ASCE Orange County Branch

Younger Member Forum


ASCE-Younger Member Forum Board Meeting No. 3
Wednesday December 11th 2013 ~ 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM,
HDR Irvine (3230 El Camino Real, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92602)
Attendees: / Amy Choi / Krista Kausen / x / Andrew Pham
Gidti Ludesirishoti / x / Brett Schickling / Lilian Yuen / Brian Smolke / x
Ravi Shah / x / Brianna Arth / Llanet Gomez / Daniel Kim
Remi Candaele / x / Daniela Malott / x / Marcela Opie / x / Mark Beltran
Roxanne Follis / x / Eric Walker / x / Nestor Godinez / x / Tricia Espinoza
Andrew Easterling / Gyan Sinha / x / Rafael Contreras / x / Mike Dole
Karmel Ongawan / Vienna Gonzales / x
Meeting Minutes

I.Call to Order


II.Introductions / Guests [5 Minutes]

A.Introduce yourself, position in YMF, and your favorite Holiday Tradition.

III.November 11th Meeting Notes (Meeting No. 2) [1 Minute]

B.Approval of minutes.

- Ravi Motions to Approve, KristaSeconds. Approved at 6:45PM


A.President’s Report (Gidti)[2 Minutes] 6:45

-New Board Meeting Agenda Experiment

1.Second attempt, potentially final if it does not work.

2.More detail in Roxanne’s Section

-History Heritage and Student Fellowship Night –November 21st

1.Additional Discussion at University Section.

-2014 New Faces of Engineering OC Nominees

2.Ravi Shah & Kimberly Gee

-Open YMF Positions: Programs Co-Chair, Marketing Chair, Lifetime Member Liaison, Organization Liaisons etc.

B.Vice President’s Report (Remi) [1 Minute] 6:47

-2013 Retreat Survey

-Positive: Brainstorming & Eventbrite training

-Other: Closer location, less presentations and more brainstorming

-New member package - due in January

C.Past President’s Report (Ravi) [3 Minutes] 6:50

-Annual Report –Submitted

1.2013 WRYMC Awards Nominations Update

2.Submitted two nominations for group awards

3.ASCE OC Branch Awards Nominations (Due Wednesday, December 27th)

a.Categories can be found on:

b.Categories added for Younger Members

4.2014 ASCE CYM Awards

5.Due February 1st

-Officer Appreciation Dinner –Tuesday, December 17th 7PM

1.Location: (BJ’s at Marketplace)

2.AI: Ravi to send invite out again

-Gold Stars/Birthdays

D.Treasurer’s Report (Andrew) [2 Minutes] 6:56

-Financial Tracking of Events

1.Make sure to cc the approving board member for the reimbursements

-The YMF Bank of America accounts were charged $30 for dropping below $15K

2.The Bank of America account will be transitioning from a Business Advantage accounts to a Non-Profit account to avoid further billing.

-Please see final page for the YMF Budget

-Review of Current Financial Standing,

1.Profit and Losses for recent events?

-Send any treasury related items to:

E.Secretary’s Report (Roxanne) [1 Minute] 6:58

-Agenda Changes –Second Attempt

-Add board member quotes to website

F.K-12 Outreach Chairs (Brianna/Amy) [1 Minute] 6:59

-Western HS STEM Career Fair (for 9TH graders) –Friday, January 31, 2014 from 8:30am-12:00pm

-Boys and Girls Club Scout Event: On Hold; pending response from contact

G.Community Outreach Chairs (Rafael) [1 Minute] 7:10

-Human Options Family Sponsorship –Holiday Gift Donations

-Toy Drive for all ages.

2.Giving Children Hope ( ASCE members are encouraged to bring an unwrapped toy valued up to $25.

-Corazon Home Building - Recap Article

H.Internal Activities Chair (Nestor) [1 Minute] 6:59

-Joint December General Meeting with OC Branch –Recap Nestor to write article

-January General Meeting –Goathill Tavern, Costa Mesa

I.External Activities Chair (Tracy) [1 Minute] 7:01

-Joint YMF Soccer Tournament (San Diego YMF to Host) –Cancelled due to weather

J.Programs Chair (Gyan) [1 Minute] 7:01

-Recap PM Workshop Article

-Rancho Mission Viejo Development Project Technical Tour (Jan 2014)

-5,000 land development project

-Gyan to set up date

K.University Outreach (Eric/Karmel/Daniela/Vienna) [3 Minutes] 7:03

-OC Branch History and Heritage Student Night Recap

1.Student Chapter Presentations

2.Outstanding Student Chapter Award - Awarded to CSULB

-Budget Meetings complete –Working with Gary to establish more clear roles and responsibilities for Practitioner Advisors tied to budgets

-Trying to define positions of liasion & practitioner advisor

3.AI: Eric to send email about WSCL to student chapters

-Student Chapter Liaison Updates

1.CSULB (Daniela): Finals this coming week!

