faults occurring should be reported immediately. Inappropriate use of electrical supply or modifications to same are not permitted unless the University has given specific permission. The acquisition, installation and maintenance of domestic appliances are the responsibility of the tenant and no liability will be accepted by the University or any of its agents.
Water Supply
The mains water supply is the responsibility of the University. Existing infrastructure situated within the staff accommodation properties is to be maintained by the University. Any faults occurring should be reported immediately.
General Information
Electricity and Gas Meter readings are taken on commencement of tenancy, and thereafter on a monthly basis by the individual tenants or by CFM Estates in the University dependant on the accessibility of the meters.
The University strongly encourages the payment of all University supplied Utilities by salary mandate wherever possible. Payment can be made by exception direct to the Finance Department of the University.
Water charges are raised quarterly in arrears assessed on the rateable value of the property, unless a water meter is fitted.
The University strongly encourages the payment of all University supplied Utilities by salary mandate wherever possible. Payment can be made by exception direct to the Finance Department of the University.
It is the responsibility of tenants to pay the required tax in liaison with Newcastle Borough Council, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 2AG. ( 01782 717717 )
Flats have both a communal digital TV aerial and a satellite dish which is maintained by the University. Connectivity to a satellite provider such as SKY TV remains the responsibility of the flat occupant. The satellite connection is via a single core supply and is not suitable to receive SKY PLUS.
Owners/tenants are not permitted to fit an individually mounted TV aerial or Satellite Dish.
House owners/tenants are entirely responsible for the individual fitment and maintenance of their own TV aerials and/or Satellite Dish.
List of Local Estate Agents
These agents have properties for Rent and for Sale
Hylton HillBrown & Corbishly
Pall Mall4 Queen Street
HanleyNewcastle under Lyme
Telephone: 01782 212222 Telephone: 01782 717222
Bennett & DaysReeds Rains
136 High Street2A Hassal Street
NewcastleNewcastle under Lyme
Telephone: 01782 626921Telephone: 01782 717273
AusterberrysHome Search
4 Edensor Road42 Marsh Street
Stoke on TrentStoke on Trent
Telephone: 01782 594595Telephone 01782 201628
In addition to the above there are also more estate agents and lettings agencies listed in the Stoke on Trent Yellow Pages telephone directory. These are listed under Accommodation - Residential Estate Agents.
Enquiries for accommodation may also be obtained through the following local newspapers:-
Staffordshire Evening Sentinel (Property Night Thursday) - 01782 605555
The Advertiser - 01782 661100
List of local Solicitors familiar with the Keele Schemes
John Godwin
Brown & Corbishley
2 Queen Street
Newcastle under Lyme
Tel:01782 717888
Fax:01782 717042
Direct Fax:01782 717652
Direct Email:j.godwin@brownandcorbishley
Mrs Margaret King
Myers & Company
Margaret King (Solicitor)
John Burton Solicitors,
Market Square,
ST15 8AT
Tel: 01785 814818
Fax: 01785 812489
Jamesons Property Lawyers
1a Church Lane
Newcastle under Lyme
Phone: 01782 719009
Fax: 01782 719001
Nick Mason
20-22 High Street
Phone : 01782 621266
Fax : 01782 717767
List of Building Societies familiar with the Keele Schemes
BritanniaBuilding Society
57-58 Ironmarket
Newcastle under Lyme
(01782) 618402
Nationwide Building Society
108 High Street
Newcastle under Lyme
(01782) 426900
Abbey National
58 High Street
Newcastle under Lyme
(0845) 7654321
Properties for Sale
Guidelines on Valuation
The University offers properties for sale on three schemes. Each scheme contains different restrictive covenants, further described later, which determine the ‘discount’ from ‘market value’. This is calculated on a formulaic basis as per the example below:
Property X
Market Value£100,000
1998 scheme (minus 5%)£95,000
1991 scheme (minus 10%)£90,000
1989 scheme (minus 33%)£66,670
The Market Value is determined by an independent valuer appointed by the University. The formula determines the resulting valuations for the three sales schemes. The formula is used to determine the price at both the time of sale and subsequent ‘buy-back’ by the University and wherever possible the same valuer is used for consistency and fair play when determining the market value.
Guidelines on Private Sales
Owner occupiers who purchased with vacant possession can be permitted to sell privately to other eligible members of staff (the mechanism is described more fully later). Owner occupiers selling privately determine their own property sale prices independently without any access to a University valuation.
Incoming members of staff are strongly advised to seek guidance from their solicitor as to the various merits of private purchases and especially to derive a full understanding of the system of valuation, and the associated risks they can be exposed to through the various formulae.
