Alexander Junior High

2017 Reading Fair


All reading fair boards are due to ELA teachers byWednesday, October 18, 2017.


Reading fair boards are mandatory and will be graded as an ELA test grade.


Follow the Student Guidelines on the Mississippi Department of Education website to create your project. The Student Guidelines include Reading Fair categories, storyboard and digital presentation information, Reading Fair timeline, graphic organizers, and step-by-step guides to each category. Go to

Complete your story board on a book of your choice; the book should be on your grade level.

Boardsize: A standard tri-fold project board that unfolds to be approximately 36” H x 48” W. Boards can be purchased at the AJH library for $3.75. Packages are also available that include the tri-fold board, construction paper, typing paper, glue, and a choice of crayons, markers or colored pencils.

Board Elements

Use the Reading Fair Checklists on the Mississippi Department of Education website to make sure you have all needed project elements. Go to

Items on the project board may be handwritten or typed.

Storyboards should be colorful and interesting. Models, shadowboxes, and illustrations that sit in the middle of the display are allowed. The total project should not exceed the width, depth or height of the Reading Fair 7 standing display board (approximately 36” W x 14” D x 36” H of table space). There cannot be items protruding from the back or top of the board.

Identifying information (name of the student(s), category and division, student’s grade level, homeroom teacher’s name, school and district name) should be labeled on the back of the storyboard. If any identifying information is placed on the front of the storyboard, the project will be disqualified.

Items required on Literary Fiction/Non-fiction Narrative boards include:
  1. Title

  1. Author

  1. Publisher and Publication Date

  1. Plot Summary

  1. Main Characters

  1. Setting

  1. Conflict

  1. Solution or Resolution

  1. Author(s) Study

Items required on Informational Non-fiction Text boards include:
  1. Title

  1. Author

  1. Publisher and Publication Date

  1. Type of Info Text (discussion, report, explanatory, opinion/argument, instructional)

  1. Text Summary (Summarize the text in a written response.)

  1. Graphic organizers (Capture the main/central idea and/ormain points important to the text.)

  1. Student Connections (text-to-self; text-to-text; and/or text-to-world)

  1. Author’s Purpose (Identify the main purpose of thetext (to explain, persuade, describe, entertain, and/or answer a question)

Please see your ELA teacher’s website or the Mississippi Department of Education’s website for specifics on the 2017 Reading Fair.