We will provide a high-quality computing education that equipspupils to use computational thinking andcreativity tounderstandand changethe world.Strong links will be made with mathematics,science,and design and technology,and provides insights intobothnaturaland artificial systems.The coreofcomputingwill be computerscience,inwhich pupilswill betaughttheprinciples of information andcomputation,howdigitalsystems work,andhowtoputthisknowledge to use throughprogramming.
1. To buildon thisknowledgeandunderstanding so that pupils are equipped to use informationtechnologyto create programs,systems and a rangeofcontent.
2. To ensurethatpupils becomedigitallyliterate – able to use, and express themselves anddevelop their ideas through,informationand communication technology – at a level suitable for the futureworkplace and asactiveparticipantsin a digitalworld.
3. To ensure that pupils can understandand applythe fundamentalprinciples andconcepts ofcomputerscience,including abstraction,logic,algorithms and data representation
4. To ensure that pupils can analyseproblems incomputational terms,andhave repeatedpractical experienceofwritingcomputer programsinorder to solvesuch problems
5. To enable pupils to evaluate andapply informationtechnology,including new or unfamiliartechnologies,analytically to solve problems
6. To ensure that pupils are responsible,competent,confidentand creative users ofinformation andcommunicationtechnology.
1. Pupilswillbetaughtto understandwhatalgorithmsare;howtheyare implementedas programs ondigitaldevices;and thatprograms executeby followingprecise andunambiguous instructions
2. Pupilsshouldbetaughtto createanddebugsimpleprograms in KS1 and design,writeanddebug programs thataccomplishspecific goals,includingcontrollingor simulating physicalsystems;solveproblems by decomposingthem intosmallerparts
3. Pupilswillbetaughtto use logicalreasoning to predictthebehaviour ofsimple programs and in KS2 they will be taught how to explain how somesimplealgorithmsworkand to detectandcorrecterrorsinalgorithms andprograms
4. Pupils will learn how to usetechnology purposefullyto create, organise,store,manipulate andretrieve digitalcontent
5. Pupils will be taught how to recognise common uses ofinformation technology beyond school understandcomputernetworksincluding theinternet;how they canprovide multipleservices,such astheworld wideweb;andthe opportunities theyofferforcommunicationand collaboration
6. They will learn how to use sequence,selection,andrepetition inprograms;work withvariables andvariousforms ofinputand output
They will be taught how to use search technologieseffectively,appreciate how results are selectedand ranked,and bediscerninginevaluating digital content
7. They will learn how to select,use and combine a variety ofsoftware (includinginternetservices) ona rangeofdigitaldevices to designand create a rangeofprograms,systemsandcontentthataccomplishgivengoals,includingcollecting,analysing,evaluatingandpresentingdataandinformation
By the endofeachkey stage,pupils areexpected to know,apply andunderstand thematters,skills andprocesses specified inthe relevantprogrammeofstudy. Pupils will know how to usetechnology safelyand respectfully, keeping personalinformation private; identifywhere to goforhelp andsupportwhentheyhave concernsaboutcontentor contactontheinternetor otheronline technologies. Pupils will recogniseacceptable/unacceptable behaviour;identify a range of ways to reportconcerns aboutcontentand contact.
Revised and adopted by the Governing Body 6/3/2017