1. The role of treasurer is a very important one.
2. Reasonable financial competence, and the ability to maintain a basic set of accounts is a pre-requisite.
3. A willingness to attend Parish Council meetings.
4. Have a good working relationship with the Minister, Council Chair and Secretary.
5. Be able to explain financial issues clearly both within the Parish Council and to the congregation generally.
6. Be able to respect confidentiality, particularly in regard to matters that relate to individual church members.
7. Every congregation should have a folder that can be passed from one treasurer to the next, containing all the legal and other information relating to the congregation. This should be kept in a safe place.
8. If you are assuming the role of treasurer you should receive a copy of the audited financial statements. It is important to ensure that the accounts are audited prior to taking over to ensure they are correct at the start.
9. It is also a requirement of the Uniting Church Regulations that financial statements are prepared and audited annually.
10. If you are a new treasurer you are encouraged to ask heaps of questions.
11. Does your congregation have an ABN and is it registered for GST. There are regulations applying to GST . If further information is required contact: Marie-Ann Ellis,
Phone: 8236 4215 a member of the Synod Resources Team.
12. The Uniting Church Constitution and Regulations give the treasurer a guide to their responsibilities.
13. The Synod’s has a Congregational Book Keeping unit to offer advice. See CBU brochure attached.
1. Uniting Church Regulations require ‘comprehensive and detailed budgets’ to be prepared during the current year for the next succeeding year.
2. Budgets are a plan for how the congregation intends to exercise good stewardship over its financial resources for the coming year. These are normally prepared in association with the minister and chairperson.
3. Budgets should be flexible- they are able to be revised (with approval of church council) to take into account changing circumstances.
4. Budgets for the following year should be adopted by Council two months prior to the end of the current financial year.
5. Monitor the Parishes finances throughout the year and alert the Council to any likely difficulties.
6. Work with the Council to ensure that its meets all of its financial obligations, especially clergy salary and expenses, other staff, Mission and Service fund allocations, insurances etc.
7. Seek the support of the Synod Congregational Book Keeping Unit if required.
8. Ensure the annual financial report is audited with a copy being sent to the Resourcing section of the Synod
1. Financial reports should consist of an income and expenditure statement comparing actual results to the budget. This will highlight any problem areas and allow the council to discuss possible corrective action.
2. It is also helpful to have a third column detailing actual income and expenditure for the previous year.
3. A balance sheet is also necessary as it shows what a church owns and what it owes and any given point in time.
The Resources Team from the Synod conduct work shops for treasurers from time to time. They are also available for advice:
Contact: Congregational Bookkeeping Unit
Phone: 823 64215
Compliance is essential in regards to the following matters:
- PAYG tax
- Superannuation
- Award rates
- Work cover
Contact: Human Resources
Phone: 8236 4234
Payroll: Phone: 8236 4242
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