/Very Urgent//Confidential/
Rc.No. 612/D/2015 dated 17/04/2015
Sub: SSLC Examination – March-April 2015 – Central Valuation
- Appointment of Chief Examiners / Scrutiny Officers /
Asst. Examiners – regarding.
Ref: 1. D.O. Letter of the Director of Govt. Examination, Chennai-600 006
Rc.No.056252/H8/2014 dated :26/02/2015.
2. Proceeding of the Director of School Education, Chennai-600 006
Rc.No.24690/C3/C11 dated: 10/03/2005,
All the Headmasters/ Headmistresses / Principals of Government / Aided / Corporation / Anglo Indian / A.D. Welfare / Matriculation Higher Secondary Schools of this District are instructed to relieve the teachers who are appointed (based on School Profile given by schools) as C.E./S.O./A.E.found in the list enclosed (already sent to schools) on the afternoon of the previous day of the dates mentioned with the instruction to report to the Camp Officer at the Center on the date noted against them in connection with the Central valuation of the answer scripts pertaining to the SSLC Examination, March – April 2015.
The Head of Institution is also instructed to relieve all other qualified Teachers available in the School, who have put more than ONE years of service in teaching the SSLC subject with instructionsto report to the Camp Officers as A.E. at the center on the datenoted against their subjects without fail.
As already instructed by the Director of School Education the Headmasters/ Headmistress / Principals should necessarily relieve the teachers of his / her institution who are drafted for valuation work. The H.M.s are also instructed to mention the details in the form enclosed.
In accordance with the instruction issued by the Director of School Education, Chennai– 6 in the proceeding cited (2), as this work is also a part of their duty, the Heads of Institutions are directed to relieve the qualified teachers without fail and the teachers should not be allowed to go on any kind of leave, failing which the salary of the teachers concerned for this period will be withheld and their period of absence will not be regularized besides initiating disciplinary action against them. The Head of the institution is also specifically instructed not to accept the leave applied on Medical Grounds by the teachers with the intention to avoid the Central Valuation Work.
Camp Officer &
Inspector of Anglo Indian Schools,
Camp No.75, Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Mat. HSS,
Chennai – 600 041
Enclosures :
1. Relieving Order Format
Headmaster / Principal,
All Govt. / Aided / Matric Higher Secondary Schools,
Copy submitted to the Director of School Education, Chennai 6 for favour of kind information.
Copy submitted to the Director of Govt. Examinations, Chennai 6 for favour of kind information.
- Name of the School
- Name of the Teacher
- Designation
- Qualification
- Subject handled in 12th STD
- Date of regularization as P.G./Voc. Instr.
- Total years of service as P.G./Voc. Instr.
- Basic Pay + Grade Pay
- Appointed as
C E / S O /A E
- Date of relief
- Venue
- Date to be reported
Certified that the teacher concerned has put in more than two years of experience in the subject for which he has been drafted for valuation.
Certified that the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and as per the
school records and I am aware that I will be held personally responsible for the false information if any found later.
Signature of the Head of the Institution
with the School Seal