Soccer Committee Notes
September 2016
Attendance: Lillian, Dave, Karen, Kevin, Rob, Lorelei, Tim, Randy, Rich
Rob - PAGS issue
- Rob played game last Sunday (9/11), passes weren't checked because PAGS doesn't require it and coaches have faith in each other
- at half time half of the players left, parent told him that those players play U14 and secondary U15 - illegal players
- sent email to coach asked for his secondary roster, then emailed PAGS and they didn't really respond to him
- turns out 6 girls weren't on his roster
- Karen sent an email and PAGS responded that AMity didn't have grounds to protest because there wasn't a copy of the roster, PAGS does not seem to want to do anything about it
- Rob did retain the lineup and can show that the 6 girls that played in the game weren't rostered on the team
- Next step is to go to EPYSA
- Actions: Sanctions against the coach and possible overturn of results of the game
Bob Dugans team - looking for secondaries bc he only consistently has 10 players and he plays 9 v 9
- Winters said he talked to all of his parents and they all said "No" - parents were approached and said they were never asked
- at this point rosters are frozen so we can add secondaries to Bob's team
- In the future: Board will tell coach that the board will be directly approaching the coach's parents to ask for secondaries just to make sure it gets done
- board will consult with the coach to see which players may benefit the most or be the best to secondary
Amity Ice Cream Shop - Park Lane
- hanging up jerseys in their shop - someone brought in an Amity jersey
- said if coaches bring their teams in for ice cream then the coaches get free ice cream
- look to do an Amity AC night aSaturdaynight and give us part of the profits
Coaches Meeting - move toSeptember 27th @ 8pmat the pavilion
Trimmer requested by the field crew (Steele)
- Ryan looking into doing the fence job himself after the season is over - let's us have a more flexible schedule
- Will be looking for people to help demo
- repair golf cart tire
- went up to look at the U8/U9 teams - they are doing well and having fun, continue to go up
- pull pictures off the website? yes also download databases since 2014
- Sponsors - take sponsors who pay for boards on field
- registration questions, can do late fees for a certain week
- need staff profiles - team to send to Michelle
- going to add a page for all the volunteer clearances and another page for player releases
- will be able to add field maps and schedules, team pages
- Tell travel/suburban and rec coaches to send me info
- Save pictures off of website/databases
- Cut over byDec 1st
- funds looking good for soccer
- Have spreadsheets showing all the teams and fees brought in vs what is paid out for different things
- Summer camp - $2K
- commit to a date (first week in August?)
- Will work on Field 4 goal nets and practice schedule
- working on trash and recycling schedule
- new goals are on field 1
- converting all nets over to velcro
- asked about build out line - seems to be working fine for the teams
- Suburban and Rec schedules should now be coordinated so that teams don't have to move the rest of season
- Figured out practice fields between suburban and rec
- meeting with 422 complex with organizers to see if we can use their facility for winter camp, they will advertise and register but Amity kids will get a price break
- get banner hung their also
- Amity needs to provide the coaches