Six days of evaluative excavations at North Cliffs, near Gwithianwill be undertaken by CAS in August 2016. The excavations will be split between two flint scatters of Mesolithic date (c 10,000- 4000 cal BC) which are found in the same field. The existing lithic assemblage comprises a large collection of lithics, totalling over 10,000 flints as well as large numbers of bevelled pebbles and stone tools.
There is potential for significant buried Mesolithic features to survive and for datable deposits to be recovered. In particular, quantities of burnt flints and burnt clay suggest that in addition to lithics there is the potential for below-ground archaeology in the form of associated hearths and pits and postholes to survive within the project area. These sites are therefore of national importance, and have the potential to provide the first secure dating from a Mesolithic occupation site in Cornwall.
The excavations will comprise1m square test pits and are designed to confirm the character of the scatter sites and obtain dating information. It is hoped that the excavations will provide contextual information about one of the most important Mesolithic sites in Cornwall.
The project will be led and supervised by experienced archaeologistsand staffed by up to 10 volunteers per day. No previous experience is necessary but volunteers will be expected to commit themselves to undertaking five full days.
The working week will run from Monday to Saturday and will start at 9am and finish at 5pm. Volunteers will be expected to provide their own food and drink and are advised to bring a 3 to 5 inch blade solid forged pointing trowel. These are obtainable from hardware stores or builders merchants.
Volunteers will be advised to wear appropriate clothing, including sturdy or steel toe-capped boots and have sun cream and weather-proof clothing. Volunteers will be discouraged from exposing their skin to the sun for prolonged periods of time.
Any medical conditions should be reported to the CAS site staff and it is essential that all volunteers have undertaken a course of anti-tetanus injections.
Due to the CAS insurance policy and child protection legislation all applicants must be aged between 18 and 76. All will be welcome to visit the site on the prearranged open day.
Bookings should be sent to the CAS Membership Secretary, Cornwall Archaeological Society, C/ORoyal Cornwall Museum, River St, Truro TR1 2SJ: Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
The charge for attending the excavations will be £10 per day. Cheques should be made payable to the Cornwall Archaeological Society.
Name of volunteer…………………………………......
Contact details: name and address…………………………………………………………………..
Next of kin contact details: name and address
Please indicate if you have an interest in finds/sample processing......
Please indicate if you have any special needs that you would like to bring to our attention......