History Websites
Web-based history support from QCA/DfES
- Innovating with History
Innovating with History is a QCA website, to help teachers and schools to use the increased flexibility in the national curriculum programmes of study. It also provides a ‘gateway’ to many other websites offering support for teaching and learning in history.
QCA also looks at:
- Planning and assessing history
- New developments in history from QCA and DfES
- Examples of ideas submitted by teachers
- Promoting history
- K.S.2 /3 transfer in history
- NationalCurriculum Online
National Curriculum Online provides direct links, using key words, to the QCA/DfES schemes of work and other on-line resources relevant to each part of the programme of study. The history home page also provides access to all other web based history support material produced by QCA.
- NC in Action (Exemplification)
NC in Action uses pupils’ work to exemplify the national curriculum in key stages 1 and 3. There are new sections on promoting ICT and creativity through subjects, which include guidance for teachers along with examples of pupils’ work in history. The site can also be accessed through the history home page of National Curriculum online.
- Guidance on teaching history to gifted and talented pupils
The material includes sections on: identifying gifted and talented pupils; inclusion issues; teaching gifted pupils; examples of units of work; activities beyond the classroom; resources; and monitoring and evaluation.
- Planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties: history
The material includes sections on: responding to pupils’ needs when teaching history; opportunities and activities at key stages 1-3; and performance descriptions. This material has been published as a booklet that has been sent to all special schools and to local education authorities for distribution to mainstream schools with such pupils.
- Schemes of work for history (Key stages 1,2 and 3)
The QCA non-statutory history schemes of work for key stages 1, 2 and 3 are on the DfES Standards web site
- Information for parents about the history national curriculum (The Learning Journey)
Also available through the Innovating with History website DfES / QCA have developed outlines of history topics for parents which may be useful for teachers new to the topic.
Currently these are:
People in the Past –Out and About
The Tudors
The Victorians
QCA have also combined History Unit 3 and Geography Unit 4 to produce a unit on the seaside Years 1 and 2
Gateway Sites
General sites provide access to a variety of subject topics e.g.
General History
Links to a variety of sites with information and downloadable resources on most primary history topics
Nuffield primary history site. Ideas and resources on a number of topics including Romans and WWII plus lots of generic ideas for teaching history.
School site with a variety of links
Covers range of topics including Tudors and WWII
Links to various history topics
Lots of information for teachers and activities for children; topics covered include:
- Famous People (5-7 QCA K.S1 Unit 4) including Christopher Columbus, Florence Nightingale, Pocahontas, and George Stephenson.
- The Romans (7-11 QCA 6A)
- Iron Age Celts (7-11)
- The Vikings (7-9 QCA 6C)
- The Anglo- Saxons (7-9 QCA Unit 6B)
- Ancient Greece (9-12 QCA Units 14/15)
- Burgh Life in Mary's Time,
- Children in Victorian Britain, (9-11 Unit 11)
- Children of WW II (7-9 QCA Unit 9)
- " Walk through Time," (7-11 covers KS 2 case studies on Unit 6 -the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings- Unit 8 the Tudors and Units 11 and 12 Victorian Children Unit 13 Changes since 1948. Teachers guide and activities for children looking at chronology, anachronisms, printable worksheets, ideas on interviewing for information.)
- Dynamo's show-ordering objects etc. (5-7)
- Now You See Me has a Scottish focus but includes a tour of a Roman Fort –useful if you are visiting the Lunt.
There are timelines, games, and information on archaeology, exploration, discovery and invention.
British Pathe (via ITN Archive) are giving schools access to free downloads of newsreels and still images covering historical events from early 1900's to 1970's.
Go to A-Z or sitemap-documentaries-history to find links to a variety of topics links, timelines, information, worksheets, quizzes, image and word banks and web links etc.
Historical Association and Actis-by subscription.
You will need a user ID and password to access the resources on this site
There are sets of teacher resources and children's activities
- KS 1 has snap and matching activities linked to daily life, people and past events
- K.S 2 has worksheets and activities linked to QCA History 9 "What was it Like for Children in the Second World War?" about two children evacuated from London to Lancaster. Activities include work on the "Blitz," WWII objects, games evacuee children played, and comparing WWII homes with contemporary homes
You will need a school ID and password to enter this site.
This site has two main activities linked to QCA units.
Anglo- Saxons (7-11)
Work can be done individually, in pairs or as group/class activity using an interactive whiteboard.
Five activities with visual, written and spoken information:
- History of A/S in Britain –map, timeline 300AD-1000AD showing when, where and how settlement took place.
- Village Life-homes, how Saxons lived, farmed and organised their lives.
- Religion –from paganism to Christianity.
- Culture-From sculpture to Beowulf: the Anglo –Saxon cultural legacy
- Clues to the Past-How do we find out about how the A/s lived? Clues to the past and work on archaeology.
Plus teacher's notes which explains the background to the journeys and activities associated with each one.
