SAFER RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF STAFF AND VOLUNTEERSThis procedure was reviewed in February 2014 and will be further reviewed in accordance with changes in legislation, statutory guidance or codes of good practice.
To set out how the College will embed safe practices and maintain a culture of vigilance in recruitment processes with the aim of protecting and promoting the interests of learners, staff and all other users of College services by attracting, selecting and appointing staff and volunteers of the highest calibre.
This procedure applies to all College staff, governors and volunteers.
This procedure has been developed with reference to:
· HM Government: Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013
§ Stockton Local Safeguarding Children: Procedures and Guidance for Working Together to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children in Stockton-on-Tees; version 10 – issued July 2011
§ Education Act 2002
§ Children Act 2004
§ Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
§ The Equality Act 2010
This procedure should be read in conjunction with the following documentation:
§ Safeguarding Policy
§ Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Policy
§ Recruitment of Offenders Policy
§ HR policies and procedures
4.1 Stockton Riverside College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. Safe recruitment and selection processes are integral to safeguarding and all staff must adhere to this procedure.
The recruitment and selection process for permanent and fixed term staff will not be invoked until the Job Vacancy/New Post Approval Form has been completed by the appropriate line manager and approval to recruit to the post has been given by the SLT manager, the HR Director and the Principal. The line manager must ensure that the job description and person specification are up to date and relevant. The Personnel Manager will check the documentation and check that the salary level or grade of post included on the Job Vacancy/New Post Approval form is accurate and in line with the salaries for other posts of a similar level.
4.2 Approval for appointment to all posts other than Senior Postholder posts must follow the process outlined at 4. above. Appointment to Senior Postholder posts requires the approval of the Governing Body.
4.3 Once it has been determined that an appointment will be made, the Director of Human Resources or the Personnel Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the selection and recruitment process is carried out in line with this procedure and all relevant employment legislation.
When authorising vacancies the Personnel Manager will confirm how and where they will be advertised. Other than in exceptional cases posts should be advertised internally first and details of the posts should be sent to all College staff through the email system. College staff who meet the criteria for the post should have the opportunity to apply. When external recruitment is approved the advertising must be targeted and cost-effective. All posts must be advertised on the College website. In exceptional cases, vacancies may be filled via an Employment Agency. In all cases where an Employment Agency is used the Personnel Manager will ensure that all necessary checks have been carried out prior to the person starting work at the College and that all details are logged on to the Single Central Record. The Personnel Manager will also ask an appropriately authorised person at the agency to provide written confirmation that it complies with statutory requirements. The Personnel Manager will ensure that an agency worker provides appropriate evidence of identity before starting work at the College.
4.4 The line manager should provide information about the post for the advertisement. The Personnel Officer will make sure that the “house style” is applied to all advertisements and that they include the appropriate statement on safeguarding, together with details advising (if appropriate) that the post is exempt from the requirements of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and that the successful applicant will be asked to apply for an enhanced DBS disclosure. It will also be put on the College’s website and other media appropriate for the post may also be used. A copy of the final advert will be filed in the job file.
4.5 A job file will be established by the Human Resources Service (HR Service) for all documents and details in relation to the post to be filled. The job file will be maintained by the Personnel Officer and contain a checklist and all the latest versions of documentation in relation to the post.
4.6 In parallel to the drafting of the job advert a recruitment pack will be produced by the HR Service to send out with the application form. Standard information will include a job description, person specification, application form, notes of guidance, a copy of the College’s Safeguarding Policy, the DBS Disclosure Procedure, the Procedure for appointing ex-offenders and any additional details appropriate to the post.
4.7 The College prefers to accept job applications either online or by email. However all requests for job details by letter, telephone, email or in person will be responded to by the Human Resources Service within 36 hours (with the exception of weekend/bank holidays). Names and addresses will be logged on the HR system and a Job Details Request Form filled out indicating the date the request was received, the date a job pack was sent out and an applicant number. This will be filed in the job file.
4.8 An application form will be used to obtain a common set of core data from all applicants. Curriculum vitaes will not be accepted on their own but they may be used to supplement the common information on the application form.
4.9 The application form will include an explanation (if appropriate) that the post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and therefore all cautions and convictions for specified serious violent and sexual offences, and other specified offences of relevance for posts concerned with safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, will remain subject to disclosure. In addition, all convictions resulting in a custodial sentence, whether or not suspended, will remain subject to disclosure, as will all convictions where an individual has more than one conviction recorded. It should be noted that Schedule 5 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 has redefined the definition of “regulated activity” and therefore the categories of staff whose posts are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. It is unlikely that Business Support staff will be required to declare such cautions and convictions as they will probably not be eligible for a DBS check. Applicants for posts with direct contact with learners will be required to confirm they are not disqualified from working with children and/or vulnerable adults and will be asked to attach details of their offending record in a sealed envelope addressed to the Personnel Manager, marked confidential. The applicant will also be required to acknowledge they are aware that failure to provide information, or to provide false information may be an offence and could result in the application being rejected or summary dismissal if the applicant has been selected, and possible referral to the DBS (where appropriate). This section must be completed before the application can be considered further. Failure to complete this section will disqualify the applicant from the rest of the application process.
