Farm Name
Current AssetsEnding Balance SheetDate: / / 201Schedule A: Cash, Savings, and Checking
Description / Value / Cash and checking balances as of the
balancesheetdate.Include farm cash, checking accounts, and checks not yet deposited.Farm savings accounts would also be included here.
Schedule B: Prepaid Expenses & Supplies
Description / Quantity / Value / Prepaid expenses and suppliesshould include estimated value of feed, seed, fertilizer, semen, supplies, etc. purchased for use in the following year'sproduction.
These typesof assets areusually valued at their cost.
Schedule C:GrowingCrops
Crop / Acres / Expense item / Total cost / Growingcrops would include new hay seedings, winter andcovercrops for Jan 1stbalancesheets.Include the value of direct
costs such as seed and fertilizer.Only include pasture or hay fields if newly seeded.
Schedule D:AccountsReceivable
Description / Quantity / Value per unit / Value / Accountsreceivable includes $ owed tothe farm but not yet received.For example, the
December final milk checkgoes here. Enter gross incomehere with deductionssuchas
milk hauling and marketing entered in accounts payable (on page19).
Schedule E: Hedging Accounts
Description / Quantity / Value per unit / Value / Hedging accounts includesthe equity in all marginaccounts.This shouldbethe amount of cash received if liquidating all marketing positions andclosing the accounts.
Schedule F: OtherCurrentAssets
Description / Quantity / Value per unit / Value / Othercurrentassets include the value of any current business assets not included elsewhere.
The crop and feed inventoryincludescrops on the farm as of the balancesheetdate that will be sold or used as feed in the comingyear.Futureproduction orpurchases should not be included.Purchased feed stuffs such aspremixes, vitamins, minerals, milkreplacer, etc. should beenteredas prepaid expenses and supplies on Schedule B onpage 13.
Crop and Feed InventoryCrop / Quantity / Unit: bu, ton, cwt / Value
Per Unit / TotalValue / Used as feed? Y/N
CropsUnderGovernment Loan are crops that secure a government CCC loan.
Crops Under Government LoanCrop / Quantity / Loan
Rate / Interest
Rate / Month
Entered / Year
Entered / Market
Per Unit / Value / Loan or income?
Market livestockinclude any animals that are purchased or raised to be sold in the next year (not including cull breedinglivestock).For example, bull calves heldfor sale,steers, growingand finishinghogs, broiler chickens, etc. are market livestock.
Market Livestock / Optional calculationLivestock / Description / Number of head / Average
(pounds) / Value
Per Unit / TotalValue
ReviewdescriptionofBreedingLivestockvaluationonpage5if needed.
Breeding Livestock / Optionalcalculation(The programwill calculate this)
Description / Number of
head / Cost value
per head / Market
Value per head / Total Cost
Value / Total Market
We willstartwith the beginning machinery and equipmentinventory that you already provided.What changed during the year?What was sold, scrapped, traded,purchased, otherwise added to or deleted from the inventory?Indicate anychanges to your inventory here.
Model year and year purchased are not required,but available foryour information if desired.
Machinery and EquipmentDescription / Model
Year / Year
Purchased / Percent
Ownership if not 100% / Cost
Value / Market
Model year and year purchased are not required,but available foryour information if desired.
Titled VehiclesDescription / Model
Year / Year
Purchased / Percent
Ownership if not 100% / Cost
Value / Market
Other IntermediateAssetsincludes all intermediateassets that didnot fit into the previouscategories. Stock on intermediate term FarmCredit/Ag Credit loans could be included here.
Other Intermediate AssetsDescription / Value
If everything is the same as the information you entered for your beginning balancesheet, just write “same” and move on.Indicateany sales, purchases or other changes here:
LandDescription / Acres / Cost Value per Acre / Market
Value per
Acre / Total
Value / Total
Buildings and Improvements
Description / Year
Purchased or Built / Cost
Value / Market
Other Long Term Assets
Description / Quantity / Total Cost Value / Total Market
Current Liabilities are debts due and payable withinone year fromthe date of the balancesheet.
Accounts payableincludes all money owed others for farm expenses, (not including principalpayments.) Include all accounts that are normally paid within 30 dayssuch as feed, utilities, veterinary, etc. as well asany account balances more than 30 days old. Please enter anyfarmcredit cards with balances on the next page.
Accrued expenses include any farm expenses that have been incurred but notyet paid.Examples include property taxes, worker’s compensation premiums, and CAT tax.Sometimes landrent payments are also incurred before they are paid.
The hauling and marketing expenses associated with aDecember final milk check listed as anAccount
Receivableshould be included as accrued expensesaswell as any other milkcheck deductions.
It is importantto identifywhat the amount owed isfor.For example, if $10,000 is owed to the local cooperative, is $10,000 owed for feed, or is $5,000 forfeed and $5,000 for fertilizer used for last year’s crops, or is it owed for fertilizer in the barn for next year's crop that should be listed as a current asset?This information is used tomake accrualadjustmentsto all incomeand expense items for accurateenterprise analysis (andsaves you from calculating the actual amounts of each income and expense item for the year of analysis!).
Accounts Payable and Other Accrued ExpensesPayee / Item (feed, supplies, repairs, etc.) / Amount
Farm creditcards may be paid monthly, or may be used to finance purchases.List all credit cards that have a balance forfarm use as ofthe balance sheet date.
Credit Card Balances – Farm Share OnlyCredit card / Type and amount of charges in balances such as repairs,
feed, supplies, etc. / Interest rate / Balance greater than 30 days / Currentbalance
(30 days or less)
A worksheet for Current, Intermediate and Long Termloans is included in this packet.When you complete the “Loan information for FINAN analysisyear” worksheet, you will have provided all of the loan information needed for your beginning and ending balance sheets aswell as the FINAN business analysis.
Personalassetsandliabilitiesarenotrequiredorrequestedtocompleteyourfarmfinancial analysis.
Ifyouwanttohavepersonalassets,liabilities,andnon-farmincomeincludedinyouranalysisforyour ownpurposes,wewillincludetheinformationyouprovide.Otherwise,leavethissectionblank.
ScheduleV:NonfarmLiabilities / Amount
Loans / Interest
Rate / Principal
Balance / Accrued
Interest / PIPayment / Month
Due / Final
Year / Balance
Ohio State University Extension Supplemental FINAN Input Form. Updated 4/21/2015. Dianne Shoemaker.