7th Workshop “Tourism and Transport Economics: Tourists as Consumers, Visitors and Travelers”
La Plata (Argentina), 27-29 September 2016
Call for Papers
Deadline for Abstracts submission– 15thJuly
The seventh edition of the workshop on “Tourists as Consumers, Visitors and Travelers” aims to provide a platform for experienced scholars in tourism and allied fields. The purpose of the workshop is to build a new network of scholars and experts contributing to the research agenda from tourism and transport economics points of view. Most welcome are contributions from scholars in social sciences –particularly Economics, as well as practitioners concerned with the translation of models and perspectives into tools and frameworks for tourism and transport management.
The outcomes of the workshop will be:
- The outline of an international research agenda on tourism and transport economics and management
- The building of a platform for discussion and collaborations between researches
- The dissemination of knowledge with international publications of the main research topics in the field.
Dra. Natalia Porto, Mg. Pablo Montero, Lic. Ana Clara Rucci, Lic. Natalia La Valle (University of La Plata).
Scientific committee
- Dra. Ana Ramon (University of Alicante, Spain)
- Dra. Maria Jesus Such (University of Alcala de Henares, Spain)
- Dr. Juan Gabriel Brida (University of the Republica, Uruguay)
- Dra. Natalia Porto (University of La Plata, Argentina)
Application process and deadlines
Up to 20 contributions from academics and practitioners will be selected according to their originality and consistency with the aims of the workshop.
There is no registration fee and the University of La Plata will provide contributors with:
- Accommodation for two nights
- Coffee and snacks
- Lunches and Dinners
Please send:
- an abstract of max 350 words as a word or pdf document
- a short CV followed by a brief statement of current research interests (max 250 words) as a word or pdf document
To Juan Gabriel Brida () and Natalia Porto () by15th July 2016.
For Accepted Papers
All applicants will be notified about the selection (by no later than 10th August2016). Authors are required to send the full paper or an extended abstract of approximately 2,000 words to Juan Gabriel Brida () and Natalia Porto () by31stAugust 2016.
Improvement opportunity and publication opportunity
As in past occasions, this Workshop offers an excellent opportunity for researchers to improve their work by having it reviewed by a colleague specialist in the subject, who will make comments and suggestions leading to scientific dialogue and critical discussion during the presentation. These comments will take the form of an evaluation similar to the reviews used by quality journals, which will be delivered to the authors for their consideration in order to improve the quality of their work.
In addition, the Workshop provides researchers with the opportunity to publish their work in Transitare, Journal of research in tourism, economy and business, published by Anahuac University (Oaxaca, Mexico). The journal complies with high quality standards, being indexed in Latindex, SprintKnowledge and Google Scholar, and EBSCO Host and RedALyC (pending).
Researchers interested in publishing their work in the journal should address the comments and suggestions made by specialists as well as the instructions for authors available at
Online course about Innovation and Competitiveness in Tourism
This year, as a novel element of the workshop, we would like to invite all participants to the initiative promoted by teachers of the Universidad de Alicante and Universidad de Alcala de Henares in Spain, who have been working on the implementation of an online course on Innovation and Competitiveness in Tourism (Innovación y Competitividad en el Turismo). The course involves the participation of teachers, professionals and experts in the field, and picks up trends and current issues in the tourism sector. All teachers and speakers at the 7th Workshop "Tourism and Transport Economics: Tourists as Consumers, Visitors and Travelers" will have free access to this course and they will be able to leave their impressions and suggestions and, at the same time, recommend it to their students, graduates and professionals in tourism.
The initiative aims to engage all students who are interested in learning and participating in the course, and the Universidad de Alicante will issue a certification. The total cost of the course for students is 30 euros and part of this amount will be used to finance the workshop. To access the course as a teacher or speaker of the 7th Workshop "Tourism and Transport Economics: Tourists as Consumers, Visitors and Travelers",access to thefollowingform. To accessthecourse as a student, go to thefollowing link.
For more information about the workshop please contact:
Natalia Porto ()
For more information about workshop hospitality please contact:
Natalia La Valle ()