Mainly US linked topics but useful for information on events such as the first moon landing.
Linked to a number of topics including the Gunpowder Plot
History Today -subscription site but has reviews and information on this month, this week in history, which may be of interest to non-subscribers.
Mainly Tudors and Romans
US site with information on Greeks and Romans
Links to the National Maritime Museum, coastal towns, ports and seafaring activities
This free website gives children a chance to travel back to Roman, Tudor, Victorian and WW II times. Mixture of text, image, photograph and film clips where children act as reporters interviewing famous historical characters.
Includes timelines, information and links to places of interest in the local area.
National Archives- Learning Curve. One of the best free online teaching and learning resources for K.S. 2+ on historical topics from 1066 to the present. E.g. Henry VIII, Shakespeare etc. Content is matched to the appropriate unit of the History National Curriculum. Information comes in three forms-Exhibition, (in depth topic investigations) Focus on (interactive investigations) and Snapshots (lesson sizes activities). It also includes a film archive.
- KS1 Unit 3: What were seaside holidays like in the past?
Looks at how railways changed people's lives in Victorian Britain- Sources and related questions.
- KS2 Unit 7: Why did Henry VIII marry six times?
Covers life at court, entertainment, religious freedom, trade and using sources.
- KS2 Unit 8: What were the differences between rich and poor in Tudor times?
Covers life at court, entertainment, (joust) religion, everyday life, trade etc.
- KS2 Unit 9. What was it like for children in the Second World War?
Covers life on the Home Front (evacuation, bombing, everyday life, the role of women etc.) using posters leaflets and other sources from the period.
- KS2 Unit 11: What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain?
Covers rich and poor, the monarchy, entertainment industrial conditions, the Poor Law, family life, crime and punishment etc. also provides information on the 1891 census-what information was gathered and how it can be used to study history.
- KS 2 Unit 13: How has life changed in Britain since 1948?
Content –photographic and other source materials looking at immigration.
- KS 2 Unit 18: What was it like to live here in the past.
Uses an interactive investigation to translate a page from the 1891 census into individual houses in a street and who lived there.
Uses film clips from early 1900's to post WWII to show aspects of life, famous events through the period.
Subscription with some free demos. Mainly K.S.3 activities including Norman Conquest, castles, medieval life etc.
Information, activity worksheets on Romans, Tudors, World War II and the Twentieth Century. Mainly for top end of K.S.2 and K.S.3
You will need to be signed up to espresso in order to access the available resources, which it provides.
Examples of KS1 and 2 pupil's work online. Useful for ideas, looking at levelling work, setting up history portfolios etc.
Text and pictures for teachers, helpers, older children on topics including Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and The World Wars
Biography and information on a range of topics including the Tudors, the nineteenth century, transport and the world wars.
Mainly for teachers and secondary pupils.
This is the East Lincs council website. It has many of the sites listed above but also:
Key stage 1 viewable materials -pictures and text telling the stories of:
- Toys (Unit 1)
- Homes (Unit 2)
- The Seaside (Unit 3)
- Florence Nightingale (Unit 4)
- The Fire of London (Unit 5)
Plus many specific topic sites
Website with resources for KS2 /3 but also articles and views on different aspects and periods of history.
Covers a variety of topics including famous people
Museums, archives and sources
The British Library-Learning area-resources for teachers and pupils
English Heritage sites including Kenilworth Castle as well as large photo collections.
National Maritime Museum
Allows K.S.2 children to search for information, look at artefacts etc.
Imperial war museum site mainly useful for teachers and older children
London Transport Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Includes collections on periods and styles e.g. 20th century
Link to National Science, Railway and Media Museums
KS2 materials linked to Victorian era including 1891 census download
(Currently being redesigned-Jan.2008)
National Coal Mining Museum includes a virtual tour of a coal mine
Links to 3000+ museums and heritage sites
Museum of Antiquities- Newcastle includes a look at a Roman temple
National Museums of Scotland
(Children's compass-Toys and Games)
Famous People
Guy Fawkes
Information on Guy Fawkes-reviews the history of the plot and Gunpowder Plot game that tests children's knowledge.
Society with links to journals, archives etc.
Lots of information for teachers and activities for children; topics covered include:
- Famous People (5-7 QCA K.S1 Unit 4) including Christopher Columbus, Florence Nightingale, Pocahontas, and George Stephenson
This is the East Lincs council website. It has many of the sites listed above but also:
Key stage 1 viewable materials -pictures and text telling the stories of:
- Florence Nightingale (Unit 4)
- The Fire of London (Unit 5)
Ancient Egypt
British Museum-Ancient Egypt Site
Primary Teachers Toolbox with links to a variety of sites with information and activities about ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
4-11 pupil site
Timelines, pictures etc.
Invaders and Settlers
Information for K.S 2+: brief history of builders, achievements, famous Romans, gods plus maps various games and activities on gladiators etc.
Information for teachers on all aspects of the Romans in Britain including the Celts, invasion, religion, revolt etc.
