13th Edition
CoshoctonCounty Commissioners
D. Curtis Lee (Chairman of Board)
Dane R. Shryock (Vice Chairman of Board)
Gary L. Fischer
Directory prepared by:
Coshocton County Emergency Management Agency (E.M.A.)
Local Emergency Planning Committee (L.E.P.C.)
Last update:01-11-11
A-1 Vet Care45, 63
Abandoned Underground Mine Locator87
Adams Township25
Adams, Bruce42, 52
Addy, Donna23
Addy, Martin68
Addy, William23
Adelphia Communications36, 69
Adjutant General70
Adult Probation, Coshocton Co.15
Adult Protective Services67
Advertiser, The Coshocton County69
AEP - Conesville Plant36, 56
Affolter, Craig38
Agencies and Contacts, of Coshocton County86
Aging Department, State of Ohio71
Agricultural Research Service44
Agriculture Contact Persons44
Agriculture Department84
Agriculture Department, State of Ohio71
Agriculture, United States Dept. of88
AIDS / HIV / STD Hotline75
AK Steel - Coshocton Works56
Albertson, Rodney23
Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, Bureau of85
Amateur Radio Emergency Service42
Amateur Radio, Coshocton County38
American Electric Power, Conesville Plant36, 56
American Industrial Hygiene Association86
American Red Cross, Coshocton38
American Red Cross, Web Site86
American Society of Safety Engineers, Web Site86
Animal Medical & Surgical Center of Coshocton45, 63
Animal Shelter, Coshocton County18, 63
Annin & Co.56
Ansell Limited56
Appis, William11, 23
Archer, Chief Carl32
Armstrong, John38
Army Corps of Engineers61
Arnold, Tim31
Arson Crime Lab76
Arson Investigator33, 74, 76
Arts Council, Ohio73
Ashcraft, Robert Michael28
Assisted Living68
Attorney General70
Auditor, City of Coshocton21
Auditor, Coshocton County14
Auditor, State of Ohio70
Aultman Hospital65
Autumn Health Care67, 68
Ayers, James15
Bahmer, Dennis51
Bailey, Raymond11, 23
Bailey, Steve Jr.23
Baird Concrete Products56
Baird, J. Nick, M.D.75
Baird, John56
Baker, James20, 52
Bakersville Fire Department31
Balderson, Troy71
Ball, Sue15
Balo, Dennis26
Baltic Fire Department33
Barcroft, Linda48
Barrett, Beth16
Barstow, Jim15
Bartee, Brenda68
Batchelor, Bob15
Beach Company56
Beach, James M.56
Beach, Robert34
Beacon, The Coshocton County69
Beck, Mary11
Beckner, Gerry40
Bedford Township25
Beegan, Ralph43, 52
Beiter, Becky13, 52
Bell, Michael33, 74, 76
Berger, Rick25
Bethesda Hospital66
Bethlehem Grange #175230
Bethlehem Township25
Betts, James80
Bicking, W. Laurence79
Biden, Joseph83
Bird, John78
Blackstone, Kaylene68
Bladensburg Volunteer Fire Department34
Blanchard, Van14
Blizzard, Melvin T.27
Bluck, Richard E.26
Blue Ridge Grange #144830
Boal, Larry G.26
Board of Education, Ohio Department of73
Board of Elections, Coshocton Co.16
Boehner, John71
Bolender, Melanie49
Bonta, Jim44
Border, Richard A., Sr.28
Borman, Mark S.56
Bosch, Brian79
Bowen, Bill26, 32
Bowen, Dr. Peter M.45
Boyer, Hazel50
Bradley, Elizabeth75
Bradshaw, Thomas37
Braniger, Janice30
Bratton, Patty64
Brems, Bob13
Brenneman, Danny18
Brenneman, Tami19
Brown, Cindy79
Brown, D. Cordell49, 51
Brown, Debbie67
Brown, Donald28
Brown, Sherrod83
Bruny, Stuart64, 81
Bryant, Tina40
Buchanan, Garry27
Buchanan, Jackie13
Buckeye Fabric56
Buehrer, Steve81
Bullens, Fred59
Bumpus, William A.28
Burgan, Chief Bill31
Burns, David15
Burrell, Jeff41
Burris, Tony18
BUSTR (Underground Storage Tanks)76
Butcher, Dr. Jere45, 51
Butler, Herman75
Buxton, Sharon30
BWC (Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation)81
BWC’S Division of Safety & Hygiene, Web Site86
C & P Telephone - A Bell Atlantic Company35
Camp Echoing Hills68
Care Facility Complaint Hotline75
Care Star67
