Energy Leadership™
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Opener: In most organizations, there are 3 types of people: those who see the glass as half full, those who see it as half empty, and many more than both of those combined, those who ask “Who stole half my drink!” Perhaps you’ve heard of the phrase, the Age of Enlightenment. We call this phenomenon, the “Age of Entitlement.”
A Gallup poll revealed that more than 50% of people would leave their jobs tomorrow if they could. The main reason cited? They don’t like their managers. Because most organizations are set up in a hierarchy, workers and managers often feel at odds and in competition to each other. For employees, this can create a sense of separation from management and the organization. This leads to a “take care of me first” attitude, and that sense of entitlement, whichnot only creates their desire to leave their jobs, but also adds stress to those who manage them. One study from DM Review showed that about 71% of managers were burned out.
“Having a wonderful time, wish I was here”
Another Gallupsurvey showed that more than 70% of people were not engaged in their roles on the job, and about 90% of them were completely disconnectedfrom what they do. This disengagement and disconnection costs corporate America billions upon billions of dollars a year.
Welcome, my name is ______and I’m here to share an optimistic, but certainly attainable, vision for you and your workplace.
We’ll talk about the concepts behind Energy Leadership™, and
- The 7 Levels of Energy and Leadership
- The 12 Dimensions of the Energetic Roadmap
- How to become engaged and engage others on the job
- How to develop into a more powerful leader - one who creates in others inspiration, not perspiration
- And more
How does that sound?
My story(use story created from marketing section in EL manual)
Give example for small business and life of points you might want to make:
-business = point of awareness; meeting others where they are
-life = understanding where others are coming from; hugely powerful acknowledgement and validation when you can understand exactly why other people’s behavior is 100% normal for them, and why what’s normal for 1 isn’t normal for another… and that’s perfectly ok.
Please take 2 minutes, and share your intentions for this workshop with someone next to you.Importance of this / engagement
Who has something they’d like to share?
Who has something different?
One more…
A good leader is one who can tell another how to reach his or her potential; a great leader is one who can help another discover this potential for him or herself.
- Bo Bennett
What is a leader? (Get a response or two)
Raise your hand if you are a leader? Importance of this / engagement
What would it do for you if your executives and managers were all true leaders? What if your personnel, including co-workers and staff, were all leaders, instead of followers? Change this description to fit your audience – what if your children saw life as an opportunity with no mistakes? Where could they go? OR what if you could see, in an instant, how all past so called failed relationships have lead you to find the most spectacular one tomorrow and be ready for it!?!
Energy Leadership™ refers to both a particular and unique form of leadership, and also, literally, to the process of leading energy, so that it works for you rather than against you.
We have two basic premises: 1) Everyone leads, either by choice or default, and 2) the higher your overall energy level, the more successful and fulfilled you’ll be.Our studies show that it is 100% true: whether it’s measured in finances, fulfillment, peace of mind, relationships, or more, people who have the highest levels of consciousness have the most energy, and report the most success in their lives.
How often do believe you’re leading your life, and actions with intention? And how often are you in default mode? Reacting to life?
Next talk about the WIIFY (What’s In It For You?)… again change to suit the audience
The benefits of raising your overall consciousness and energetic level at work will be many:
–You’ll help inspire and motivate those around you,
–feel a greater sense of purpose,
–you will actually resonate at a higher level of energy, which will help you get more done in less time, and also attract success to you.
–You’ll be able to make quick and accurate decisions,
–reduce stress,
–increase your engagement on the job, and
–have access to your personal genius.
–All other aspects of your life will improve as well.
“It’s not what you say that matters most, it’s why you say it.” Bruce D Schneider, founder, IPEC Coaching
First, let me clarify what I mean when I say energy level:
Through the initial theories of Albert Einstein, to the Quantum physicists who changed our view of life, we know a few things:
This creates credibility. These are facts. Building your case.
- Physical objects, including human beings, are actually made up of subatomic particles of moving, vibrating energy.
- For all practical purposes, there are two types of energy: anabolic and catabolic. (Explain both, and for catabolic, add:Sounds similar to cannibal, and in a sense, they are very similar, as catabolism, like cannibalism, eats away at our health, finances, and success in however we measure it.)
- Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle reveals that, as our perception of an object changes, the object itself literally changes. As we look at an object, we interact with it. We emit light, and thought, which are both forms of energy, which affect what we observe permanently. For a very simplistic example, if we measured darkness with a flashlight, we would change the property of darkness to light.
- We create our realities, based on our perceptions. Energy attracts(discuss how unfamiliar energy goes unnoticed because you have no frame of reference for it and/or are not focusing on it) Your perceptions create your energy level and that creates the world you know. I’ll discuss this more in a few minutes
- There are 7 levels of energy, consciousness, or awareness, and leadership, with 2 levels being catabolic and the rest anabolic.
Let me talk more about that and get to the heart of what Energy Leadership™ is about.
Add what you need to in these definitions, especially examples, to relate to your specific audience. ALWAYS spell things out for them.
- Default Tendencies– through years of experiences that shape our beliefs and behaviors, we also develop default tendencies – meaning the way we tend to perceive and react to certain situations, circumstances, the environment around us, etc. Unless we have some way of getting a “reality check”, our default tendencies fire without us consciously noticing them, and we go on doing the same things we’ve always done, with the results being pretty much the same as well (and then we wonder why things don’t change).
- Resonant Frequencies- Your resonant frequency is your natural frequency. When you align with it, your work and life become effortless. An example of resonant frequency being out of control is trying to get a swing to swing faster or slower. You may be able to do it with force, but helping the swing to flow with its natural resonating frequency is easy. It could be said that your natural frequency is something you rarely use, or would definitely like to use more, as it’s the highest frequency available to us. You see, naturally, we are all highly conscious at our core, it’s our “humanness” that gets in the way.
- Reticular Activating System–There’s a part of our brain called the Reticular Activating System that is always scanning our surroundings for things that are problematic, familiar or “out of place” and always tries to make sense of what we see in a way we can understand it.The challenge for us is that our default tendencies get us to notice and perceive the same things over and over again. So now the RAS picks that up as something familiar (and possibly problematic as which creates a double whammy of sorts) and continues to point out these common situations/concerns/frustrations, etc., out to us – over and over again. Without interrupting this system, you will literally see the same things repeatedly; you won’t ever see things differently (quite literally).
- However, Energy Leadership™ is a way of interrupting this process so that you can consciously decide what you want to see in your surroundings and in others (and in yourself). This change enables you to place the things you want to notice in your RAS so that you can break this self-perpetuating cycle.
- Law of Attractionand the Automatic Abundance Attractor–There’s a lot around today about the law of attraction, and it is great stuff. However, the law of attraction is about reframing and refocusing negatives to create positives, or at best, manifesting what you want by shifting your perspective and focus. Energy Leadership™ is about the Law of Being. This means when you raise your overall level of consciousness, you don’t have to change or create new thoughts. Your natural default thoughts will always be attracting success. We call this the Automatic Abundance Attractor.
- (Explain how all these relate to self creating / self-fulfilling prophecies on the job and at home, by mentioning how we get what we expect, and that becomes more “evidence” to support our self-creations.)
What I’m about to show you has changed the lives of countless people from all walks of life.
What is your self concept?
This is your energy level, level of consciousness, and the determining factor for how you see yourself and the world.
When I speak of energy, I’m not referring only to physical energy. I’m also referring to emotional, mental, psychological, and even spiritual energy. Mostly, I’m referring to your particular energetic profile. (feel free to expand wherever needed, in fuse personal and client anecdotes as appropriate to illustrate your point)
Like Einstein and many scientists who followed have told us, everything in this universe, including us, is vibrating energy. We are energetic beings, and based on how we think, feel, and act, we are constantly experiencing and sharing either anabolic energy, which works for us, or catabolic energy, which works against us.
There are actually 7levels of energy, or consciousness, at which we can resonate. OurAverage Resonating Level of Energy (A.R.L.) falls somewhere on this scale between 1 - 7; it is comprised of both the sum total of every thought we've everhad, every emotion we've ever felt and every action we've ever taken, aswell as those we are thinking, feeling and doing at present.Your A.R.L. is the averageof all of your various day to day and thought to thought energy.
