Notes to Scorers
Scoring protocols
· All scoring must be done in red at the extreme right hand margin. Points should be listed in the order that they appear on the rubric. At the end of the task, points should be added together and the total circled. A correct answer, which appears clearly anywhere on the page should be given full points.
· Check that you have scored all items and parts of items.
· Any page which has been left completely blank should be crossed through with a single, diagonal line.
· When you have finished scoring each item, transfer the item total to the front cover.
Ö / Correct answer or evidence of correct thinking (what convinced you that the student deserved a point)c / Incorrect answer or comment
Follow through – correct answer based upon a previous incorrect answer
f.t. / “follow through” point, i.e. points allowed for correct work based upon a previous error
Ù / Incomplete response
-1e.e. / In a rubric, subtract 1 point for each error (or omission)
m.r. / Misread, only allowed to be marked by the lead scorer
Detailed points of guidance
Read the item in detail, look at whole paper, before awarding individual points.
If there is no response to part of the item but the student work later in the item implies a correct response to the earlier missing part, credit should be given for the missing part.
Crossed out work must be marked if the student has not made a second attempt on that part of the item. When a second attempt has been made, the crossed out answer should be ignored.
If a student offers two or more answers, only one of which is correct, credit cannot be given for the correct response.
Alternative correct solutions should always be given full credit for the aspects of the rubric they cover.
If you are uncertain, check with the Lead Scorer, who may give the work the benefit of the doubt.
For unexpected solutions that may be correct, refer the Lead Scorer.