Career Center, Coshocton County49
Carlson, Captain Brent38
Carlson, Captain Janice38
Carns, Ron38
Carter, Joe56
Casey, John46
Catherine Darr Clinic45, 63
Cemetery Department, City of Coshocton21
Central Elementary School46
Central Ohio Joint Fire District34
Central Ohio Poison Center66
Central Ohio Technical College49
Century 21 Realty41
Chabot, Dennis61
Chamber of Commerce, Coshocton County16
Chamber of Commerce, West Lafayette24
Channel 10 TV69
Channel 4 TV69
Channel 6 TV69
Chenault, David K.64
Chesnut, Mother68
Child Health Care, Coshocton Co.13
Children's Home Care67
Children's Hospital66
Childress, Evelyn30
Childress, Jim30
Churches Association, Council of39
City Council, 1st Ward20
City Council, 2nd Ward20
City Council, 3rd Ward20
City Council, 4th Ward21
City Council, At Large21
City Council, Clerk21
City Council, Coshocton20
City Council, President (Coshocton)20
City Hall11
City Officials, Coshocton20
Clark Township25
Clark, Suzanne39
Clement, Judy22
Clerk of Courts, Coshocton Co.14
Clifford, J. Patrick34
Clow Water System56
Coakley, Stan25
Coast Guard, U.S.76
Coffman, Robin58
College Park68
College Park / Hartville Homes68
College Park Home Services67
College Twp. Fire Department34
Collins, Jerry23
Columbia Gas of Ohio36
Colvin, Matt48
Combs, Haley19
Commerce Department84
Commerce Department, State of Ohio71
Commissioners, Coshocton County11
Common Pleas Judge15
Communications Commission, Federal85
Communications Department, Coshocton Co.17
Community Planning, Coshocton County86
Conesville Elementary School48
Conesville Fire Department31
Conesville, Village of23
Conner, Helen30
Conrad, Kari44
Consumer Product Safety Commission85
Convention & Visitors Bureau, Coshocton Co.16
Coram Alternative Site Services67
Corder, Jeff31
Corder, Sandy14
Cordes, Tom38, 42
Cores, Steve46
Cornelius, John38
Cornelius, Tricia38
Corns, John18
Coroner, Coshocton County13
Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices43
Coshocton Christian School49
Coshocton City Fire Department31
Coshocton City Utilities36
Coshocton City Waste Water Plant36
Coshocton City Water Treatment Plant37
Coshocton County Airport60
Coshocton County Beacon69
Coshocton County Fire Departments31
Coshocton County Headstart50
Coshocton County Memorial Extended Care Facility 67, 68
Coshocton County Memorial Hospital65
Coshocton Educational Center49
Coshocton Grain56
Coshocton Health & Rehabilitation Center67, 68
Coshocton High School46
Coshocton Industries57
Coshocton Pallet & Door Co.57
Coshocton Tribune69
Coshocton Veterinary Clinic45, 63
Cosmar, Cathy12
Country Roads Home Care67
Courser, Wesley49
Courtright, Jeff52
Covington Square Senior Apartments68
Cox, Steve18, 63
Craftsman at Large41
Crall, Krista19
Cramer, Ken46
Crawford Township25
Crawford, Lt. James52
Croft, W. Neil27
Croft, Wesley27
Crouso, Curt21
Crown, Rhoda56
Cullison, June30
Cullison, Larry S.34
Cummings, Don28
Dam & Waterway Info61
Damage Assessment Team, Coshocton Local41
Darfus, Tod80
Darr, Dr. Catherine A.45, 63
Darr, Jennifer19
Darr, Michael57
Daugherty, Martin30
Davidson, Kathy68
Davis, Brenda23
Davis, Ron11, 23
Davis, Vickie21, 52, 67
Davitt, Norman15
Dawson, Karla50
Debris Management64
Debris Management Resources available82
Debris Management Team, Coshocton County64
Debris Manager, Coshocton Co.64
Deeks, Linnie40
Defense Department84
Deibel, Joan30
Deputy Coroners, Coshocton County13
Derr, Kenneth30
Derr, Teresa30
Desender, Darin15
Development, Ohio Department of71
DeWine, Mike70
Dickson, Eric29
Dieter, Alan62
Dilly, David14, 29
Dilly, Patricia15
Direct TV36
Disease Control, Centers for, Web Site86