4.10 The Human Resources Service will complete the section headed ‘For Office Use Only’ on all returned application forms giving details of post reference, team, closing date, recorded by, date received, application number and whether the Equal Opportunities attachment has been completed. The Equal Opportunities monitoring form will be separated from the application at this stage.
4.11 If candidates have included a stamped addressed envelope with their applications acknowledgement of their application will be sent.
4.12 A shortlisting panel, usually comprising three members of staff, one of whom must be a representative of the Human Resources Service will meet to determine an appropriate shortlist. Those on the shortlisting panel will normally have had the opportunity to read the applications before the panel meets. Each member of the shortlisting panel will complete a Shortlisting Worksheet scoring each applicant against the person specification details. It is important that the shortlisting process is carried out thoroughly and fairly. Applicants selected for interview must meet the essential criteria for the post as defined in the person specification. Applicants who do not meet the essential criteria should not be interviewed. Following the scoring exercise the panel will agree on the applicants to be invited for interview. The shortlisting panel will all sign the shortlisting worksheet. All panels must include a member of staff with a L4 qualification in Safer Recruitment.
4.13 The HR representative on the panel will complete the reverse of the shortlisting worksheet giving reasons for interview or rejection. This will be filed in the job file. The HR Service will write to selected applicants detailing the day, date and location of the interview and details of any necessary documentation that should be completed and presented at the interview.
4.14 Ideally the shortlisting panel should form the interviewing panel. However this is not absolutely necessary. It is important however that at least one member of the shortlisting panel is involved in the interviewing of the candidates. Interviews must be conducted by a minimum of two people, one of whom should be an appropriate manager and the other a person nominated by either the Principal and Chief Executive (for senior management positions) or a member of SLT for all other positions. In addition a member of the HR Service will always be present at interview.
4.15 The HR Service will request references from the two referees that candidates have permitted the College to contact. Pre-written testimonials provided by the candidate/s will not be accepted. A pro forma will be used to ensure a common set of core questions are asked. A specific question relating to safeguarding will be posed. One of the references must be from the most appropriate senior authority from the candidate’s current or last employment or educational establishment. The reference request will follow the DfE best practice model and will include a job description and person specification.
4.16 Where possible references will be made available to the panel at the interview, except where the candidate has requested that references are not to be taken unless and until an offer of employment is made.
4.17 The HR Service will produce interview packs for all panel members consisting of:
· Application Form
· Record of Candidate Interview for each applicant
· A copy of the job description and person specification.
4.18 Prior to the interview the panel will agree robust and probing interview questions (including at least one specifically on safeguarding to explore attitudes and values towards children and/or vulnerable adults). A copy will be held on file. Additional relevant supplementary questions may be asked on the day to ensure the panel is vigilant. These may be focused on probing employment gaps on application forms, clarifying reasons for leaving previous roles, checking details of a declaration relating to an offence/s, or to extend questioning because answers to earlier questions are unclear or of concern. Questions regarding health will only be asked if essential to the job under discussion. Notes of responses to questions will be recorded on the back of the Record of Candidate Interview Form in the order in which they are asked.
4.19 Applicants selected for interview will be asked to bring to the interview photo identification and original documents as evidence of the qualifications they have claimed on their application form. Applicants will also be required to bring evidence of their ability to work in the UK and proof of their current address. Photocopies will be retained by the HR Service to enable DBS application forms to be endorsed at a later stage for successful candidates. Copies of the certificates and the identity checks for those applicants unsuccessful at interview will be shredded and disposed of securely.
4.20 The interview panel will review all applicants and decide on which, if any, they will offer the post. The HR representative will complete a Record of Interview Form for each applicant. For the appointee the Successful Candidate Appointment Details Form will be completed and signed by the line manager and an SLT member, before a job offer can be made.
4.21 Upon completion of the selection process the Human Resources Service shall initiate the following procedures:
(i) Contacting the successful candidate (preferably by telephone) and provisionally offering the post; this will be followed by a formal letter confirming the offer of appointment which will be conditional pending receipt of a satisfactory DBS disclosure and satisfactory references.
(ii) Contacting unsuccessful candidates by telephone, giving feedback on interview performance if this is requested. If a candidate asks for specific feedback relating to defined parts of the interview then they should be given the opportunity to arrange a time with the most appropriate manager.
(iii) Requesting references not yet taken up.
(iv) Requiring the successful candidate to complete and submit a DBS application form.
(v) Undertaking an on-line check of the barred lists, contacting the DBS immediately if checks reveal that the appointee is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults and retracting the person’s offer of employment.
(vi) Completing and forwarding the DBS application form to the Disclosure & Barring Service and securely disposing of any photocopied evidence of ID of unsuccessful candidates by shredding.
(vii) Ensuring that if, after a reasonable amount of time, an acceptance letter has not been received from the successful candidate, a follow-up telephone call or letter is sent. Similarly, if references for the successful candidate have not been received within 10 working days, contacting the referees by telephone prior to the candidate taking up their new post.
(viii) Convening a risk assessment panel (to include the line manager and Personnel Manager) if adverse information is received from references or any offence/s and/or other information is revealed on a DBS disclosure which was not previously disclosed by the Applicant, and discussed at interview.