Updated Agenda for the Meeting to be held on 17th May 2016, 7.15pm at Great Wood Hall

1. Agenda

2. Apologies

3. Declaration of Interests

4. Minutes of the meeting held on April 19th 2016

5. Public participation (for a maximum of 30 minutes)

6. Chairman’s Announcements

7. Election of Chairman for the year 2016/17

2015/16 Chairman calls for nominations.

Votes taken (if votes are equal then 2015/16 Chair has the casting vote).

New Chair elected - they read and sign the ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office.’ Witnessed by the Clerk.

Election of Vice Chairman for the year 2016/17

New Chairman calls for nominations.

Votes taken (if votes are equal then new Chair has the casting vote).

Election of remaining council roles:

Role / 2015/2016 Representative
Internal Auditor / Cllr A Wilkinson
Lenghtsman Coordinators – Checkley, Hollington & Tean / Cllrs McCormack, Hulme & Akerman
Police Coordinator / Cllr Pearce
Great Wood Hall Working Group / Cllrs Flunder, Ball & Trigger
Great Wood Hall Management Committee / Cllrs Ball, Pearce & Stubbs
Checkley Community Centre / Cllrs Flunder & McCormack
Hollington Village Hall / Cllr P Wilkinson
SPCA / Cllr Pearce & Clerk
SMDC Parish Assembly / Cllrs Flunder & Prearce
Lafarge Tarmac Liaison Committee / Cllrs Trigger & T Wilkinson
Footpaths Committee / Cllr P Wilkinson
Youth Committee / Cllrs A Wilkinson & Akerman
Rural Councils for Staffordshire / Cllrs McCormack & P Wilkinson
Road Safety & Highways Committee (Cllr Deavilles working group) / Cllrs Ball, Stubbs, Trigger & Flunder
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group / Cllrs Flunder, Akerman, McCormack & P Wilkinson

8. Matters Arising:

Cllr Hulme with update from Hollington Speedwatch session.

Cllr P Wilkinson with update on Hollington Defib training.

Cllr Akerman with update on play equipment repairs.

9. Correspondence

Date / From / Subject/Ref / Brief / Outcome
For Consideration
19/4/2016 / Zurich / Parish Insurance / Renewal / Cllr emailed 17/5
For Information
25/04/2016 / SPCA / Councillor Training / 7th June, Stafford £20ea / Cllrs emailed 10/5
25/04/2016 / SPCA / Chairman Training / 31st May, Stafford £20ea / Cllrs emailed 10/5
17/05/2016 / Sue Green / Support Staffs / Workshop 30/6 - £29 / Cllrs emailed 17/5

10. Planning Applications:

Applications For Consideration
SMD/2016/0217 / 1 Havensfield Dr, Tean / Proposed extension of the existing dropped kerb

11. Financial Matters:

Internal auditor – Cllr A Wilkinson

Payee / Goods/Services / VAT / Total Amount / Cheque no
New Haden Metals / 580g General Waste from Wentlows – 14/4/16 / £13.92 / £83.52 / 3150
UR Media / Dog Foul Posters / £14.91 / £89.46 / 3151
SCC / 1st Mortgage Instalment – for period Apr – Sept 2016 / - / £8500.00 / 3152
Talk Talk Business / Phone & Broadband for GWH / £5.50 / £33.00 / Direct Debit
Christopher Neufeld / Internal Auditor / - / £95.00 / 3153
Zurich Insurance / Parish Insurance 2016/2017 / - / £1516.01 / 3154
M Price / Litterpicker Fee / - / £280.80 / 3155
S Clarke / Lengthsman Fee / - / £1242.00 / 3156
S Clarke / Lenghtsman Expenses / - / £31.00 / 3156
S Morgan-Rimes / Clerk Fee / - / £834.00 / 3157
S Morgan-Rimes / Clerk Expenses / - / £76.82 / 3157
Monies Rec’d
SMDC / Recycling / - / £92.01
Various / Cemetery – Interment, Plots & Monuments (100404/5) / - / £700.00
S Clarke / Lawnmower Payment / - / £100.00

12. District Councillor’s Announcements:

13. County Councillor’s Announcements:

14. Great Wood Hall Recommendations from Great Wood Working Group & Committee:

15. Wentlows Recommendations from Checkley & Tean Sports Club Working Group:

Update from Cllr Flunder regarding meeting held 5th May.

16. Neighbourhood Plan Recommendations from Steering Group:

Update from Cllr Flunder regarding SMDC workshop and Questionnaire meeting held 4th May.

17. Local Plan:

Update from Cllr Trigger regarding consultation open day held on 12th May at GWH.

18. Lengthsman Brief:

Coordinators to provide an overview (details in meeting pack) and update on any issues/requests in Lengthsman’s report.

19. Annual Audit:

Sign off of the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2016.

20. S106 / Wentlows Improvement Update:

Councillor Pearce to update regarding the meeting 28th April 2016.

Cllr Pearce to present and a decision to be made on Service Level Agreement from SMDC.

21. Tean Post Office:

Currently up for sale again.

22. Tean Rec – Teenage Shelter:

Cllr Akerman

23. July Meeting Date:

Look into potential change of date.

24. Hollington Picnic Area:

Cllrs Hulme & Wilkinson to provide fencing quotes or alternative.

25. Well Meadow Gardens:

Cllr Pearce would like to look into promoting Well Meadow Gardens.

26. Matters pertaining to issues in the Parish or for the next agenda

Will be limited to one item per councillor if they wish to raise a point/query/clarification not previously discussed. In the interest of time constraints on the meeting, each councillor should try to keep their points as brief and concise as possible.

27. Confidential Items:

Should it be required to discuss any issues not yet for the public domain.


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