Dish Network36
Dobson, Allen25
Doctors Hospital of Stark County65
Dog Warden, Coshocton County18, 63
Donaker, Alan28
Donaker, Janette14
Doughty, Robert W.51
Dovenbarger, Eddie49
Dragani, Nancy81
Dreher, Russell18
Dresden Fire Station32
Drug & Alcohol Counseling43
Duffy, Robert22
Dujanovic, Frank68
Durben, Joanie18
Early Advantage Preschool49
East Holmes Fire Department33
Eastern Knox Co. Joint Fire District34
Echoing Hills68
Education Department84
Education, Ohio Department of72
Edwards, Tom21
Elections Commission, Ohio73
Ellensohn, Beth81
Elliott, James B.51
Elson, Mike36
EMA, Coshocton County12
EMA, Guernsey County40
EMA, Holmes County40
EMA, Knox County40
EMA, Licking County40
EMA, Muskingum County40
EMA, Tuscarawas County40
Ember Complete Care67
Emergency Management Agencies, Neighboring40
Emergency Management Agency, Coshocton Co.12
Emergency Management Agency, Federal85
Emergency Management Agency, State of Ohio76, 81
Emergency Management Agency, State of Ohio Web Site88
Emergency Management Association, Ohio Web Site88
Emergency Medical Service, Ohio73, 80
Emergency Notification Roster11
Emergency Response Hotline75
Emig, Denise23
Employee Assistance Program Hotline75
Employment Relations Board, State of Ohio72
EMS, Coshocton County12
Endlich, David W.25, 57
Endsley, Lola30
Endsley, Tina14
Engineer, Coshocton County13
Engle, Chris79
Ennis Business Forms57
Environmental Protection Agency74, 85
Environmental Protection Agency, Web Site86
Envirothon, ODNR Div.87
EPA Design for the Environment, Web Site86
EPA, Federal Office of85
EPA, of Ohio64, 74, 81
EPA, Ohio Web Site88
Erb, Dan57
Everhart, Lori62
Evin, Teresa30
Excello Fabric Finishers57
Experimental Watershed - Coshocton44
Expositions Commission, Ohio73
Extended Care Facility of Coshocton County67, 68
Extension Agent, OSU63
Extension Office, Coshocton County44, 86
Fabian, Thomas R.27
Fairboard Office, Coshocton County44
Fairfield County Debris Manager64
Fairground, Coshocton County44
Familycare Counseling Center43
Fannin, Jennifer38, 52
Farm Service Agency44
Fauver, Grant46
Federal Bureau of Investigation85
Federal Emergency Management Agency85
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Web Site86
Federal Government83
Federal Office Listing83
Fehrman, Mindy18, 49, 51
Felton, Ronnie33
Fender, Stephanie49
Ferrell, David W.29
Fetters, Robert20
Finton, Paul Jr.23
Finton, Steven44
Fire Academy, Ohio76
Fire Department, City of Coshocton21
Fire Departments, Coshocton County21, 31
Fire Departments, Holmes County33
Fire Departments, Knox County34
Fire Inspection76
Fire Inspector, Coshocton City31
Fire Marshal, State of Ohio33, 74
Fire Prevention76
Fire Protection Association, National Web Site87
Fischer, Gary11
Fischer, Jesse23
Fisher, Randy38, 39, 42
Fitch, Sandy26
Fite, Joseph57
Flood Plain Management41, 61
Fogle, Ralph13
Food and Drug Administration, Web Site86
Fortune, Mark69
Foughty, Nancy15
Fountain Square78
Four Paws Friends63
Four Paws Thrift Store and Pet Adoption Center63
France, Tim20
Frank, Mark21, 52
Franklin Township26
Fredericktown Community Fire District34
Frontier Power Company36, 57
Frontier Propane36, 57
Frontier Supply57
Fry, Chris23
Fry, Paula23
Fuller, Brad21
Funk, Jerry23
Galajda, Mickie46
Game Warden, Coshocton County62, 63
Garber, Curtis A.25
Gates, Sallie R.28
Gault, Daniel30
Gayheart, Terry33
Geese, Marc13, 17
Genesis Home Care67
Gensis Healthcare System66
Gibbs, Bob83
Gibson, Irwin15
Glenmont Fire Department33
Good Samaritan Hospital66
Goodyear, Garth62, 63
Gordon, Mark56
Gossett, Kelly24
Govern, Jodi75