2.CSUF (Vienna): Finals this coming week!

3.UCI (Karmel): Finals this coming week!

-ASCE OC Student Night on November 21st - Recap

L.Fundraising Chair (Oscar) [1 Minute] 7:10

-Please send ideas for fundraising efforts to Oscar and copy the E-Board.

-ASCE 1st Annual Jog-A-Thon (Josue) –Moved to Spring

M.PE Review (Krista) [1 Minute] 7:13

-Sign up and study schedule for the April 2014 exam are available on by January 1st 2014 to receive maximum 20% discount (if ASCE member).

N.Communications Chair (Llanet) [1 Minute] 7:14

-Reminder: Do not place URLs in the first 200 characters of event.

1.Email Blast formatting gets skewed if it’s a long URL.

-Next E-mail Blasts

1.Will be on a set date every two weeks (Every Monday). 12/16, 12/30, 1/13/14

O.Membership Coordinator (Marcela) [1 Minutes] 7:15

-Reminder: Membership for 2014 is due December 31st

P.Historian’s Report (Daniela Malott) [1 Minute] 7:16

-Send all articles and pictures of events by this Friday December 13th to

-Send articles for the LA Section Newsletter to Daniela.

1.Contact Newsletter Editor - Francisco Aragon with questions.

- Joint Camping Trip - Remi

Q.Webmaster (Lilian) [2 Minutes] 7:17

-Updated PE Review page –classes and exam schedules are posted. Members get 20% off review courses.

-Updated Contacts Page–Need photos from: Tracy Busigny & Marcela Opie.

-Event Guidelines Page

1.Refund policy

2.Professional Conduct

R.ASCE Liaisons [3 Minutes] 7:17

-Legislative Activities (Brett)

1.Legislative luncheon on December 19th - ASCE lobbyist will be attending

-EWRI (Mujahid)

-GI (Taki) - No Updates

-Construction Institute (Amber) - Strategic planning event during WRYMC

-Lifetime Member Forum (OPEN)

-ASCE-Los Angeles Section (Ravi)

1.Meeting in San Luis Obispo Branch on Friday, December 13th

-ASCE-Orange County Branch (Gidti)

2.In discussions to add new YM awards to the OC Branch awards ceremony.

a.Deadline extended to December 27th.

3.Board Meeting

b.Brought up our interest in doing more joint events with our various committees.

c.Discussed OCB Policies and Procedures and how YMF chairs play a role in those. –Further discussion is scheduled to occur.

4.Branch will be donating $500 to YMF to support our attendance at WRYMC 2014. Thank you for all those who responded to let me know they were attending.

5.LMF & H&H Committee needs help with design and overhaul of their pages. If anyone is interested in helping. Let me know after the meeting.

-Other YMF Events

1.SBR YMF University Workshop for CPP

a.Similar to our Resume/Interview workshop.

b.Volunteer list due 1/3/2014 to

c.Flyer to go on eventbrite soon.

-ASCE SEI Institute (Doug)

S.Professional Society Liaisons [1 Minute] 7:22

-Engineers Without Borders (EWB)





-Other Organizations?

V.Discussion 7:22

A.ASCE Liaisons and Professional Society Liaisons [1 Minutes] 7:22

2.LMF - Annual LMF Brunch is scheduled for 3/15. Anyone who can attend it would be very much appreciated.

B.Eboard (Gidti, Remi, Ravi, Andrew, Roxanne) [4 minutes] 7:24

-Retreat 2013 Close-Out: Volunteers Needed to Type up (Gidti)

1.Calendar Update

2.Brainstorming Notes

-WRYMC 2014 (Save the Date) –January 31st–February 1st in Phoenix, AZ (Gidti)

1.Final list of attendees confirmed and tentative:

a.Confirmed: Gidti Remi Ravi Eric Rafa Andrew Gyan Roxanne Brianna Amy Daniela

b.Tentative: Marcela Oscar

c.No Response: Karmel Tracy Krista Brett

-Awards for CYM due by February 1st (Ravi)

a.Collingwood Prize

b.Daniel W. Mead Prize for Younger Members

c.Younger Member Group Award

d.Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award

e.Young Government Civil Engineer of the Year Award

f.Younger Member Group Website of the Year Award

C.K-12 Outreach Chairs (Brianna/Amy) [2 minutes] 7:30

-Outreach Opportunity with STEM class at McFadden Intermediate School (Santa Ana)

2.Two classroom visits in a row (either two times in one week or two Fridays in a row) to do a K-12 presentation & design activity

3.People interested should contact Brianna - Rafa already volunteered

a.Dates will be determined based on volunteers’availability

b.Class time is from 1:50pm -2:40pm

D.Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition (Amy) [1 minutes] 7:33

-Email Blasts have been sent out to local high schools

-Flyers have been created

-Currently, our main focus is fundraising (donations, swag items, increase scholarship money, etc.)

