Progressive Discipline Program
Following are the guidelines for the consistent application of Progressive Discipline in our restaurants. This document should be printed, signed by all managers, and placed in the front of the EAB along with the Progressive Discipline Matrix (found on the AAG Intranet).
Incident: An employee violates any company policy.
- Review the EAB to see what other Progressive Discipline documentation that the employee has received.
- If no other PD documentation exists, refer to the PD Matrix and issue the appropriate documentation (i.e. Oral warning, 1st Written, etc.)
- If the employee has received PD documentation, review the most recent document and follow the next step.
Example 1:
An employee violates company policy with an improper call-out (minor offense). The MOD reviews the EAB and finds that the employee already has received an Oral documentation for lateness (minor offense – 1st step). The documentation for the lateness states that “future violations of any company policy will result in further disciplinary action…” and the box for “1st Written” is checked for future violations. The MOD would then use a 1st Written Warning to document the improper call-out – the next step for a minor offense.
Example 2:
An employee violates company policy with a No Call/No Show (serious offense). The MOD reviews the EAB and finds that the employee has not received any previous PD documentation. The MOD refers to the PD Matrix and finds that the 1st Offense for a No Call/No Show results in a Final Written Warning.
Example 3:
The same employee from Example 2 arrives to work 5 minutes late for a scheduled shift. The MOD reviews the EAB and finds the Final Written Warning that was issued for the NC/NS. The “next step” for a Final Written Warning is Termination. The MOD would issue a Suspension Pending Termination document to the employee. The GM would contact HR for further guidance.
While tardiness is a minor offense and would usually result in a lower level of PD, the employee was already on a Final Written Warning. The process is “progressive”, meaning that the “next step” must be followed. The employee does not “startover” with each new offense.