Government Printing Office85
Governor, State of Ohio70
Graham, Camila28
Graham, Daniel L.28
Graham, Debbie65
Grange Contacts, Coshocton County30
Grant Hospital66
Gray, Tom E.61
Grewell, Victor61
Grier, Tom21
Grossman, Steve80
Guernsey County EMA Office40
Guess, Darlene41
Guilliams, John31
Guilliams, Stacy68
Guinther, Mark49
Guzman, Henry80
Gwinn, Dr. Robert13
Hagy, Jerry27
Haines, Tracy18
Hall, Steven L.27
Halt, Tim44
Hamersley, Willa14
Hammond, Gigi52
Hammond, Russell15
Hammons, Myrtle30
Haney, Pleshette40
Hardy, Dan42
Harrah, Cindy L.28
Harris, James57
Harrison, James33
Harry Cleaver Field60
Hart, Gordon27
Hart, Jim64
Hartle, Dale16
Hartmeyer, Bill46
Harvey, Vicki23
Hasseman, Kirby20
Hathaway Construction41
Hathaway, Chuck41
Hawk, Robert61
Hazardous Material Spills, Reporting of12, 76
Hazardous Materials Team, Coshocton Co.31
Hazen, Larry34
HAZMAT Environmental Group, Web Site86
Headstart, Coshocton County50
Headstart, Fresno Site50
Health & Human Services, Federal Dept. of85
Health Care Data & Statistics Hotline75
Health Care Facility Complaint Hotline75
Health Commissioner, City of Coshocton21
Health Commissioner, Coshocton County13
Health Data & Statistics Center Hotline75
Health Department, State of Ohio74
Health Department, State of Ohio, Hotline Numbers75
Health Department, State of Ohio, Radioactive Materials 74
Health Services, Children & Family, Hotline75
Health Statistics Hotline75
Hedrick, Dale25
Helmick, Charles25
Helmick, Ruby25
Help Me Grow, Coshocton County19
Help Me Grow, Ohio Hotline75
Hendricks, Kathy16
Herron, Tracey48
Hess, Brian40
Hicks, Jamie51
Highway Garage, Coshocton County17
Highway Patrol, State12, 76
Highway Safety, Ohio Department of72
Hill, Chester30
Hill, Chief Gaylord32
Hill, Glenn32, 52
Hill, Katie30
Hill, Roger27
Hindel, Susan26
Hiotus, George69
Hire, Dr. David46
HIS Home Care67
Historical Society, Ohio73
Hltzhauer, Frank75
Hobbs, Rhonda67
Hoffman, Greg44
Holmes County Airport60
Holmes County EMA Office33, 40
Holmes County Emergency Management33
Holmes County Fire Departments33
Holmes District #1 Fire Department33
Holmesville Fire Department33
Home Health Agency, Coshocton City21, 67
Home Health Care67
Home Health of Coshocton County67
Hopewell Industries17, 57
Hopewell School17, 48
Horn, Bruce26
Hosfelt-Grogro, Heather19
Hothem, Daniel L.49, 51
Hothem, Randall A.59
House of Representatives, Ohio70
Humane Society, Coshocton County18, 63
Husted, Jon70
Hutchins, Donald C.59
Huxley, Tammy39
Hygiene Association, American Industrial86
Income Tax Department, City of Coshocton22
Industrial Commission, State of Ohio72
Information Resources Management Service, Federal85
Inspector General, State of Ohio72
Insurance Department, State of Ohio72
Insurance Information, Web Site87
Insurance Institute, Ohio Web Site88
Insurance News Network, Web Site87
Insurance, Ohio Department of, Hotline75
Interim Healthcare67
Interior Department84
Jackson Township26
Jackson Township Fire Department32
Jackson, Gordon15
Jacob, Mike44
Jacob's Dwelling Nursing Home68
Jacobs Vanaman Insurance41
Jacobs, Lynn18
Jacobs, Terry80
Jadwin, Jeff40
Janosko, Cathy78
Jason Given14
Jefferson Township26
Job & Family Services, Coshocton Co.18
Job & Family Services, State of Ohio72
Johnson Manufacturing57
Johnson, Caroline38, 52
Johnson, H. Tad49, 51
Johnson, Lisa57
Johnson, Todd46
Johnson, Vicki48
Jones Metal Products57
Jones Zylon57
Jones, Andrew13, 17, 52
Jones, Cheryl L.23
Jones, Steve22
Jones, Tim46
Jones, Vicki49
Jourdan, Wende80
Judge, Common Pleas15
Judge, Municipal20
Judge, Probate15
Justice Department84
Justice, T. J.18
