Ancient Civilization Journal Guidelines
Day 1 (Geography & Climate)
You must describe in detail the geography and climate of your ancient city. Some guidelines:
1. What is the name of the ancient city and the time period you are there? (Give approximate date)
2. Give the name of the city with GPS location. ( Example: 30N, 43E)
3. Include three geographic features and using sensory details explain what
the climate/weather is like. Make the reader feel like they are with you.
You must include a map with:
1. Latitude and Longitude lines. (accurate to location)
2. Ancient city labeled.
3. Outlying area of larger empire/country or city-state.
Day 2 (Daily life)
You must describe in detail the following aspects of daily life:
1. Food: be specific: what did they eat and how does it taste?
2. Water: where and how do they get water?
3. Clothing: what materials are used? What colors? Are the clothes
comfortable to wear?
4. Shelter: what do the homes look like? What materials were used?
Describe in detail.
5. Transportation. How did they get around?
Day 3 (Social Class)
You must explain the social/class system in detail. Some guiding questions would be:
1. Who had the most power and wealth?
2. Where in the social/class system of that culture would priests, government officials, merchants, craftspeople, farmers, women and slaves fit?
3. Meet someone from one of the groups and describe their life.
You must also show these classes in your diagram. (Can be pyramid or other graphic organizer)
Day 4 (Education & Writing)
You must describe the education system of the civilization. Some guiding questions would be:
1. Who went to school? (Education continued)
2. How did they go to school? (temple, schoolhouse, at home tutor?)
3. What topics or subjects did they learn?
4. What is their system of writing called? (cuneiform, hieroglyphics?)
You must provide an example of the writing style.
Day 5 (Inventions and Tools)
You must describe any special inventions, weapons, or tools created by the civilization. Some guiding questions would be:
1. What is the name of the invention/tools?
2. What is it used for?
3. How did it help the society?
4. How did it promote technology for future cultures and generations?
You must include a picture of invention/tool.
Day 6 (Government/Trade)
You must explain the form of government practiced by that culture. Some questions to answer:
1. Who was the head of the government? Who made the laws? Who enforced
2. Was the government a monarchy, oligarchy, tyrannical, democratic? Did
citizens have voting rights? Who could be a citizen?
You must describe trade practices. Questions to consider:
1. Who did the civilization trade with?
2. Why did they trade? What items did they trade for?
Day 7 (Religion)
You must describe the religion of the civilization. Some questions to address:
1. What was the name of the religion? (Sumerian, Egyptian, etc.)
2. Was it monotheistic or polytheistic?
3. Name some of the gods/goddesses and what they had dominion over.
4. How is the religion practiced? OR summarize one of the myths.
Include a picture of a god/goddess or religious item.