4.Call for volunteers to make calls for fundraiser, contact Gidti for more info

5.OC YMF to help with awards

6.February 16th - Saturday Date at CSUN

-Next PSBC committee meeting will be in January after the holidays

E.Community Outreach Chairs (Rafael) [2 minutes] 7:37

-Potential Items

1.Possible events for next year with:

a. Orange County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OCSPCA)

i.Volunteer opportunities in summer. On Hold.

b.Friends of Colorado Lagoon and/or Los Cerritos Wetlands - Spring

ii. MS Ride

-Please contact Rafael for volunteering ideas and suggestion.

F.Fundraising (Oscar) [1 Minute] 7:42

-Speaker Series –4 Sessions (March - April 2014)

1.Finalize speakers by end of December

2.Presentations over 2 months

3.Bob Bine or Don Sepulveda?

4.Topics: Leadership and Success

a.Keys to a Balanced Life

b.Preserving through Hardships

-Golf Tournament on June 26

G.PE Review (Krista) [0 Minute] 7:50

-No Discussion

H.Internal Activities Chair (Nestor) [2 minutes] 7:51

-December Joint Meeting with Branch

-Potential Items

  1. Archery Event
  2. Joint Hike w/ Branch
  3. Karaoke Night – Postponed to sometime next year
  4. Comedy Night – Improv in Irvine or Brea
  5. YMF Driving Range (Daniela) – March
  6. Upcoming Events

I.External Activities Chair (Tracy) [2 minutes] 7:57

-Joint Mammoth Trip: January 10th to 12th, 2014

1.December 13th Early Registration Deadline - Price goes up after.

a.$130 (tickets not included)

-Joint Event with LA YMF (Daniela) –Clippers Game April 12th

1.Tickets price: Before January 25th $35

2.Before March 1st $40

3.Until April 12th $45

4. To make this a successful event please invite friends and family, We will get to watch the warm ups at 10:30 AM from lodge seats, they are feet away from the court, and we get to watch it for free with the purchase of the ticket.

J.Programs Chair (Gyan) [2 minutes] 8:01

-Combined Event with EWRI or GI (Feb 2014)

-Looking Forward:

1.Combined Event with EWRI or GI (Jan 2014) dates TBD

2.Speaker Series – 4 Sessions (March - April 2014)

3.Gerald Desmond Bridge Project – In contact with Andy Verdin at Shimmick.

-EWRI: Full day seminar with Mujahid sometime in 2014. Details to come.

K.University Outreach (Eric/Karmel/Daniela/Vienna) [2 minutes] 8:03

-Need to start scheduling workshops, when were the workshops planned for on the calendar at retreat?

-Workshops - need help from liaisons & practitioner advisors

3.Four workshops: resume, surveying, presentation, plan reading

4.Half day events on Saturday

5.AI: Roxanne or Gidti to confirm that HDR is okay to host student workshop and joint section meeting

6.AI: Eric to finalize details and advertise to student chapters

VI.Committee Presentation [1 minute] 8:09

A.Begin in January Board Meeting

-Volunteers for first presentation?

7.Eric volunteers for January

8.Nestor February

9.Gyan March

10.Rafa April

11.Mid Year Recap May

B.10 minute presentations

C.Presentation given at every other board meeting

D.Format of presentation can vary based on committee preference



VII.Open Forum/New Business [2 minutes] 8:14

A.January - go back to original format

B.Keep time stamps

C.Make important updates bold or highlighted

D.People can request to move sections up if they have other obligations

VIII.Action Item Recap [2 minutes]

Item No. / ACTION ITEM / DUE / Action Owner: / Decisions/Status/Updates
Ravi to send invite out for Officer Recognition dinner again / 01/15/13 / Ravi / Complete.
Gyan to set up date for land development tour / 01/15/13 / Gyan / On Hold.
Eric to send email about WSCL to student chapters / 01/15/13 / Eric / Complete.
Roxanne or Gidti to confirm that HDR is okay to host student workshop and joint section meeting
- / 01/15/13 / Roxanne / No longer needed.
Eric to finalize details for resume work shop and advertise to student chapters / 01/15/13 / Eric / In Progress.
Corazon Home Building - Article / 01/15/13 / Rafael / In Progress.
Joint December General Meeting with OC Branch – Article / 01/15/13 / Nestor / In Progress.
Recap PM Workshop Article / 01/15/13 / Gyan / In Progress.
Joint Camping Trip -Article / 01/15/13 / Remi / In Progress.


A.Next Meeting: January, 15th, 2013 at 6:00 PM at HDR, Irvine

X.Meeting Adjourned

8:20 PM


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