Control/Tracking Number: 2008-S-110492-SfN
Activity: Scientific Abstract
Current Date/Time: 5/18/2008 8:17:17 AM
Simultaneous mri measurement of dynamic contrast enhanced cerebral blood volume and arterial spin labeling cerebral blood flow in healthy
1PICS, Radiology, 2Biomed. Engin., 3Neurol., Columbia Univ., New York, NY
Abstract:INTRODUCTION: Measuring metabolic correlates such as CBF and CBV is important in studies of brain function and disease. CBV is typically measured using dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI that relies on injection of an exogenous contrast agent1. CBF can be measured using arterial spin labeling (ASL), which is non-invasive, cost effective, and offers higher spatial resolution than PET2. In this ongoing study we are simultaneously measuring CBV and CBF using DCE and ASL MRI, respectively.
The main goals are: (1) to validate the two methods by showing good correlation across modalities, (2) to measure regional variability in CBV and CBF as well as their ratio. Our hypothesis is that regions with high CBF have high CBV with the ratio between the two being constant.
METHODS: Subjects: CBV and CBF maps were obtained in 6 subjects: (age 35 ± 10; 2 males). Imaging: Continuous ASL imaging acquisition and CBF computation was done as previously described2. CBV Pre- and Post Gd-injection T1-weighted images were acquired in steady state (post image was acquired ~ 5 min after Gd injection.) CBV was computed as previously described3.
Analysis: Group averages for CBV and CBF were computed for 5 ROIs containing increasing fractional volume of gray matter (GM). Also, group average CBV and CBF were obtained in visual (BA17) and motor (BA4) ROIs.
RESULTS: As hypothesized, CBF and CBV increased with increasing fractional volume of GM in the ROI (Fig.1A). Global GM CBF was 83.1 ± 14.0 (mL/100gmin) whereas GM CBV was 3.2 ± 0.2 %. Both CBF and CBV were higher in visual than in the motor cortex (Fig.1B,C). However, the CBF/CBV ratio was statistically the same in both ROIs - 24.7 and 23.4 for motor and visual, respectively (p<0.8, two-tail-0.5)
CONCLUSIONS: We compared simultaneously acquired ASL CBF with DCE CBV maps and found good correlation across modalities. This is important as ASL is a non-invasive while CBV measurement requires injection of an exogenous tracer. We also showed regional variability in CBF and CBV in accordance with other studies.
REFERENCES:[1] Rosen et al., MRM [2] Asllani et al., JCBFM [3] Lin et al., MRM
Theme and Topic (Complete): E.09.b. Blood flow
Keywords (Complete): CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW ;contrast ;ASL ;DCE ;cerebral blood volume
Presentation Preference (Complete):  Slide Preferred
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Support: No
Linking Group (Complete): None selected
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Religious Conflict?: No Religious Conflict
Additional Conflict?: No
Status: Finalized
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Society for Neuroscience
Neuroscience 2008
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Title: Simultaneous mri measurement of dynamic contrast enhanced cerebral blood volume and arterial spin labeling cerebral blood flow in healthy young
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