Kadri, David24
Kanuckel, Kyle48
Kapp-Salupo, Deborah49
Karr, Barb14
Karr, C. Ward27
Karr, Carolyn30
Kasich, John70
Keck, Bo40
Keene Elementary School48
Keene Hill Grange #160230
Keene Township26
Keesee, Alan47
Keffer, Wendy13
Kent, D. Edwin23
Killbuck Fire Department33
King, Scott R.56
Kirkpatrick, Sherry21
Kittell, Terry18
Knack, Darci40
Knox County EMA Office40
Knox County Fire Departments34
Kobel, Lt. William52
Kohl, Todd57
Kosko, Debra43
Kraft Foods58
Kris Ringwalt23
Kruggel, Mia13
Krupa, Nicholas61
Labor Department84
Lafayette Pointe67, 68
Lafayette Township26
Lahna, Jill17
Lake Park Recreation Complex62
Lakeville Fire Department33
Lapp, David51
Laughlin, Bob26
LaVigne, Michael17
Law Director, City of Coshocton20
Layman, Jeff18
Layton, Chief Michael21, 31
Leache, Thomas E.27
Lead Poisoning Prevention Hotline75
Learning Garden & Little Lambs Child Care Center50
Lee, D. Curtis11, 29, 52
Lee, Dorothy68
Lee, Kevin56, 57
Legislative Information71
Lenzo, Jody49
LEPC Membership Listing52
LEPC, Coshocton County12
Levengood, Patty40
Libraries, Local55
Library of Congress85
Licking County Debris Manager64
Licking County EMA Office40
Lieutenant Governor, State of Ohio70
Lincoln Elementary School46
Linda White44
Linton Township27
Liquor Control, State of Ohio72
Litter Control, Coshocton, County17
Livestock Environment Prog87
Local Emergency Planning Committee12, 52
Lock, Tonya18
Lombardi, Vincent80
Lombatis, Richard23
Long, Kelly Jo52
Longaberger Company58
Longaberger, Rachel58
Longaberger, Tami58
Longitude and Latitude (Find)87
Long-Term Care Facility Complaint Hotline75
Lonsinger, Steve13
Loos, Jim51
Lopez, Jennifer75
Lowe, Kevin25
Lowery, Bruce28
Lozowski, David D.O..13
Luburgh, Todd28
Lupher, Wesley Todd28
Lusk, Michele23
Lusk, Ronald24
M & W Recycling58
Magness, Elizabeth23
Maintenance Department, Coshocton Co.17
Mainwaring, Barb44
Mandel, Josh70
Manufacturing and Services56
March, Randy31
Mardis, Terry24, 52
Markley, Darla44
Markley, Gia13
Martin, Melissa13
Masloski, Michael47
Mason, Thomas L.27
Massillon Community Hospital65
Maternal Child Health Care13
Mathews, Ellen49
Mathews, Frank51
Mathias, Valerie18
Maurer, Christie24
Mayor, Conesville11
Mayor, Coshocton City11, 20
Mayor, Nellie11
Mayor, Plainfield11
Mayor, Warsaw11
Mayor, West Lafayette11, 24
Mayors, Village11
McClain, Brian C.61
McCoy, Candy28
McCurdy, Beverly30
McCurdy, Lyman25
McGarry, Bobby32
McIntire, Liz25
McVay, Dave22, 36
Medical Board, State of Ohio72
Medicare Balance Billing Complaint Hotline75
Meek, Donnis68
Meeting Rooms - Reserve at Co. Services Building13
Mellor, Dan27
Mellor, Gary33, 40
Mental Health - Critical Incident Stress Debriefing43
Mental Health Services43
Mental Health, State of Ohio72
Mercer, Max28
Mercer, Steve11, 20
Mercy Medical Center65
Merrell, Rick46, 56
Metz, Susan15
Meyer, Randy72
MFM Building Products58
Michael, Jerry61
Michael, Larry21
Millcreek Township27
Miller, Carl61
Miller, Ronald E.56
Miller, Sgt. Erin52
Miller, Stephen52, 65, 68
Mills, Rick53
Milner, Timothy40
Mine Subsidence Insurance, of Ohio88
Mineral Resources, Division Offices78
Minet, Bernie12, 53
Ministerial Association, Coshocton39
Miskimens, Ray T. (Jack)15
Moats, Wendy50
Mohawk Dam61
Mohler, Keith33
Mohr, Gary73
Molitoris, Jolene M.79
Moner, Corey68
Monroe Township27
Montessori Preschool49
Moon, John43
Moore, Joel48
Moore, Nathan29
Moore, Randy29
Morris, Ray58
Mosholder, C. Michael27
Mosholder, Gloria27
Mosier, Christy13
Mosier, Janet14, 15
Motor Vehicles, Ohio Bureau of80
Mount Carmel East66
Mowery, June30
MR / DD, State of Ohio72
Mt. Vernon Fire Department34