Each person’s energy level varies based on the various aspects of life, including their job, or a part of their job. No two people have the same energetic makeup. Has anyone ever bought a stock?…(Stock market analogy.) Like a stock, your energy level can go up, and it can go down, depending upon how you perceive and respondto what's happening in your life.Your A.R.L. determines your energetic makeup, viewpoint of the world, physical and mental health, ability to lead, and level of success. People resonating at lower levels tend toattract all things negative and react in kind(quite literally a black cloud follows them around), while those resonating athigher levels attract and experience more ease, opportunity, power, and success (these are the ones that just seem to have the Midas touch – or as lower resonating people might say they are luck enough to just keep “stepping in it”.)And here’s some great news: we have the ability to alter ourenergy level, our level of consciousness –and that has a huge impact on our jobs, the people we work with, those we live with, and our own bodies. In fact, your energy level – your A.R.L., or as we like to call it, your E-Factor – is THE #1 factor determining your level of success in life!
The Energetic Self-Perception Chart
So now let’s take a look at how this chart works. It’s called the Energetic Self Perception chart because based on how you perceive yourself, you exhibit or embody a certain level of energy. You’ll see to the left, core thought, in the middle, core emotion, and on the right, core action and results. That’s how the chart reads from left to right. So every level has a thought associated with it. There are a lot of other thoughts, but these are the core thoughts. In the feeling section, there are 7 core feelings. Again, a lot more emotions in between these levels. To the right, when you think and feel a certain way, you tend to act in a certain way. So the left is the cause and the right is the effect. So let’s just go through this chart quickly. Then I’ll show you how to use it to your advantage.
One thing to consider as we discuss the 7 levels of energy - each level is exponentially more powerful than the one beneath it. I’m not saying the higher levels are “better,” only higher. What you do with this information is your choice—and each level of energy has both its advantages and disadvantages.
Level 1 is victim thinking. Those who have an ARL in this area are primarily victims, that is, victim to thoughts, beliefs, emotions, perceptions, and more that work against them. In some aspect of life, we all have some victim energy. Victim energy includes guilt, self-doubt, low self esteem (and perhaps not in general, but in any particular aspect of life). Level 1 also includes most fear, worry, and more. With enough of that energy, you hit the bottom, which is complete victim, and apathy and lethargy ensues. Between 1 and 2, you are sluggish as best, as is your productivity level.
Level 2 is the world that most of us experience at work, and in our day to day lives. It is the conflict range, and there may be a lot of the level 1 emotions as well, but the main one for Level 2 is anger. Some very successful people have a lot of level 2 energy, but they are usually unhappy and almost always unhealthy. They manage others by force, which causes that sense of separation I spoke about earlier. Others with similar energy express it differently, by turning it inward. They are still just as angry either at themselves or others, but just keep steaming and stewing until they explode or implode.
Level 3 is responsibility for how you interpret things and your role in making things better for yourself. At this level, you take responsibility for how you feel about anything and anyone. At this level, no one controls your reactions or emotions. The result is that you forgive yourself and others, and rationalize things that don’t work in order to accept them. This includes the people in your life, and the result is that while you may judge them, you can cooperate with them.
Level 4 is caring, giving and helping. It is concern for others, before concern for our own self. Many people think they are at level 4 because they want to help others, but if their intention is to first help themselves (i.e. helping others simply to feel better about themselves, the wounded helper) they are probably coming from Level 1 instead. Remember, it’s not what you say that matters most, it’s why you say it. It is the intention behind the words. The actions in any level may look the same, but the energy and consciousness can vary greatly. One more thing about Level 4 energy - the caring, nurturing energy of Level 4 is not only about helping others, but also how we nurture projects, our jobs, and ourselves, including our own bodies. The difference between this level and those below it, is that at level 4, we nurture ourselves and others because we WANT TO, not because we NEED TO. And to be clear, if it’s a choice between ourselves and others, at Level 4, we choose others first.
Level 5 reconciles good and bad and begins to see everything as an opportunity. At this level, you accept the process of life, and you play the game well. You experience peace of mind with a feeling of control of your life, not control over others. At this level, no matter what happens outside of you, you experience a sense of joy within. An example of level 5 thinking can be found in Edison’s attempts to invent the light bulb. After his 999th experiment didn’t produce a working light bulb, his assistant asked “how can you keep trying when you continue to fail time and time?” Edisonsmiledand retorted, “Don’t be silly. I’ve simply learned the 999th way to not invent the light bulb.” Not only did Edison obviously eventually succeed, but in his so called failings, he discovered several dozen other inventions and key scientific principles. Level 5 thinkers often find meaning, purpose and learning in everything they experience.