School of Applied Psychology

Griffith University

Queensland 4222

Telephone: +61 (0)7 5678 8524

Facsimile: +61 (0)7 56788056

To whom it may concern,

My name’s Elise Henne. I am a PhD student at Griffith University. My special interest is in “pain” and I have just begun recruiting for participants for a longitudinal study entitled “Predicting the transition to persistent pain – an analysis of risk and resilience factors in the development of persistent pain”.

We need to recruit participants for this large scale project investigating risk and resilience factors (physical, psychological and social) involved in the development of persistent pain following an injury/complaint.

We hope this research will be able to contribute to our understanding of how and why some people develop long-term persistent pain and associated complications such as disability (physical and social) and psychological health issues.

This study assesses medical, psychological and epidemiological factors. It is hoped we can establish which quick and efficient measures are truly important/useful to identifying risk factors in patients early.

So how can you help?

If you agree to assist, we would greatly appreciate if you could forward details about this research project to your members or/and place a notice about it on your website/facebook pages.

So what will participants be asked to do?

Participants can complete the survey online, over the telephone or they can request a paper copy. The survey will take approximately 30-35 minutes to complete, with participants asked to complete a total of 3 surveys – the initial survey, a follow-up at three months and again at six months. Participants will also be asked to provide consent for limited access to their medical records, however this is optional and people can take part in the survey without providing consent.

So what direct benefits will your members receive?

At the conclusion of this research individual clinics/organisations will receive de-identified and group results detailing information about their clients and how they compare to the average across the research population.

More information about the study can be provided should you be interested. We would also be happy to forward the full research proposal for you to read.

For more information please contact or telephone 0438451053.

Elise Henne


Telephone: 0438 451053

Elizabeth Conlon

School of Applied Psychology

Griffith University conducts research in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans. This research has been approved by both the School of Applied Psychology and GriffithUniversity’s Human Research Ethics Committee (PSY/31/14/HREC)