“”’I have no respect for a man who can’t effect a change in his generation or in his fellowman’


GLOBAL TRENDS is an initiative of Gods power Oboido to form a global community of making trends especially in the field of science, arts and construction. The aim is draw together creative and innovative young persons from all over the world with like minds. So whether you are living in a remote village somewhere in Gambia or somewhere in China- or you live just anywhere in the world, Global Trends is the community you should belong to- when you have a burning idea or just innovated something the world should see.

GLOBAL TRENDS puts you, your ideas or your invention on a global platform where the world can see you and what you’ve got. So many people around the world die [even while they yet live] with beautiful ideas and innovations because they are plagued with several hurdles or challenges. Global Trends aims to tap such persons and make them members of the global community so that they can get some recognition for their ‘work(s)’ and go places with it.


Global trends has an aim to discover, nurture and encourage talents of young people. Global Trends creates or allow minds to be creative for a continuous revolution for the purpose of change because we are in a moving world and we must move along with it. Global Trends also aims to arouse a sense of independence in young people to show that being self employed is the best career option as a self employed person creates employments for others- thus contributing to society for the common purpose of change. Global Trend is a doorway to many opportunities such as employment. Student members do not have to graduate before getting jobs. Young people will team up to form their own manufacturing ( companies. One idea or project can connect a student member to a corporate member or organization. Suppose somebody makes a little air plane that can fly twice faster than the normal air plane and with better safety measures, couldn’t NASA be interested in the person?


After its initial success, it will start to publish a bi-monthly magazine, Global Trends, which will feature ‘who’s doing what?’ among its members. Individuals and students will have their landmark projects displayed. It will give information about its seminars and forums. Guest professionals will teach on special subjects. Global Trends magazine will mainly present the world with young people who are making trends.

Also among its future plans will be giving of funds to support the projects of its members, but for only projects that’ll require funds. Global Trends hopes to also give out need-based scholarships and grants to its ordinary members, who are talented but cannot afford university education


‘Breakthrough is not a miracle, it’s an attainment ’


Anyone living in Gambia, India, Burma, America or in the Bahamas. This means wherever you live in this world and have a got a talent to cause a changes in life you should become part of the Global community where ideas and innovations meet – Global Trends

It takes a special type of people [and everyone is special] to innovate or create for lifetime changes, People who are ready to break new grounds. Wisdom and intelligence is from within. If you can change things for the better, if you are ready to find new ways to doing things, or you’ve found one, let the world know it. People who are in the fields of Geophysics, engineering, graphic design or people who have the latest postulations in Chemistry and Physics, etc, should become part of Global Trends


‘We often take and admire such big inventions like cars as the only meaning or idea of an ‘invention’. However this is not correct’


You know already of your talents, scientific and artistic potentials, but it doesn’t end there. In fact that is where it starts’ from. The greatest scientists and inventors went the extra mile to break new grounds which we tread upon today. Breakthrough is not a miracle, but an attainment. If you are ready to go the extra mile [or attempting already] become a member and join the global community. Together we will motivate and cause landmark breakthrough. Examine and evaluate yourself; if you are the type that ponders over miseries while others accept it or wondering how that computer was made or how that automobile was made- you’re ready to break new grounds

Global Trends affords you the opportunity to share your ideas and innovations with other members in your field. With the right of your project remaining yours other members can shed light on it to make it better and properly packaged, and then the final landing- your project is pitched out- or its pitches you to member corporate bodies/organizations- this thus, becomes a way of the right employment.


Becoming a member of Global Trends comes in different forms. The membership type fits all individuals and bodies


The most targeted and important members in Global Trends are students. For this early period, only undergraduate university students are welcome to become members (i.e. not for graduate students) so wherever you do your university studies you are welcome to be part of Global Trends, no matter your level, your university experience/knowledge will help shape you innovative sense

So when students, only from recognized universities are applying, they’ll provide the name of their university and the course they study. They’ll also specify their areas of interest and any project they are working on if they have one


These are people who are not university students but have talents [innovative]. Because the importance of education can not be over emphasized, when such individuals are applying they must specify that they’ll attend universities or vocational colleges in their countries as getting educated will make them better humans to make the best of their lives and talents. Ordinary individuals will specify their areas of interest and the project(s) they are working on or have [if any]


These are independent explorers, researchers, software developers, engineers, scientists or university lecturers and professors, etc. the purpose of their membership will be of overseeing and mentoring. For instance, a computer engineering student at ManchesterMetropolitanUniversity working on a computer gadget or accessory can get assistance from a computer engineering lecturer at The University of Oklahoma or from any computers/electronics engineer who is a member [guest professional] of Global Trends. University Lecturers/ professors are very important at Global Trends because they’ll continue the professor-student relationship with student members of Global Trends. Guest professionals make the global community a community of professionals. Guest professionals can also bring projects to Global trend’s website, its expos and summits


Corporate bodies and organizations are also very important and welcome to Global Trends if it must succeed. The corporate bodies and organizations will be members that welcome ideas and innovations so that when a member of Global Trends succeeds in any invention/innovation they don’t need to look any farther away. The member company can invite them to work together for branding, etc. Because of the infancy of Global Trends we will have to invite the corporate bodies to become members


Global Trends becomes global when all it’s members can come together and the meeting place will be Global Trends website. The global trends website will be designed to suit all members and visitors. Each member will have his/ her profile that will have the person’s picture, personal data, university [for student menbers] and project [graphic/animated figure design of the project and the stage] displayed. Members can access other members profile and project, then comments about the persons , his ideas or project. All members can access all profiles. If the persons idea hangs somewhere { half way in his project } guest proffessionals will come to the rescue and after a successful project, the cooperate body will therefore come into the scene.

There will be networking between univwersities members in a certain university can go on to conduct / hold forum with 0ther universities whose studens are members. Forum will also be held in non members university to discuss global trends ansd after all making all members –expanding the global community of trends setters. In the forum and annual meetings, guess proffessionals will educate and give speeches on scientific resolution. Project, trend making project will also be displaced so as to inspire and motivate other young people for breakthrough. Such network

Ing[ meetings ] will arouse creative minds and make persons involve better idealist, innovators and inventors.



A team is larger than a crowd’


Everything here is just a blueprint of our vision and without the generous and benevolent support of highly spirited individuals and companies it wont be realised. Please do not waist time to become one of our sponsors if you share this vision with us, however we realise that not many will share this vision with us, so we will take and naturally understand a NO response. But for those who understand us and this vision, those who’ll together like to cause some changes today, we like to make you our partners and our team. A team is larger than a crowd. A few interest will excite us as it doesn’t take a crowd to make a change, but a team. It took just one man to save the whole world.


  • A laptop computer
  • 3 Dimensional figure design sofwares [e.g PoserPro]
  • A website
  • Cash [$1 -$ ?] Donations
  • Membership interest
  • suggestions
  • Any important material
  • A word of encouragement
  • A word of discouragement
  • E.t.c

We like to receive your response as it will put us on track. No FUNDS or no INTEREST are one of those response we are expecting to receive. But whoever is interested and shares the vision should kindly assist us. It is expedient that our kind hearted sponsors should know our urgent and important needs. Everything is appreciated


Global fashion Trends[GFT]

Global Trends Business[GTB]

Global peace and religious movement [GPRM]


Godspower Oboido [Global Trends initiator]

GLOBAL TRENDS……. Here we think impossible is possible that has not been done….join the trendsetters