2209 General Membership Meeting Notes
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ISD 287 EdMN Local 2209
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Minnetonka Civic Center
- Call to Order - President Mulder called the meeting to order at 4:36pm
- Executive Council Members present: Bruce Mulder, Kari Cardelli, Doug Booth, Lois Lillie, Alisa Anderson
- Negotiators: Doug Booth, Sue Stradtmann, Reetha Kraay,
- Communications: none
- Guests: Vanessa Pulkrabek, Ed MN Field Rep.
- Excused: Mary Neiman, Jonathan C.W. Jones
- Minutes from 4/15/2015 – L. Lillie moves and C. Brose seconds a motion to accept the minutes. Motion carries.
- Minutes from 6/04/2015 - S. Stradtmann moves and B. Moe seconded a motion to accept the minutes. Motion carries.
- Treasurer’s Report – A. Anderson moves acceptance of the 10/14/2014 Treasurer’s Report. B. Moe seconds the motion.
Current Balance as of 10/12/2015
Checking Balance$ 176,877.78
Items of note: Line item 23 additional item includes a fair share employee who was over charged due to a 287 Payroll error. Bruce Mulder and Alisa Anderson explain the budget report to attendees new to general membership meetings.
- Committee Reports
- Membership Report – L. Lillie reports 90 new employees since beginning of the year, 60 of whom are members of 2209. District 287 has 738 total employees. A. Anderson tells attendees how to use the Expense Report and distributed copies of the form.
- Member Rights – D. Booth describe the role of Member Rights advocates, and identifies himself, M. Neiman, B. Mulder and K. Cardelli as Member Rights Advocates. Site reps are not Member Rights Advocates, they forward concerns and requests to D. Booth or one of the other Member Rights Advocates. The purpose of member rights is to guarantee due process. Currently, one institutional grievance continues regarding employees being denied hire for ESY because of their attendance 2014-2015. Vanessa Pulkrabek explains EdMN trainings offered by EdMN, and ways to be involved in the Union.
- Meet and Confer – D. Booth describes this process. The purpose is to discuss non-contractual concerns. An example is the HTC parking issue for 287 employees.
- Communications – J. Jones could not be here today. B. Mulder describes the work J. Jones is doing for the Union. B. Mulder discusses the proposed change to Bylaws regarding the duties of Communications Coordinator and Webmaster.
- New Business
- 6.5 hour student day, current survey – B. Mulder distributes the 6/23/2015 letter given to School Board members and Superintendent Lewandowski explaining 2209 concerns abut the 6.5 hour student day. A. Anderson and D. Booth are currently conducting a survey of member issues on a daily basis. An example of the data collected through the past few weeks follows. Of the 629 nonlicensed staff responses: 30% NEC 25% SEC participated; 87% EAs are getting duty free break; 54% EAs do not get adequate time to team with teachers. EAs report putting in time outside of their day to complete work. 57% EAs feel safe in their environment. Of the 668 licensed staff responses: 30% responses from NEC, SEC 15%, EEC 14% participated; 46% have excess student contact time; 66% get duty free lunch; 43% get some time to prep time; 28% get no prep time; 26% do not feel safe; 54% do not get enough time for teaming.
- Constitution and By-Laws Amendment – D. Booth reads the proposed Bylaw changes to Chapter VIII: Duties of Appointed Positions, duties of Communications Coordinator and Webmaster. D. Booth moves acceptance of language as read. L. Lillie seconds. Discussion ensues. Motion carries.
- School Board report – Superintendent model – B. Mulder and D. Booth distribute the document and discuss the Memorandum presented at the October School Board meeting. The Memorandum describes a new process of “Building a Culture of Leadership Support”. The process makes Administration more visible in 287 school buildings. Discussion ensues about Administration roles and visibility around the 287 sites. WEC has concern over unproductive site meetings. B. Mulder offers Union support with Vanessa Pulkrabek providing trainings after school hours (e.g., how to run productive meetings).
- EdMN Business – V. Pulkrabek – distributes Member Rights Advocacy Training information. A major concern of EdMN is reaching out to young and new members. EdMN is holding “New Member” Union events with the intent of reaching out to members in their first five years of work in the field of education. Vanessa describes EdMN informational programs about student loan debt. Vanessa describes, and offers to come to buildings and provide a 10 minute presentation about EdMN’s loan forgiveness programs for both licensed and non licensed staff. Following the initial presentation, a longer informational meeting will be offered. Vanessa asks site reps to contact her to schedule a meeting. These programs are important for member retention.
- 2015-2016 Committees –
- Constitution and By-Laws review and revision for 2015-2016 – B. Mulder describes.
- Workload-Caseload Committee – D. Booth describes and identifies committee members.
- Alternative Pathways Committee – D. Booth describes and identifies committee members.
- Other –
- Tim Yearneau shares information about the NEA Conference. Racial equity was a focus of presentations. Tim shares detailed information about this issue and several other issues discussed at the NEA Conference.
- C. Brose asks the status of LCAT. It is under revision.
Adjournment – at 6:04 pm without objection. S. Stradmann moves, A. Anderson seconds.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Moore
Laura Moore
Recording Secretary