Mullett, Jeff58
Municipal Judge, City of Coshocton20
Murray, Sheryl14
Muskingum County EMA Office40
Muskingum Grinding58
Muskingum Valley Education Services Center51
Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District61
Mustine, David72
Myers, Edward16
Myers, Ty25
Nally, Scott74
Nashville Fire Department33
National Gas & Oil Co-Op36
National Guard, Ohio73
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Web Site87
Natural Resources Conservation Service44
Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA NRCS 88
Natural Resources, Ohio Department of72, 77
Natural Resources, Ohio Department Web Site87
Nellie, Village of23
Nelson, Steven K.57
Newcastle Township27
Newcomerstown Fire Department32
News Media69
News Network, Ohio Web Site88
Nicely, Dr. Christy L.45
Niehaus, Tom71
NOAA, Weather Service Web Site87
Noah's Little Ark Christian Preschool50
North Appalachian Experimental Watershed44
Novelty Advertising58
Nowak, Greg65
Nursing Homes68
Obama, Barack83
Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Web Site 87
Occupational Safety and Health, National Web Site87
O'Connor, Mike18
Ohio Central Railroad18
Ohio Department of Transportation37
Ohio EPA – Watershed Outreach88
Ohio Fabricators58
Ohio Regional Development Corp.16
Ohio Senate71
Ohio State University Extension Office44
Ohio State University Medical Center66
Olde Town Realty41
Olinger, Jeff29
Olinger, Jerry48
Olsten Health Services Network67
Orban, Seth19
Organ Donation Hotline75
Organic Technologies58
OSHA, Web Site87
Oster, Steve17, 48, 67
OSU Extension – Find County88
Ott, Mark23
Otterstedt, Jeffrey56
Overholt, Jim26
Oxford Township27
Paint Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept.33
Pappas, Ted59
Parks, Recreation & Wildlife, Coshocton Co.62
Parole Board, Ohio74
Patterson, Doug47
Patterson, Jack11, 15, 24
Paulson, John75
Pearl Valley Cheese House58
Pepper, Larry51
Perry County Debris Manager64
Perry Township28
Pet Adoption Center63
Pets, Livestock & Wildlife63
Pettit, William15
Philipps, Carol64
Phillips, Ron27
Physicians Who Care Hotline75
Pike Township28
Plainfield Grange #132630
Plainfield, Village of23
Plants, Laura39
Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic45, 63
Poison Center, of Central Ohio66
Poison Control Network of Ohio66
Poland, Dr. Jeff45
Polen, Frank48
Pomerene Memorial Hospital65
Pomoma Grange30
Pope, Tammy25
Port Authority, Coshocton City/County18
Port Columbus International Airport60
Porter, Dr. Stephanie45
Porter, Joseph L.34
Porteus, Brent R.51
Porteus, James27
Portman, Rob83
Post Offices, Coshocton County54
Postlewaite, Tim68
Powelson, Chief Lynn31
Prairie Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept.33
Prater, Dru23
Precious Treasures Headstart50
Printing Office, Federal Government85
Probate Judge, Coshocton County15
Progressive Valley Grange #243330
Prosecutor, Coshocton County14
Public Defender, Coshocton Co.15
Public Information Officer, Coshocton County42
Public Information Officer, State of Ohio81
Public Safety, Ohio Department of80
Public Utilities / Works35
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio81
Public Utilities,State of Ohio73
Public Works Commission, Ohio79
PUCO Hotline (Public Utilities Commission of Ohio)81
PUCO Public Utilities Commission of Ohio35, 81
Raach, Rick47
Raber, Robert26
Raber, Tom26
Rabies Information Hotline75
Radio Emergency Associated Communications38
Radon Hotline75
Rail Development Commission, Ohio80
Railroad, Ohio Central18
Rainbow Hills Vineyards59
Ramsini, William75
Randles, Anne18
Randles, William25
Rausch, Patty27
