Annual Containment Level 2 Laboratory Safety Checklist
(Appendix 8 of Biosafety Program)
To be completed by the Biosafety CommitteeLaboratory Manager Name:
Building and Room Number:
Inspected by:
The following inspection report identifies deficiencies found by the Biosafety Committee. This inspection report is in addition to the annual Local Safety Committee Checklist completed for every University of Regina laboratory.
1.Detailed Biosafety Questionnaire completed(containment level/risk assessment)
2.Health and medical surveillance program in place
3.Risk assessment completed to determine which procedures
what concentrations and volumes necessitate the use of a BSC
4.Documentation of site- and project-specific training kept on file
5.Laboratory follows the appropriate level of biosecurityas outlined in the UR Biosecurity Plan, including training
6.Biological inventory current (<1 year)
7.Emergency procedures posted and legible(fire, spills, injuries, SOPs, BSC failure)
8.PSDS information posted
9.Biosafety Program Manual available
10.CL2 Standard Operating Procedures available
11.Biological Safety Cabinet Procedures available
12.Hands-free washing sinks located near the laboratory exit
(soap and paper towel accessible)
13.Shower available and accessible
14.Eyewash available and accessible
15.CL2 spill kit available and stocked
16.Personnel (visitors, trainees, and others) are required to wearprotective laboratory clothing when entering/working in the
17.Access to laboratory limited to authorized personnel
18.Appropriate CL2 Biohazard Sign on laboratory door
19.Laboratory doors kept closed and locked
20.Record made of other people (emergency responders) entering
facility during an emergency
21.Visitors, maintenance staff, custodial staff and others provided
with training and/or supervision with regards to anticipated
activites in laboratory
22.Procedures in place to ensure that substantial footwear is wornand that legs are covered
23.Procedures in place outling protective laboratory clothing
requirements and decontamination procedures
24.Laboratory coats and gloves available
25.Face shield and eye protection available and in good condition
26.Respirator(s) available
27.Respirator user(s) trained & fit-tested
28.Bench tops and sink areas tidy29.Food and drink absent
30.“No Eating/Drinking/Smoking” signs posted
31.Procedures in place for decontamination of bench tops andsurfaces at end of working day
32.Procedures in place for decontamination of laboratory rooms
and large pieces of equipment
33.Procedures in place for contaminated materials and equipment
to be decontaminated before disposal or removal from laboratory
34.Disinfectants are effective against agents in use and stored in
all areas where agents are used
35.Biological waste containers labelled and secure36.“Biohazardous waste” segregated from general refuse
37.Needles and sharps in “Sharps” container
38.Procedures in place for effective decontamination
(autoclave, disinfectant)
39.BSC certified in accordance with NSF/ANSI 49-2004s: NSF 49Class II (Laminar Flow) Biosafety Cabinetry requirements
40.Laboratory Managers have current BSC certification report on file
Please ensure that a written response and corrections are made by:
Principal Investigator Signature: / Date:Biosafety Officer Signature: / Date:
(Please sign after violations have been acted upon)
UPON CORRECTION OF VIOLATIONS, Pleasesubmit completed form:
by mail to Biosafety Officer, Health, Safety & Environment, Human Resources
or, by e-mail to (Attention: Biosafety Officer)
2012-03 Annual Containment Level 2 Lab Safety Checklist page 1