Ken Dischner Meeting

Tuesday July 12

Rex & Bill

Discussion and Action

1) Service Payments

Invoice was paid at tournament on Sunday by Fran.

Invoice is currently electronically by Pat, but payment is several days to a week later.

The new procedure is a problem for Ken as he has immediate costs such as truck rental, helpers, etc. Ken requested that at least a partial payment be made by Sunday. Bill agreed to check on this with Pat.

Suggested payment $1,500 ( $2000 Palm Springs).

Consider this:

Delivery on Sunday Make the partial electronic payment on Monday

Pick Up following Sunday Pay the balance within a couple of days.

2) Table cloths

Ken asked about delivery needs for table cloths.

It was agreed that

a) Delivery is by tournament manager request only at Riverside, San Diego, Orange County and Ventura. Use at these tournaments is optional

b) Delivery to Palm Springs is automatic and mandatory as the old tables are needed at this tournament.

3) Timers

Ken has not had the timers for several tournaments and asked if the timers and tripods should be dropped from his inventory list. The directors have been packing them up for some time.

Bill will confirm with Betty. If this is the case the items will be removed from Ken’s inventory.

Ken only had 2 and Betty’s staff brought 2 more.

Actually it is a reasonable possibility that the ACBL buys and owns them rather than the Districts jointly.

4) Bidding Boxes

a) Ken commented that the boxes are sometimes just dumped into the containers rather than packed in an orderly fashion.

Bill acknowledged that this is a caddie problem and will follow up with the Tournament Managers. Rex will clarify the caddie responsibilities in the Tournament Handbook.

b) Ken suggested that district specify bidding box requirements by container number as each box holds the same number rather than number of boxes.

Example - 6 containers - 10 containers etc. He brings containers. He doesn’t count boxes.

1) Ken will provide the number of boxes in a container.

2) The district will modify the inventory request form.

c) Add a container labeled “Incomplete Boxes”

1) Ken will provide a container labeled “Incomplete Boxes”

2) Caddies will place bad boxes in this container and not put them in with good boxes. This will facilitate bidding box maintenance.

3) District will review as needed to repair or replace incomplete or damaged boxes. Suggest that this is done prior to Palm Springs because all the bidding boxes are need for that tournament.

5) Pencils and pencil sharpeners


a) Pencil sharpeners are frequently not returned when delivered

b) Pencils - number of pencils delivered is some time insufficient. But when

additional pencils are purchased by the Tournament Manager, the cost is always deducted from Ken’s invoice, but the pencils are not packed up at the end of tournament.

Ken has no problems with providing these items and will continue to do so. The district needs to be more responsive in returning these items. The caddies need to make sure they are packed up at tournament take down.

Bill will follow up with tournament Mangers.

Rex will clarify the caddie responsibilities in the handbook.


The district specifies the number of tables to deliver. Ken multiplies tables order by 1.5 or 2.0 or whatever and provides pencils using this as a estimate.

District should decide on the multiply.

6) Misc take down - caddie responsibilities - procedural issues/training

a) Table Markers are sometimes returned in split sets.

Example Section D table markers - table 1-17

The director has a nine table section. Markers 1-9 nine are used. When play is finished, there may be two separate sets - 1-9 and 10-17.

Should be combined into 1 set - 1-17 (and in order).

b) Board Sets - teams and KO’s

Board sets not always packed in order.

Bill will follow up with tournament Mangers.

Rex will clarify the caddie responsibilities in the handbook.

7) Cart Availability at delivery and pick up

Hotel or convention center needs to provide 4 carts at the loading dock area.

Bill will follow up with tournament Mangers.

Rex will clarify in the handbook.

8) Computer Paper

The computer printers are supplied by the ACBL.

Computer paper is currently ordered by Ken and drop shipped to the tournament site. I raised the question of who should order and pay?

If the ACBL buys there own paper then the District saves 480 dollars per year (about 5 cents per table).

If the ACBL charges the district then the district doesn’t care if Ken orders it or the ACBL orders it. It is a matter for Ken and Betty to agree on.

I don’t know what the other districts do or if it is ACBL policy that the district buys it.

It may not be worth worrying about. It’s the District’s call.