Rausch, Thurman30
Ravenswood Ltd.68
REACT, Coshocton County38
Recorder, Coshocton County14
Recreation Department, City of Coshocton22
Red Cross, Coshocton38
Red Cross, Web Site86
Redmond, Dr. Wendy21
Reed, Kathy53
Reed, Mark78
Regents, Ohio Board of74
Reger, Ike17
Regional Development Corp., Ohio16
Regional Planning Commission, Coshocton Co.16
Rehabilitation Correction, Ohio Department of73
Remington, Carol16
Rentsch, Brian47
Representatives, U.S. House of83, 84
Response Center, National74
Retirement Apartments68
Rice, Greg26
Richard Downing Airport60
Richland Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept.33
Ridenour, John31
Ridgewood High School47
Ridgewood Jr. High School47
Riebesell, John49, 51
Ringwalt, Colleen23
Ringwalt, Dean56
Ringwalt, Kris23
Rinkes, Charles48
River View High School48
River View Jr. High School48
Riverside Tower68
Roberts, Arlene67
Robinette, Ed37
Roderick, Dave26
Rogers, David24
Rogers, Timothy L.12
Roman, Alan56
Roof, Russ23
Rush, John33
S.T.D. Hotline75
Sacred Heart Preschool50
Sacred Heart School49
Safety Coordinator, Coshocton Co.16
Safety Council, National Web Site87
Safety Service Director, City of Coshocton11, 20
Salmans, Todd51
Salmons, Jackie20
Salsberry, Ken64
Salvation Army, Coshocton38
SanCasT, Inc.59
SBC (formerly AMERITECH)35
Scheufler, Dennis33
Schlarb, Tracy26
Schlueter, Bernard75
Schonauer, Doug15
Schonauer, Lorene30
Schonauer, Paul30
Schonauer, Paul M.26
Schonauer, Robin11
School Board Members51
School Board, Coshocton City51
School Board, Ridgewood51
School Board, River View51
Schools, Coshocton County46
Schriber, Alan R.81
Schumaker, James26
Scott, Linda J.23
Secrest, Dan23
Secret Service, United States85
Secretary of State70
Seib, Jordan12
Selders, Charles A.28
Senate President71
Senate, Ohio71
Senators, U. S.83
Seney, James80
Senior Center67
SEORIVIC Home Health67
Seton of Coshocton68
Seventh Day Adventist Church (Warehouse Management Skills)39
Seventh Day Adventist Church, Coshocton39
Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline75
Shaffer Tent59
Shaw, Harold58
Sheriff's Office, Coshocton County12
Shrimplin, Cal25
Shroyer, Dean26
Shroyer, Niki25
Shroyer, Todd12
Shryock, Dane11, 53
Shuck, Francie50
Shurtz, David H.51
Siegel, John L.25
Simmons, Brian16
Simmons, Chief Tom33
Simpson, Robert S.58
Six County, Inc.43
Skelton, Dave46
Skelton, Joseph20
Skinner, Steve81
Skodis, Jo Lyn75
SKYWARN, of Coshocton County39
Smailes, Kenneth53
Small Business Administration85
Smith Farmer, Sue80
Smith, Dale26
Smith, Linda68
Smith, Steve40
Smurfit Stone Container59
Snyder, Chief Michael32
Snyder, Elizabeth40
Soil & Water Conservation District, Coshocton44
Soil and Water Conservation, ODNR Div.87
Soil Survey Information – Coshocton County88
Solano-McQuire, Sandra, M.D.75
Solid & Infectious Waste64
Solid Waste District64
South Lawn Elementary School46
Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center66
Speaker of the House71
Specht, Kevin25
Special Packaging Company59
Speck, Sam77
Spills, Hazardous Material Reporting12, 76
Stalder, Family of58
State Department84
State Fire Marshal33, 74, 76
State Government70
State Highway Patrol, Zanesville12, 76
State Offices70
State Offices Information71
Stenner, Jerry11, 20, 61
Stenner, Mary49
Stevens, Bruce29
Stewart, Jimmy71
Stewart, Ty31
Stimpert, Larry L.34
Stoffer Real Estate41
Stoffer, Jim41
Stoffer, Pat14
Stoffer, Todd47
Stone, Kathy15
Stone, Kerry28
Street Department, City of Coshocton22
Stringfellow, Tom33
Stroup, Donald13
Sturgeon, Jason79
Sturtz, Chris18
Sugarcreek Fire Department33
Sullivan, William37, 79
