Parish of St. James the Greater 2015


A Eucharistic Minister professes his/her own belief saying, “The Body of Christ”, “The Blood of Christ.” Called to become more aware of the gift we receive, each one serves respectfully and lovingly. She/he is expected to dress in an appropriate manner, and sits within the assembly.


  • Walk reverently to the sanctuary at the beginning of the Sign of Peace. Stop at the side purify your fingers before taking your place by the altar steps. Take a cross from the cross rack which tells you if you will be a bread or cup minister and also the place where you will stand. Fr. Tom does not get a cross and it is assumed that he will be one of the center bread ministers. However, he sometimes goes to another position. If he takes your position, then you will take his at the center. ***Reminder that no one goes to the handicapped section at the 8:00 Mass and to only take the choir loft crosses when the adult choir is singing.
  • Stand close to the railing by the steps to the altar. (10:00 and 4:30 make 2 rows) Fr. Tom will give the servers the host first, then he will give a EM a host and hand them the plate, they will give the rest of the EM’s communion. Then he will distribute the cups, they will distribute the precious blood to each other and he will hand the rest of the plates. The cantor or choir that is upfront receives first from one of the bread ministers and a couple of the cup ministers. Make sure there is a pyx for the pianist; if not make sure that they get communion.
  • Proceed to your designated communion station.
  • Hold the host up. Look directly at the communicant, with warmth and friendliness. Speak to that person, don’t look beyond him/her or address the air. If you know the person’s name you may wish to use it. (“Jane, the Body of Christ.”)
  • Wait for the AMEN response before placing Jesus in the bread in the hand or on the tongue of the person (allow each the opportunity to indicate the manner of receiving). When placing Jesus in a person’s hand, be firm and do not rush. Hand Jesus in the wine to the communicant. When the cup is returned, carefully wipe the rim with the purificator, turn it a little; look up to welcome the next person.
  • If you drop the host, pick it up and place it immediately on the rail or hold the host until you are finished distributing Communion and then place it on the altar. You may, if you wish, consume the host yourself.
  • If the Precious Blood spills, (we have not had this happen) please cover it up immediately with the purificator and notify the presider as soon as Communion is finished.
  • If your cup empties, place the purificator over the top as a sign to the community.
  • When the Youth or Adult Choir is upstairs, the people with the choir loft crosses goes up to them.
  • The pair by the Tabernacle at 8:00 please take note of any people in the handicap area.
  • If another line is long, help that station before sharing Eucharist with each other.
  • Choir or cantor are served first and will have a pyx for the accompanist. One bread and 2 cup serve them and then take their places for the rest of the assembly to receive.
  • There are a few people who are gluten intolerant. There will be pyx’s for them with the gluten-free hosts. They usually sit on the tabernacle side and the right side (looking out) of the mid-section.
  • As you finish, give the remaining hosts to the adult acolyte. Consume any Precious Blood left in the cup. If for some reason you cannot, give the cup to another Eucharistic Minister or Fr. Tom. All communion ministers return their vessels to the sacristy following Mass so Fr. Tom can do the first purification. When finished, all leave together and bow and return to your pew.
  • After Mass, please return to the sacristy to help clean the vessels. All vessels should be cleaned in hot soapy water in the right section of the sink. Please use a pan for rinsing because the heater only holds 2 gallons of hot water. Father's chalice cannot be immersed.

(Revised May 2015)