Minutes of the October 13, 2014

Gilmore City Council Meeting

The Gilmore City Council met in regular session on October 13, 2014 at the Gilmore City Hall. Mayor Dennis Miller call the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Council members present were: Smith, Hoover, Dickey, and Johnson. Davis was absent.

Hoover moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve the consent agenda as follows:

·  Approval of the Agenda

·  Minutes of the September 8th & 25th, 2014 Council Meeting

·  Claims for September and October bills to be allowed for October 2014 payment.

o  APGA to be paid $250.00 instead of the $350 on claims list

·  Monthly Clerk’s Report

·  Delinquent Acct Report with the addition of a 6 month review of customers budgets to make sure balances are not getting behind.

Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Davis, Smith Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried

Dickey made the motion to approve Change Order #4 and Pay Request #3 for the Sanitary Sewer Project. Hoover seconded.

Vote: Ayes- Hoover, Smith, Johnson Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried

Russ Naeve presented the Hometown Pride Committee’s intentions on a project for what has been deemed Sunset Park.

Johnson motioned to move forward with the Hometown Prides request to place KIB signs on the East and West entrances of Gilmore City. Seconded by Smith.

Vote: Ayes- Smith, Dickey, Hoover Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried

Dickey motioned to approve Resolution 2014-016 Urban Renewal Report. Hoover seconded.

Vote: Ayes- Hoover, Smith, Johnson Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried

Dickey made the motion to advertise for sealed bids for the sale of the used Simplicity mower in the next Gilmore City newsletter with a deadline for bids as of December 1, 2014. Smith seconded.

Vote: Ayes- Smith, Johnson, Hoover Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried

Dickey made the motion to pay off the remaining balance of a 20 year loan, paid in just over 2 years from support and donations made by the community, with the USDA used to build the new Fire Station. Pay off amount is $80,120.00 with funds being used from the Fire Station Building Fund, Emergency Fund and LOST fund. Johnson seconded.

Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Smith, Hoover Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried

Park Sign repair was deemed a maintenance issue. PWD is to obtain cost estimates and repair based on the lowest estimate.

Personnel Committee will figure out their schedules and conduct employee reviews.

City Clerk explained an issue between garbage collection services and the “snow bird” policy. Clerk to research how other towns handle and have Bennett come to next City Council meeting to discuss further.


PWD was awarded the Street Sign Grant through the IDOT. A plan was created to begin replacing the Street Name signs over the next 3 years.

Marso is the contractor working on the county tile by the Methodist Church.

Library is having a Halloween Party for kids from 3 – 5 pm October 31st before Beggars’ Night begins.

Garden Club will be holding their meeting tomorrow. The Hometown Pride Committee will not be pursuing lighting for the basketball court. The city should perhaps work with Mid American Energy to see what they have available for service.

Johnson made the motion to adjourn at 7:34 pm and to schedule the next meeting for November 10th, 2014 at 6:30 pm at City Hall. Hoover seconded.

Vote: Ayes- Hoover, Smith, Dickey Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent - Davis Motion Carried


Dennis Miller, Mayor


Chris McKee, City Clerk