Swigert, Tiffany16
Tatro, Sharon48
Taxation, State of Ohio73
Taylor, Mary70
Taylor, Thomas W.56
Testa, Joe73
Thomas, Ann40
Thomas, Dave61
Thomas, Gladys23
Thomas, Mary44
Thompson, Michelle75
Thompson, Tom46
Three Rivers Fire District31
Tidrick, Herbert15
Times Reporter69
Timmons, William59
Tiverton Grange #151530
Tiverton Township28
Toler, Bethel60
Township Trustees, Coshocton Co.25
Tramontano, Lynn17, 57
Transportation Agency, Coshocton Co.18
Transportation Department, Federal84
Transportation Department, ODOT XE "O.D.O.T." , District 537
Transportation Department, ODOT, District 579
Transportation Pipeline & Hazardous Materials, Web Site86
Transportation, Ohio Department of73, 79
Transportation, U.S. Department of, Web Site86
Treasurer, City of Coshocton22
Treasurer, Coshocton County14
Treasurer, State of Ohio70
Treasury Department84
Tree Sales, ODNR Div.88
Tri-City Airport60
Tri-County Joint Ambulance District12
Troendly, Steve50
Troyer, Brian D.25
Tucker, Pat38
Tumblin, Deana14
Tumblin, Dennis28
Turner, Susan14, 22
Tuscarawas County EMA Office40
Tuscarawas Township28
Twin City Hospital Home Health Services67
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers61
Uhlig, Rev. Rod39
Union Elementary School48
Union Hospital65
Union Hospital Home Health67
United Way, Coshocton County39
Urgent Care, of Coshocton65
USDA Farm Service Agency44
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service44
USDA NRCS – Ohio88
Utilities, City of Coshocton22, 36
Utilities, Coshocton County16
Van Horn, James T.12, 53, 76
Vanaman, James41
Vance, Sue12, 53
Verizon Wireless35
Veteran's Service Commission15
Veterinarians, of Coshocton County45
Veterinary Contacts63
Villages / Officials, Coshocton County23
Virginia Township28
Virostko, Douglas MD13
Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, V.O.A.D.39
Volunteer Organizations38
Wachtel, Fred13, 17, 41, 61, 64
Walhonding Grange #175130
Walhonding Valley Fire District32
Walker, Jeff40
Wallace, Debra21
Warne, Roger24
Warner, Mike40
Warsaw Elementary School48
Warsaw Police Department24
Warsaw, Village of23
Washington Township29
Waste Water Plant, City of Coshocton36
Waste Water Plant, Warsaw37
Waste Water Plant, West Lafayette37
Waste Water Treatment, City of Coshocton22
Water & Sewer Rotary Commission, Ohio80
Water Department, Billing (City of Coshocton22
Water Development Authority, Ohio (OWDA)80
Water Treatment Plant, City of Coshocton22, 37
Water Treatment Plant, Warsaw37
Water Treatment Plant, West Lafayette37
Water Well Logs, ODNR Div.88
Watercraft, Ohio Division of78
Watershed Outreach, Ohio EPA88
Wayt, Major General Gregory L.70
Wears, Dean L.24
Weather Service, NOAA Web Site87
Weaver Construction41
Weaver, Joe41
Weaver, Thomas57
Web Sites, Miscellaneous86
Webb, Shelly26
Weber, Linda H.15
Weigand, Jim33
Wellness Consultants, Ltd.43
Wells, Don28
Wesney, Debby50
West Holmes Co. Fire District33
West Lafayette Elementary School47
West Lafayette Fire Department32
West Lafayette Police Department24
West Lafayette, Village of24
West Nile Virus Information Hotline75
West, William Jr.53
Westbrook, Mark53, 58
Westhoefer, Mark25
Wheatcraft, Colleen38
Wheatcraft, Steve42
Wherley, Jeff11, 17, 23, 64
Wherley, Patty23
White Eyes Township29
White, Linda44
WHIZ AM-FM Radio69
WIC, Coshocton County14
Wildlife Office, Coshocton County63
Wildlife, Coshocton County Division62
Wiley, David58
Williams, Lisa24
Williamson, Belinda16
Williamson, Cathy27
Wills Creek Dam61
Wilson, Brian32
Wilson, Paul A.27
Wilson, Sandra44
Windsorwood Place68
Winesburg Fire Department33
Wise, Tim38
Wise, Tony38