Guidelines for the Sale of Campus Housing
The purchase of Campus Accommodation for non-resident qualifying persons is available through three schemes as approved by Council. Under all schemes, the properties are sold on a freehold basis. In each there are covenants covering such matters as extensions, alterations, parking, tree preservation etc., which are in line with those normally found in local residential estates.
University of Keele Property Sales Scheme Comparison
Between 1989 & 1991 Scheme (‘Contracts’)
1998 Scheme – PlantationPark Development only
1989 Scheme
Requires occupation at all times by a member of staff with a minimum three year contract. No lettings permitted. If a member of staff leaves University service for any reason, the property must either be sold on to another qualifying member of staff, or be sold back to the University at a price determined by an independent valuation. Therefore, following for instance, resignation, redundancy or retirement of the qualifying member of staff, the property must be sold back to the University to coincide with the last day of University service of the qualifying member of staff. (However, two years grace is allowed for remaining spouse for completion of re-sale following death of member of staff in service).
To ensure compliance with restrictions, the Transfer contains an option as such, which therefore runs with the land.
1991 Scheme
Permits occupation :
(a)by member of staff with a minimum three year contract during whole period of retirement
(b)by member of staff for period two years after leaving service for any reason other than retirement. Therefore following, for instance, resignation, member of staff may remain for this period.
(c)by spouse of member of staff for the life of such spouse following death or retirement only of member of staff. Therefore spouse could not remain after, e.g. resignation of member of staff (but member of staff and spouse would have two years grace as in (b) ).
To secure compliance with restrictions, the Transfer contains a right of pre-emption (not an option). Such a right is personal only and does not therefore run with the land, the University relying on the contractual relationship and the covenants in the Transfer.
Specifically permits lettings (on a shorthold basis).
All three Schemes - Difference between “occupied” and “vacant” properties.
VACANT - If the property being purchased is one for which the University has invited offers from members of staff in competition (a “vacant” property), the Transfer contains provisions which may permit the member of staff to sell to another eligible member of staff, subject to University approval. When an owner, who has bought a ‘vacant property’ wishes to sell privately, properties may be sold on (with University approval and after first having offered the University its right of pre-emption) to another qualifying person subject to the provisions of the original transfer deed (i.e. purchased under same scheme).
OCCUPIED:- Where the property is purchased by the existing occupier following negotiation between the occupier and the University, (an “occupied” property), sale on to another member of staff is not permitted, and therefore in such a transfer the provisions in the last mentioned paragraph are omitted.
The property can only be sold back to the University at a price determined by an independent valuation and the owner must ‘require’ the University to re-purchase.
1989 and 1991 scheme -*- flat ‘owners’ only – a service charge of 1% of the initial purchase figure is charged annually to contribute to cleaning in communal areas and maintenance of the blocks. A ground rent of £1 is also charged annually.
1998 Scheme
This scheme is only available for purchase of houses built by Seddon Homes Ltd at the PlantationPark site. The 1998 scheme is entirely similar to the 1991 scheme save that purchasers, who must be members of university staff, are not required to have a contract of employment with a minimum three years length stipulation.
Purchase Procedure – Vacant possession
*These guidance notes are prepared to assist in the understanding of the various Housing Schemes. The Schemes are set out in Legal Documents and these notes cannot vary in any way the position of the parties under such documents. These notes are necessarily general and specific. Advice should be sought on individual cases.
1.Ensure that your full name and address are on the Mailing List kept at Staffordshire Housing Association. When your name and address have been entered onto the Mailing List database, you will automatically receive information on properties advertised for sale;
2.The property details of properties for sale are sent out by first class post to everyone on the database. Guideline purchase prices will be shown on the sales particulars;
3.If you decide that you wish to view the property, then please contact Lynsey Lain on 01782 744533 to book an appointment to view;
4.If you decide that you wish to make an offer on the property, you must make your offer in writing to Lynsey Lainat Staffordshire Housing Association;
5.All offers must be received at Staffordshire Housing Association, 308 London Road, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 5ABby the date specified;
6.All offers will be opened together by one representative from Staffordshire Housing Association, and one representative from KeeleUniversity;
7.The property will be offered to the person making the proportionately highest offer on either the 1989 Scheme or the 1991 Scheme or the 1998 Scheme (the 1998 Scheme applies only to houses at Plantation Park), taking into account the ability of the Purchaser to proceed speedily with the sale;
8.The successful purchaser will be notified by telephone as soon as possible, and also in writing;
- All other unsuccessful offers will be notified in writing that their offer has been unsuccessful;
10.If no offer is acceptable (or no offers are received at all), the property will later be re-released or removed from the ‘For Sale’ category.