Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies inUherskéHradiště
Jagiellonian College inToruń
Studentskénáměstí 1531
686 01UherskéHradiště
Study administrator: / Faculty of Administration and Economic Studiesin UherskéHradiště,Jagiellonian College inToruń
Study programme: / Master of Business Administration
Given name(s):
Name at birth:
Phone number:
Date of birth:
Personal number INidentification:
Place of birth:
Address / Street, number:
Post code:
Contactaddress (in case it is different from previous) / Street, number:
Post code:
Highest achieved education / Name of the institution:
Study programme:
Field(s) of study:
Start of the study: / End of the study:
Degree conferred:
Please, sign fulfilled application form for MBA study programme and send a scan of it to e-mail address , or send printed to address:
Fakultaveřejnosprávníchaekonomickýchstudií v UherskémHradišti
VysokáškolaJagiellońská v Toruni
Studentskénáměstí 1531
686 01 UherskéHradiště
Applicant claims, that all given information are valid and he/she didn´t suppressed any relevant information. Applicant is responsible for legitimacy and validity of fulfilled information. Applicant agrees with collection, keeping and processing of given personal information by the Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies in UherskéHradiště, Jagiellonian College in Toruń, Studentskénáměstí 1531, 686 01 UherskéHradiště (Faculty hereafter). This agreement is valid for all information collected in this application form and for time necessary for achievement of purposes related to study initiation and realization. Applicant knows all parts and appendixes of this application form, all given information are valid and comprehensive and are given voluntarily. With respect to § 5 Act 101/2000, Act about personal data protection, are all information given in this application form collected and processed exclusively for purposes of study initialization of applicant, contact with applicant via electronic notifications about study initiation and realization information. Summarized and anonymised information given in this application form can be used by the Faculty for statistical purposes, for internal requirements of the Faculty and for purposes related to duties of the Faculty with respect to the Act about tertiary education institutions. Faculty claims, that it will collect personal information in extent necessary for given purposes achievement and will process personal information exclusively in accord with settled purpose. All persons processing given information are obliged to respect secrecy of personal information. This secrecy is not affected by the end of employment or other related relationship.
Date: Signiture:
Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies inUherskéHradiště,
Jagiellonian College inToruń