Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service

Frederick Town, July 13th, 1776.


Capt. Mantz informs me that his Company will be ready to march by the 20th of this Instant if he can be supplied with canteens, camp kettles and a few guns. Therefore I hope you will send up some money by the bearer hereof in order to purchase the guns and canteens for they may be had here for the cash. No camp kettles are to be had here, therefore hope you will give orders concerning them and to what place he is to march and you will greatly oblige

Yr Humble Servant,

C. Beatty.

To the Honourable Council of Safety for Maryland

[Capt. Mantz' Company was ordered to Leonardtown and from there to Philadelphia where it arrived Aug. 23rd.*]

Frederick County.

At the request of Lt. John Hellen, I have this day Reviewed and Passed twelve able bodied effective men for the Flying Camp. I also Reviewed and Passed, on the 14th Instant, twenty four effective men for the Flying Camp for Ensign Wm. Beatty, Jr., eight of which he requests may be appropriated for Lt. John Hellen's Warrant. Given under my hand this 20th day of July, 1776.

Joseph Wood, Jr.


Capt. Aeneas CampbellEnsign Nathan Williams

1 Lt. Clement HollydayCapt. Henry Hardman

2 Lt. John Courts Jones1 Lt. Daniel Stull

Ensign David Lynn2 Lt. Peter Contee Hanson, resigned and Jona. Morris appointed by the Council of Safety, August 7th, 1776.

1 Lt. Moses ChaplineCapt. John Reynolds

2 Lt. Christian OrndorffEnsign John Rench

Enrolled by Capt. Aeneas Campbell. Reviewed and passed by Major Francis Deakins, July 18th, 1776.

John MoxleyMartin Kiezer

Notley Talbot, (Talbort)Levi Walters

Shedereck LockerJohn Martin, (Martain)

George HoskinsJohn Steel

Charles HoskinsWilliam Frankline

James WilliamsBarton Lovelass, (Charles Lovless)

William DavisSamuel Lintridge, (Lentarage)

John Gillam, (Gillum)Grove Tomlin, (Tamlane)

Henry Beeding, (Beading)Benjamin Osburn, (Ozenburn)

William Stallings, (Stalion)Michael Hagan

Thomas Gillam, (Gillum)Daniel Moxley

William VeatchJohn Henry

George Gentile, (Gentle)William Lucas, (Luckas)

Richard LewisWilliam Dixon

Charles Byrn, (Burn)Aeneas Campbell,Jr, cadet

Mark ChillonWilliam Housley, (Owsley)

Enrolled by Capt. Campbell. Passed by Maj. John Fulford.

James RaidyJohn Compton

William PolandJohn Williams

Peter BoardyCornelius Harling

Enrolled by 1st Lieut. Clement Hollyday. Passed by Maj. Francis Deakins, July 25th, 1776.

Josh. HarbinStephen Gentile

John FerrellCharles Lucas, (Luckas)

Joseph BeedingPatrick Rine

John EllisPhilip Sulivane

Benjamin Ellit

Enrolled by 1st Lieut. Clement Hollyday. Passed by Col. Wm. Lucket, Aug. 8th, 1776.

Ignatius MaddoxJames Weakley

Jeremiah FulsomeWilliam Carroll

George KingstonJohn Heart

John Snowden HookeJohn Simpson Aldridge

Edward CaneRichard Sarjeant, Jr.

Charles Thomas Philpot

Enrolled by 2nd Lieut. John Courts Jones. Reviewed and passed by Thomas Johns, Frederick County, July 2 2nd, 1776.

Robert BeallCrafford Zephaniah

Mockbee HughElder Philip Tracy

John Higdon, JrArthur Carns

Henry JonesWilliam Lewis

William WindhamThomas Chappell

Henry AllisonSamuel Busey

Jacob MillsNathan Thompson

Alexander AdamsHezekiah Speake

James GlazeLewis Peak, (Speake)

Walter Raley, (Raleigh)Archibald Chappell

Stephen West