Pre-Veterinary Medical Association
Executive Board Minutes
August 20, 2008
I) Involvement Carnival
a.) Wednesday, August 28, 9am-2pm
b.) Materials for Carnival
i.) flyers to give out to students
ii.) Dr.Rich flyers
iii.) Bookmarks
iv.) PVMA posters
v.) Tri-pod display board – pinpoint all activities we do
vi.) Advertisments for “World Rabies Day”
vii.) Tent?
viii.) Dog treats, or big bones w/ ribbons and labels (business cards); no baggies!
c.) Our table will hopefully be next to New Hanover Animal Control’s Table
d.) Email Laurie with your schedule if you can help out!!!
II) First General Meeting
a.) Wednesday, August 28, at 7pm in Dobo, Room 132
b.) Materials for Meeting
i.) flyers – in Dobo, and Library
ii.) powerpoint
iii.) Guest – Junus Garzella?
III) Student Organization Leadership Conference (SOLC)
a.) Saturday, September 20, 9am-4:30pm
b.) Burney Center
c.) Must register by September 12th
IV) Fall Leadership Conference
a.) Ashley Myers will be attending, but recommends either President/ Vice President also go
b.) “Procedures and Policies” – September 3 at 5pm
V) New T-shirt
a.) Design by Kristen Eagen: “Peace, Love, Paws” on front, and quote on back
b.) Vote at next general meeting
c.) Need to know colors/ cost/ how much going to sell for before doing anything
d.) Sponsors? or buy many like CRAH
e.) T-shirt place is off of Racine, contact Katie Hughes for more info. or Bianca Malatesta
VI) Volunteer time at New Hanover Animal Control
a.) Need to pick best day of week to volunteer
b.) Could make available to students the doctor’s schedules at NHAC, allowing students more opportunities to come volunteer and reduce over crowding
VII) Organizational Leadership Certificate Workshops
a.) Need to attend at least 3 for registration
b.) Email Laurie if want to go
VIII) Re-registration Seminar
a.) Email Laurie if want to go
IX) Dr.Richardson
a.) Monday, September 22
b.) Possibly have lunch with pre-vet students, show around campus (2-3pm?), set up and talk about vet school (3-4pm?), freshen up, dinner, then his presentation at 7pm
c.) Possibly have Dr.Richardson come out New Hanover Animal Control to see what we do
d.) Materials for Presentation
i.) big banner
ii.) press-release
iii.) advertise to Wilmington community
iv.) parents are welcome!
X) Future General Meetings
a.) October – suture demo
b.) November – Dr.Redburn?
c.) Dr.Holland – EM medicine- future speaker
d.) Laurie’s economic teacher to come speak (like Dr.Lanzi)
e.) Upcoming dates for general meetings
i.) September 22, October 21, November 19 – tentatively scheduled for 7pm
XI) Executive Board Meeting Time
a.) Usually meet 1-2 weeks before general meeting
b.) Time to finish stuff from previous meeting
c.) Upcoming date for executive meetings
i.) September 13, October 8, November 3 – meet in coffee shop of library
d.) Email Laurie with schedule to decide on meeting time
XII) Things to Know
a.) the PVMA website is up and the PVMA group is also on facebook
b.) Display case in fisher for PVMA? Raffle for blanket to raise money?