Sandy Museum in Bedfordshire-website has archaeological activities for children
The history area provides a number of useful worksheets, timeline and other materials of practical classroom use.
Tudors- downloadable general information.
Tudors and Stuarts-downloadable information with links to more detailed accounts including:
- Bosworth Field,Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Hampton Court, Cardinal Wolsey, Francis Drake, The Mary Rose, The Spanish Armada, Mary I, Queen Elizabeth I, Shakespeare,Sir Walter Raleigh etc.
Plus links to East Lincs site via K.S1 and 2 history which has links to Tudor sites below.
7-11 site 'Walk Through Time' includes an odd one out game; chronological activity involving food and Timestrip no.6 has information on Queen Elizabeth 1 and Shakespeare.
Who were the Tudors?
An interesting presentation of information on life in Tudor times, facts about the Tudors and what did the Tudors invent.
Henry VIII and his six wives
Facts about his life including excerpts of his music ('Green sleeves'), why did he have so many wives, pictures and information, what happened to them (mnemonic)
Quiz and other information
Links to over 30 Tudor sites
Tudor encyclopaedia- biographies on main characters plus images and reference material
Time Trail has:
- Biographies of Kings and Queens
- Important events- Bosworth, the Reformation, the Armada etc.
- Music and musical instruments of the time
- Daily life- homes, food and drink, education, travel, crime and punishment
- At sea-the navy, Sir Francis Drake, the Armada
- Fashion-Men and women
- Fun and games-including Shakespeare's plays
Plus an Elizabethan quiz
Written information mainly pitched at adult level but useful who's who of Tudor times including monarchs, Henry's queens, Drake, Cecil as well as information on food, music, and architecture with pictures of Mary Arden's house, Warwick and Kenilworth castles.
Useful site with portraits and information on monarchs and famous people e.g. Shakespeare from the Tudor era as well as portraits and images from Europe .
Supports "Britain and the wider world" in Tudor times
Teachers guide to site
History and archaeology of the Mary Rose
Explore the ship, talk to the crew
Evidence from artefacts
Tests for children on, 'How much have you learned?"
Downloadable worksheets and pictures
Tudor family tree
Six wives of Henry VIII
Tudor chronology
The Arts in Tudor England
Music of Henry VIII
Globe Theatre information showing internal and external pictures of the Globe and sets.
Letters written by Henry's wives-source materials
General source material mainly for teachers to use edit etc. -portraits letters, family tree, life in Tudor England
This is a joint website, from the V and A Museum and
the National Archives, aimed at exploring Tudor Life through the holdings of both organisations. It continues to grow, and has a range of materials about Tudor times suitable for use with Key Stage 2 and 3.
Virtual Victorians website –themes and 'Day in the Life Activities' plus e toys and e Victorian postcards
Looks at politics, social history, science, gender matters, philosophy, religion, technology and authors (with examples of their work)
Activities and worksheets on children in Victorian Britain
Time trail has a Victorian section covering Important People, The Industrial Revolution and child labour, School Days, Family Life, Fun and Games
For general access to 1851,1881,1891 census information
World War II
Links to the Imperial War Museum (IWM) and other sites including the Cabinet War Rooms (on –line virtual tour) and access to some online collections of art, photographs, documents and film of all aspects of WW11
WWII People's war –links to Remembrance, Faith in Wartime, photograph's etc.
Life for a child in WW11 including a wartime home, rationing, evacuees letters, research room and information for parents and teachers.
U.S. site with links to the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam
Tour of site outlines events leading up to war and explanations of issues such as rationing, evacuation, the Home Guard, 'Blitz' etc.
National Archives –World War 11 from the Public Records office- diary activities, worksheets, timelines and video clips linked to:
- Preparations for War
- Evacuation
- Bombing of Britain
- Empire Home Front
- Everyday Life
- Women at War
Timeline of WW11 with linked photographs-some unsuitable for young children
Articles, personal recollections and a shop with 1940's memorabilia, songs etc.
Famous quotations and speeches by Churchill
Large 20th century web site with links to different aspects of the period
3500 hours of material (photograph stills and video clips) available includes Coventry links:
- 1930's Carnival Day
- Annual Hospital Carnival 1932
- Coventry children visit Portsmouth 1932
- Prince of Wales visits Coventry1934
- Birmingham V Coventry FA Cup match 1935
- 'News in a Nutshell', including Duke of York's visit to Coventry 1935
- Lady Godiva re-enacted 1936
- Events of year 1940-review
- Tragedy of Coventry 1940
- 'Blitz on Coventry and Kings visit 1940
- 'Blitz' on London 1941
- Churchill's tour of Coventry 1941
- Coventry's Bishop enthroned 1943
- D Day landings –June 1944
Local History
History, street maps, historic tour, photographs
Coventry web-history index
Information on activities, what's on plus links to the archives and the Lunt Roman Fort.
historywebsites Jan.2008