Dear Athlete/Parent/Carer,
I am writing to give an update on the current position with refurbishment of Warrington Athletic Club track at Victoria Park.
I have recently attended a meeting with Warrington Borough Council and they have reported that during refurbishment work it has come to light that the track was in a worse state of repair then first envisaged and more extensive repair work is required to enable the club to have a track that will be guaranteed for 10 years.
Unfortunately due to the additional work needing to be carried out, the track will not be back in use until possibly around September.
Following discussion at our committee meeting last night Iwill be organising for our club members to use the grass track at the UniversityAcademy, Insall Road, Padgate for the three evening sessions as follows from August 2013:
Monday – 6 – 8.00pm
Wednesday – 6.00 – 8.00pm
Thursday – 6.00 – 8.00pm
(Coaches will liaise between each other on sessions)
Use of the track session will still be available until Wednesday 31st July 2013 at:-
Sutton Leisure Centre,
Elton Head Road,
St Helens,
6.30 – 8.00pm
As usual, £1 session fees to a club representative apply at the gate at these venues. Please speak to your relevant coach for details for any training venue changes prior to moving to the track in September and always confirm the location for each training session.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Joanie Smythe, Chairperson on 01925 486061 or 07919412485.
Once again on behalf of the committee I would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with these changes and we will keep you posted with progress on the new track.
Please note
Membership fees were due from 1st January. If you have not already paid, please complete the membership form at Membership and gate fees help the club fund such areas as facility rental, training/sports equipment maintenance and purchase, club affiliation (UK Athletics) and insurance, coach/official training, open meetings, team competition entry, social events and all the administration costs of running a club. Current UK Athletics affiliation (funded via the membership) is now required for all athletics, regardless of age, and is also needed in order to compete.
Many thanks
Joanie Smythe