Mrs. Andrea Steptoe Geometry Honors


Honors Geometry is designed to teach students geometry and logical thinking. The ability to apply known information to novel problems in a valid way is as important as the geometrical concepts covered. The class is very challenging but great fun.

Honors courses progress at a very fast pace, covering the greatest breadth and depth of topics. Students are expected to have mastered the skills and thoroughly understand the concepts covered in prior courses. They are expected to have retained this past knowledge, which will generally not be reviewed in the course. Mathematical concepts are often introduced at an abstract and theoretical level. New ideas are often developed through student investigation with minimal guidance from the teacher.


You are asked to bring the following every day:

·  TI-83+ or TI-84+ graphing calculator

·  Large 3-ring hardcover binder with looseleaf and hole puncher

·  1 composition notebook (for HW)

·  Index cards (ruled or unruled)

·  2 pens and 2 pencils

·  Compass (for constructions)

Textbooks: Holt Geometry and Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge


Grades will be computed as follows:

55% Tests

15% Quizzes

15% POWs

5% Homework

POWs (Problems of the Week) are assigned periodically. POWs have a significant impact on your course grade and should be given appropriate attention.

Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.


It is the student’s responsibility to make all missed work during his or her absence in a timely manner. Tests should be made up immediately upon return to class.


Many options exist for extra help. Students are advised to make use of these as early and as often as possible:

BEST OPTION - Math Study Center: Math teachers are available to help students one-on-one, free of charge, during the school day. Schedule will be posted.

-  I am also available for help by appointment.


Email: *Best* for notes and messages, during the school day

Phone: To leave a phone message at South House Office:

(914) 422-2154

I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the above policies and procedures.

Parent Signature ______Student Signature ______